Melanopsis klerici inermis Brusina, 1897

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 135

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scientific name

Melanopsis klerici inermis Brusina, 1897


Melanopsis klerici inermis Brusina, 1897 View in CoL [invalid]

Original source.

Brusina 1897: 8.

Type horizon.

Pannonian, zone D-E, late Miocene.

Type locality.

“Begaljica”, Serbia.


Milan et al. (1974: 93) indicated a holotype, but it is uncertain whether the specimen was the only one Brusina had at hand (holotype by monotypy, Art. 73.1.2). The specimen is stored in the Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, coll. no. 3020-666.


Junior homonym of Melanopsis inermis Handmann, 1882. Neubauer et al. (2014a) introduced Melanopsis magyari as replacement name.