Marojejy, Cumberlidge & Boyko & Harvey, 2002

Cumberlidge, Neil, Boyko, Christopher B. & Harvey, Alan W., 2002, A new genus and species of freshwater crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Potamoidea) from northern Madagascar, and a second new species associated with Pandanus leaf axils, Journal of Natural History 36 (1), pp. 65-77 : 66-67

publication ID 10.1080/00222930010003800


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Marojejy n. gen.

Type species. Marojejy longimerus new species.

Diagnosis. Anterolateral regions of carapace granular, exorbital, epibranchial teeth low, blunt; front wide, moderately deēxed; eyestalk tapering distally, cornea very reduced; terminal segment of mandibular palp bilobed, with medium sized anterior process, approximately 0.5 length of terminal segment; third maxilliped exopod with short ¯agellum; merus, carpus, propodus of both chelipeds extremely elongated, ratio total length of chelipeds (from ischium to dactylus) to cw 2.7 (right), 2.3 (left); walking legs long, slender.

Etymology. Marojejy is a masculine noun derived from the name of the ReÂserve Naturelle InteÂgrale de Marojejy , a forested mountain range in the north-eastern region of Madagascar.

Remarks. Marojejy can be distinguished from the four other genera of Madagascan freshwater crabs ( Hydrothelphusa A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 ; Gecarcinautes Bott, 1960 ; Madagapotamon Bott, 1965 , and Skelosophusa Ng and Takeda, 1994 ) by its tapering eyestalks with reduced corneas and by the extremely elongated merus of the cheliped. In addition, Gecarcinautes can be distinguished from Marojejy by its relatively large and pointed exorbital and epibranchial teeth, the conspicuously toothed anterolateral carapace margins, and the narrow, sharply deēxed front. Madagapotamon can be distinguished from Marojejy by the absence of an anterior process on the terminal segment of the mandibular palp, and by the vestigial ¯agellum on the exopod of the third maxilliped. Skelosophusa can be distinguished from Marojejy by the small, ledge-like anterior process of the terminal segment of the mandibular palp. Finally, Hydrothelphusa can be distinguished from Marojejy by its relatively short and stout walking legs.

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