Ramusella (Insculptoppia) lunata, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2007

Mahunka, S. & Mahunka-Papp, L., 2007, Taxonomical And Faunistical Studies On Oribatids Collected In Kenya (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (1), pp. 51-74 : 66-68

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585708



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scientific name

Ramusella (Insculptoppia) lunata

sp. nov.

Ramusella (Insculptoppia) lunata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 28–30 View Figs 28–30 )

Diagnosis – Rostral apex conical, rostral setae arising on the median surface of the rostrum. Lamellar and translamelar lines distinct, well observable. Three pairs of interlamellar maculae present. Sesillus pectinate. Nine pairs of notogastral setae and a pair of alveoli on the notogaster. Epimeral region with well developed apodemes and borders. Sejugal borders with a pair of crescentiform structures. Genitoanal setal formula typical for the genus.

Material examined: Holotype: Kenya, Nairobi: 04.08.2005. Leg. CS . CSUZDI . 1 paratype from the same sample. Holotype (1694-HO-2005) and 1 paratype 1694-PO-2005): HNHM .

Measurements: Length of body: 345–357 µm, width of body: 186–192 µm.

Prodorsum: Rostral apex wide basally, conical anteriorly. Insertion of the rostral setae located medially, comparatively far from each other and far from the lateral margin of the rostral margin. They curved inwards and distinctly pilose. Behind them a fine, convex transversal line present. In front of the lamellar setae a transversal line (near costula) with two longitudinal laths ( Fig. 28 View Figs 28–30 ). A pair of longitdinal laths also present, independently of them. Three pairs of interbothridial maculae and behind them a transversal line with a pair of hollows present. Bothridial cup well sclerotised, with basal protuberance. Sensillus pectinate, medially slightly dilated, with 7–8 branches. Among them 3–4 median ones much longer than the others.

Notogaster: Wide, roundish. Nine pairs comparatively long notogastral setae and one pair of alveoli of setae c 2 present. No essential difference among the setae, all slightly, but distinctly pilose.

Lateral part of podosoma: Exobothridial region well granulate ( Fig. 30 View Figs 28–30 ). Ratio of the prodorsal setae: ro> in> ex> le. Pedotecta 1 roundish, small. Exobothridial setae arising on a distinct tubercle.

Ventral regions ( Fig. 29 View Figs 28–30 ): All apodemes and epimeral borders well developed, composing a network. The surface with weak polygonate pattern. Discidium sharply pointed. Sejugal apodemes with a characteristic, well sclerotised structure. All setae on the ventral surface simple and short. Anogenital setal formula: 5–1–2–3. Lyrifissures iad in adanal, setae ad 1 in postanal position.

Remarks – The new species belongs to the “ peregovitsi ” group, characterisable by the pectinate sensillus, the medially located, inwards bent rostral setae and the distinct costula-like lines on the prodorsum. It stands nearest to Ramusella (Insculptoppia) peregovitsi, however the latter has much longer branches on its sensillus and much shorter notogastral setae. The tubercles on the sejugal borders also different.

Etymology – Named after the crescentiform, large tubercles on the sejugal borders.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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