Cryptolarynx san Haran, 2023

Haran, Julien M., Marvaldi, Adriana E., Benoit, Laure, Oberlander, Kenneth, Stals, Riaan & Oberprieler, Rolf G., 2023, Revision of the enigmatic South African Cryptolaryngini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), with description of a new genus and twenty-two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 877 (1), pp. 1-89 : 59-60

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Felipe (2023-07-03 14:47:15, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 12:33:58)

scientific name

Cryptolarynx san Haran

sp. nov.

22. Cryptolarynx san Haran sp. nov.

Figs 1V View Fig , 2V View Fig , 3V View Fig , 4V View Fig , 5V View Fig , 7L View Fig

Differential diagnosis

This species is most similar to C. luteipennis sp. nov. but distinguishable by the setae on ventrite 2 of the male (bifid from the base in C. san sp. nov.; entire or only bifid near apex in C. luteipennis ). The shape of the body of the penis and the conformation of the apical setae on the parameroid lobes are also different between these species ( Fig. 2V View Fig ). Uncorrected genetic distances between them were found to be 16.3% for COI and between 3.5% and 4.1 % for EF1.


This species is dedicated to the San people, the first inhabitants of southern Africa. This hunter-gatherer people left important traces of their activities (debris of bones, shells) on the coasts of the Western Cape province. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition.

Material examined

Holotype REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • ♂; “REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. Western Cape Province, [ Jacobs Bay ,] Bokpunt. 21.ix.2018. J. Haran leg.” “ 33.522° S 18.324° E. at base of Oxalis luteola . JHAR01514_0101. Cirad-CBGP coll.” “Holotype. Cryptolarynx san . Haran 2023”; SAMC. GoogleMaps

Paratypes REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Western Cape • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; at base of Oxalis cf. hirta ; JHAR01515; SAMC GoogleMaps 7 specs (preserved in ethanol); same collection data as for preceding; CBGP GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 2 specs; West Coast National Park , near southern entrance; 33.243° S, 18.204° E; 27 Jul. 2019; J. Haran leg.; near Oxalis obtusa ; JHAR02484; CBGP GoogleMaps .

Description (♂)

MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.7–3.6 mm.

COLOUR AND VESTITURE. Body integument black, antennae, tibiae and tarsi reddish. Dorsal vestiture (pronotum + elytra) consisting of overlapping, recumbent, parallel-sided clothing scales, 2–3× as long as wide, truncate at apex; colour of scales black, pale brown or white; black scales forming a medial longitudinal stripe over pronotum and on basal half of elytral interstriae 1–3; pale brown and white scales concentrated laterally on pronotum and on elytra laterally from interstriae 4; white scales forming a pair of pale spots on elytral interstriae 2–3 at apical ¾ of elytral length, these spots sometimes contiguous, confluent and merged with pale areas laterally; scales of striae recumbent, in lateral view not distinct from rest of vestiture.

HEAD. Forehead wide, distinctly wider than epifrons near antennal insertions, scales suberect, almost concealing integument. Eyes convex, in dorsal view slightly exceeding outline of head, surrounded by a ring of short pale scales, on forehead directed towards occiput; distance between eye and scrobe smaller than width of antennal club. Epifrons with distance between antennal insertions 0.33 × length of scape, scales in middle of epifrons at least 2× as long as wide, recumbent, non-contiguous. Frons with 3 pairs of long erect lateral setae. Epistome without median seta. Antennal funicles with segment 1 elongate, 2× as long as wide; 2 slightly shorter; 2 and 4 compressed, slightly angular on inside; 5–7 globular, isodiametric.

PRONOTUM. Transverse (W:L ratio 1.35), widest near midlength, sides arcuate; width of apex 0.67 × width of base.

ELYTRA. Broadly ovate or globular, isodiametric (W:L ratio 1), sides convex, widest anteriorly of midlength.

LEGS. Tibiae with apical mucro; protibiae with outer margin straight, inner margin bisinuate; metatibiae with inner setal fringe, setae shorter than segment 5 of metatarsus. Tarsi with segment 2 of protarsus transverse, of meso- and metatarsus isodiametric.

ABDOMEN. Ventrites with creamy-white plumose scales almost concealing integument, scales on ventrites 2–5 medially intermixed with long suberect setae, each mostly bifid apically; ventrite 1 slightly concave medially, devoid of scales; ventrite 5 almost devoid of scales except for a few scales along lateral margins.

TERMINALIA. Body of penis elongate (W:L ratio 0.35), as long as temones, sides subparallel, slightly divergent from base to apex, strongly converging at apex; curvature in profile weak and regular, dorsoventrally narrowed at apex. Copulatory sclerite weakly sclerotised or not discerned in examined specimens. Parameroid lobes separate, divided by modest median notch, each lobe bearing a series of setae directed apicad, longer medially, longest setae shorter than depth of median notch. Spiculum gastrale with basal arms moderately and regularly curved, each arm bearing a wide cuticular expansion.

Sexual dimorphism

The sexes can be distinguished by the elytra (longer in females) and by the centre of ventrite 1 (lacking long deeply divided setae in females).

Life history

Adults of C. san sp. nov. were collected in the vicinity of stands of various species of Oxalis ( O. obtusa , O. luteola and O. hirta L.), but the exact host plant could not be confirmed. Specimens were collected in July and September. The scales on the elytra can be white or pale brown, and their colour corresponds well with that of the soil where particular specimens were found. Compared with the other species of the genus, the adults of C. san can move very fast on the ground.


