Hyperplatys pacangensis, Nascimento, 2018

Nascimento, Francisco E. De L., 2018, New species, identification keys and notes on Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Neotropical region, Zootaxa 4457 (2), pp. 315-324 : 319-320

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Hyperplatys pacangensis

sp. nov.

Hyperplatys pacangensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 5–8 View FIGURES 1–8. 1–4 ).

Description, male. Integument mostly brownish; head slightly lighter on gulamentum, and slightly darker behind upper eye lobes; mouthparts (except mandibles) yellowish; mandibles darkened on inner side. Scape brownish, gradually darker from middle toward apex; antennomeres III–VI dark brown on apex; VII gradually darker from middle toward apex; remaining flagellomeres entirely dark brown (missing X–XI). Prothorax brownish, with two longitudinally elliptical dark brown areas on pronotal disc. Mesoventrite slightly dark brown posteriorly to the mesocoxal cavities; metaventrite dark brown except triangle-shaped lighter brown area starting posteriorly to the metaventral process and widened posteriorly toward metacoxal cavities. Elytra mostly brownish, darker on lateral carinae and punctures. Legs: coxae mostly dark brown, lighter ventrally; profemora dark brown, lighter ventrally; mesofemora mostly brownish, gradually darker on claves; metafemora mostly light brown except darker brown proximal quarter and distal third; tibiae mostly brownish, darkened on about distal third; tarsomeres I brownish, darkened distally; II–III dark brown; V brownish, darkened distally. Abdominal ventrite I dark brown behind metacoxal cavities; remaining ventrites brownish.

Head. Frons wider than long, flattened, with moderately abundant pale pubescence, not obscuring integument; surface densely microsculptured; antennal tubercles slightly elevated, gradually flattened toward apex. Lower eye lobes about 2.5 times genal length. Genae finely, transversely striated, apex rounded. Clypeus smooth and glabrous. Labrum with yellowish pubescence, denser at apex; with transverse row of erect elongated dark-brown setae. Mandibles slightly curved externally, triangularly depressed basally; with dense yellowish pubescence on depression. Labial and maxillary palpomere IV fusiform. Area of connection between lower and upper eye lobes narrowed; upper eye lobes with ten rows of ommatidia; distance between upper eye lobes equal to about five rows of ommatidia. Antennae reaching elytral apex at apex of antennomere V. Scape gradually widened toward apex, slightly depressed at inner distal quarter; with thick dark setae on depression; remaining areas with sparse pale pubescence evenly distributed. Pedicel and antennomeres III–V with small, blackened thick setae on inner side, sparsely distributed on IV–V; remaining antennomeres with pale pubescence not obscuring integument, with erect elongated pale setae interspersed. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.10; pedicel =0.10; IV = 1.00; V = 0.98; VI = 0.94; VII = 0.94; VIII =1.00; IX =1.10, remaining antenomeres missing.

Thorax. Prothorax about 1.5 times wider than long; parallel-sided; posterior third with acuminate tubercles projected backward. Pronotum flattened; surface coarsely, sparsely punctate, punctures denser at posterior third; surface with moderately abundant pale pubescence; disc with two elliptical, contiguous areas with brownish pubescence. Prosternum scarcely pubescent; prosternal process about 1/4 procoxal cavity diameter. Procoxal cavity closed behind. Mesoventrite scarcely pubescent. Metaventrite scarcely pubescent with triangle-shaped, moderately abundant pale pubescent. Mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, and metanepisternum with dense pale pubescence nearly obscuring integument; mesoventral process about 1/4 mesocoxal cavity diameter. Scutellum about 1.5 times wider than long, with dense pale pubescence obscuring integument; rounded posteriorly. Elytra. About 3.9 times prothoracic length; parallel-sided; convergent at posterior quarter; apex transversely truncate, triangularly projected at outer angle; sides strongly carinate from humeral angles, reaching posterior third; posterior third longitudinally sulcate along suture; anterior quarter abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures sparser toward apex; posterior quarter finely, sparsely punctate. General pubescence yellowish-white, nearly obscuring integument, interspersed with sparse circular yellowish-brown spots; distal quarter with transverse band with sparse yellowishbrown pubescence (inner margin rounded), laterally connected to longitudinal band with same pubescence that reaches outer projection. Legs. Coxae moderately densely pubescent; femora strongly pedunculate and clavate, with moderate densely pale pubescence; profemoral peduncle 0.1times profemoral length; mesofemoral peduncle 0.4 times mesofemoral length; metafemora slightly less clavate, peduncle about half metafemoral length. Tibiae with moderately densely pale pubescence, with erect, elongate dark setae interspersed; with dark bristly setae on distal third. Protarsomere I slightly longer than II; meso- and metatarsomere I twice length of II + III.

Abdomen. Surface with moderately densely pale pubescent; abdominal ventrite I, from intercoxal process, about 2.3 length of II; II–V subequal in length; V trapezoidal, apex slightly notched.

Dimensions (in mm), holotype male. Total length, 7.0; prothorax length, 1.2; greatest width of prothorax, 1.9; anterior width of prothorax, 1.6; posterior width of prothorax, 1.6; humeral width, 2.5; elytral length, 5.0.

Type material. Holotype male from BRAZIL, Bahia: Igrapiúna (Reserva Ecológica da Michelin, Pacangê ; 13°50’16.0”S / 39°14’28.9”W; 139 m), 30-31.III.2013, light trap, M. Aragão, E. Menezes & E. Mota col. ( MZFS). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the area called Pacangê, where the holotype was collected, located within the Reserva Ecológica da Michelin, state of Bahia, Brazil.

Remarks. Among the South American species, the pubescence pattern of H. pacangensis sp. nov. is more similar to H. argentina (Berg, 1889) . However the former can be differentiated by the wider upper eyes lobes (with ten rows of ommatidia), separated by about five rows of ommatidia, and by the slender body shape while Hyperplatis argentina has the upper eye lobes narrower, separated by about 2.5 times the width of an upper eye lobe and has a more robust body shape.

















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