Balnibarbi erugata Fortey, 1974

Hopkins, Melanie J., 2019, Phylogenetic analysis and revision of the trilobite subfamily Balnibarbiinae (Olenidae), American Museum Novitates 2019 (3928), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/3928.1

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scientific name

Balnibarbi erugata Fortey, 1974


Balnibarbi erugata Fortey, 1974 View in CoL

Figure 2 View FIGURE 2

TYPE SUBSPECIES: Balnibarbi erugata erugata Fortey, 1974 .

TYPE LOCALITY: Profilstranda, Olenidsletta Member, Valhallfonna Formation, Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen, Svalbard.

SUBSPECIES: Balnibarbi erugata erugata Fortey, 1974 , Balnibarbi erugata sombrero ( Fortey, 1974) .

EMENDED DIAGNOSIS: Balnibarbi species with long (sag.) anterior border rounded on midline. Anterior border with 25–30 pits; pits expressed only on internal mold. Glabella rounded anteriorly; preglabellar field broad. Palpebral lobes long, with anterior end forward of 2p and posterior end at occipital furrow. Moderately large pygidium with four axial rings.

DISCUSSION: In both subspecies, distinct pits are visible only on the internal mold of the anterior border furrow (fig. 2E, F). In this case (where the pit is not expressed on the dorsal surface), this trait may be better described as a series of “protuberances” on the ventral surface that form pits on the internal mold. These protuberances meet nodes on the doublure of the librigena beneath the anterior border of the cranidium (see Fortey, 1974: pl. 5, fig. 10). On other Balnibarbi species , the structures are visible on the anterior border (e.g., Balnibarbi pulvurea , see Fortey, 1974: pl. 1, fig. 4), and more in keeping with the idea of a “pit.”

The holotype of Balnibarbi erugata erugata is almost completely exfoliated (fig. 2A), but specimens that otherwise fit the diagnosis (including some listed by Fortey, 1974) show very fine granulation across the glabella (fig. 2D), in the posterior border furrow (fig. 2C), and more rarely preserved on the frontal area (fig. 2B). Terrace lines are evident on the border of the holotype (fig. 2A) and some better-preserved specimens (fig. 2B). Fortey (1974) differentiated Balnibarbi erugata and Balnibarbi sombrero based on the length (sag.) of the preglabellar field relative to the glabella. The type and figured specimens of B. sombrero do have a larger preglabellar field (fig. 3), and there is no granulation visible on the external surface where preserved. However, some specimens that have fine granulation













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