The species occurs at various locations of the West Coast, in Bokpunt and near the West Coast National Park ( Fig. 13 View Fig ).

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Fig. 1 (Part I) (next page). Habitus of males of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966 (dorsal view). A. C. vitis (Marshall, 1957). B. C. subglaber Haran sp. nov. C. C. squamulatus Haran sp. nov. D. C. muellerae Haran sp. nov. E. C. hirtulus Haran sp. nov. F. C. robustus Haran sp. nov. G. C. namaquanus Haran sp. nov. H. C. carinatus Haran sp. nov. I. C. variabilis Haran sp. nov. J. C. estriatus (Marshall, 1957). K. C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. L. C. pilipes Haran sp. nov. Not to scale.

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Fig. 2 (Part I) (next page). Male genitalia of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966. Penis in dorsal and lateral view (left), tegmen in dorsal view (middle) and details of apex of a parameroid lobe and spiculum gastrale in dorsal view (right). A. C. vitis (Marshall, 1957). B. C. subglaber Haran sp. nov. C. C. squamulatus Haran sp. nov. D. C. muellerae Haran sp. nov. E. C. hirtulus Haran sp. nov. F. C. robustus Haran sp. nov. G. C. namaquanus Haran sp. nov. H. C. carinatus Haran sp. nov. I. C. variabilis Haran sp. nov. J. C. estriatus (Marshall, 1957). K. C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. L. C. pilipes Haran sp. nov. Not to scale.

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Fig. 3 (Part I) (next page). Habitus of males of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966 (lateral view). A. C. vitis (Marshall, 1957). B. C. subglaber Haran sp. nov. C. C. squamulatus Haran sp. nov. D. C. muellerae Haran sp. nov. E. C. hirtulus Haran sp. nov. F. C. robustus Haran sp. nov. G. C. namaquanus Haran sp. nov. H. C. carinatus Haran sp. nov. I. C. variabilis Haran sp. nov. J. C. estriatus (Marshall, 1957). K. C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. L. C. pilipes Haran sp. nov. Not to scale.

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Fig. 4 (Part I) (next page). Head of males of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966. A. C. vitis (Marshall, 1957). B. C. subglaber Haran sp. nov. C. C. squamulatus Haran sp. nov. D. C. muellerae Haran sp. nov. E. C. hirtulus Haran sp. nov. F. C. robustus Haran sp. nov. G. C. namaquanus Haran sp. nov. H. C. carinatus Haran sp. nov. I. C. variabilis Haran sp. nov. J. C. estriatus (Marshall, 1957). K. C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. L. C. pilipes Haran sp. nov. Not to scale.

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Fig. 5 (Part I). Ventrites of males of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966. A. C. vitis (Marshall, 1957). B. C. subglaber Haran sp. nov. C. C. squamulatus Haran sp. nov. D. C. muellerae Haran sp. nov. E. C. hirtulus Haran sp. nov. F. C. robustus Haran sp. nov. G. C. namaquanus Haran sp. nov. H. C. carinatus Haran sp. nov. I. C. variabilis Haran sp. nov. J. C. estriatus (Marshall, 1957), with details of a cuticular carina (white arrows). K. C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. L. C. pilipes Haran sp. nov. Not to scale.

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Fig. 7 (previous page). Habitus in natura, host plants and biotopes of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966 Cryptolarynx and Hadrocryptolarynx Haran gen. nov. (part 2). A. Habitus of C. oberprieleri Haran sp. nov. on and at base of Oxalis glabra Thunb., Stellenbosch (JHAR01201). B. Patch of O. glabra, biotope of C. oberprieleri Haran sp. nov., Stellenbosch (JHAR01485). C. Burnt area near Montagu with patches of Oxalis pes-caprae L. resprouting; biotope of C. pyrophilus Haran sp. nov. (JHAR01528). D–F. Habitus, Oxalis cf. odorata J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, host and biotope of C. spinicornis Haran sp. nov., Sutherland (JHAR02512). G. Habitus of C. marshalli Haran sp. nov., near Worcester (JHAR02355). H. Oxalis imbricata Eckl. & Zeyh., hosting adults of C. marshalli Haran sp. nov., near Worcester. I. Shale Renosterveld vegetation type on hillsides at Worcester, biotope of C. marshalli Haran sp. nov. (JHAR02355). J. Habitus of C. oberlanderi Haran sp. nov., near Worcester (JHAR02353). K. Oxalis depressa Eckl. & Zeyh., hosting adults of C. oberlanderi Haran sp. nov., near Worcester. L. Habitus of C. san Haran sp. nov., Langebaan Dune Strandveld vegetation type near West Coast National Park (JHAR02484). M. Habitus of male of Hadrocryptolarynx major Haran gen. et sp. nov., Klawer (JHAR02464). N. Habitus of female of Hadrocryptolarynx major Haran gen. et sp. nov., Klawer. O. Gallery formed by Hadrocryptolarynx major Haran gen. et sp. nov. under a leaf of Amaryllidaceae J.St.-Hil. P. Vanrhynsdorp Gannabosveld vegetation type near Vanrhynsdorp, biotope of Hadrocryptolarynx major Haran gen. et sp. nov.

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Fig. 13. Distribution maps of species of Cryptolarynx Van Schalkwyk, 1966 and Hadrocryptolarynx Haran gen. nov.


Iziko Museums of Cape Town