Idris balteus Johnson & Chen

Johnson, Norman F., Chen, Huayan & Huber, Bernhard A., 2018, New species of Idris Foerster (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) from southeast Asia, parasitoids of the eggs of pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae), ZooKeys 811, pp. 65-80 : 65

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scientific name

Idris balteus Johnson & Chen

sp. n.

Idris balteus Johnson & Chen sp. n. Figures 3, 7, 11


Body length: 0.85-0.99 mm. Head color: dark brown. Mesosoma color: dark brown. Metasoma color: first segment yellow, second segment brownish yellow, otherwise brown.

Head shape in frontal view: ovoid, distinctly wider than high. Head width/mesosomal width: 1.24-1.31. Sculpture of upper frons, vertex: finely coriaceous reticulate. Position of lateral ocellus: contiguous with inner orbit of compound eye. Central keel of frons: present. Length of central keel of frons: extending dorsally half distance to median ocellus. Speculum: present. Striae on lower frons: with short striae flanking speculum. Setation of compound eyes: eyes distinctly setose.

Size of A3: distinctly smaller than A2. Shape of A3: length greater than width.

Length/width mesoscutum: 0.72. Sculpture of mesoscutum: finely reticulate, setal bases pustulate. Notauli: absent. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: finely reticulate, setal bases pustulate. Sculpture of metascutellum: smooth. Propodeal armature: lateral propodeal area produced dorsomedially into small tooth.

Wing development: fully developed, macropterous. Fore wing patterning: fore wing hyaline throughout. Marginal fringe of fore wing: present, short. Length of bristles on submarginal vein: short, barely reaching beyond costal margin of wing. Basal vein: well-defined, straight, lightly pigmented. Length of stigmal vein: elongate, extending nearly to middle of fore wing. Length of postmarginal vein: extremely short, subequal in length to marginal vein.

Metasoma length/body length: 0.45-0.48.Sculpture of T1: longitudinally costate. Sculpture of T2: longitudinally costate in medial third, finely reticulate along lateral margin, elsewhere smooth. Sculpture of T3: finely reticulate, with weak irregularly longitudinal rugulae medially. Length T3/length T2: 1.81-2.17. Sculpture of T4-T5: finely reticulate basally, smooth apically. Setation of T3: lateral thirds of tergite moderately setose through, median third nearly glabrous, with sparse apical transverse band of setae.


In the keys of Kozlov and Lê (1987) and Lê (2000) this species runs to I. nautalis , but differs from that species in the lack of longitudinal striae on T3 and the uniform coloration of the metasoma. Distinguished from many species of Idris by the xanthic first segment of the metasoma. The COI sequence will serve to help distinguish this species from others with the same character.


Panjange camiguin Huber (ZFMK, Phi291) ( Araneae : Pholcidae ) (Fig. 15).


The specific epithet balteus , a Latin word for belt, refers to the golden base of the metasoma. It is intended as a noun in apposition.

Material examined.

Holotypefemale: PHILIPPINES: Bohol, near Loboc, above Loboc River, forest near caves, ~250 m a.s.l., ~ 9.655N, 124.015E, 5.iii.2014, B. A. Huber, ex egg of Panjange camiguin Huber, OSUC270828. Paratypes: PHILIPPINES: 3 females, 1 male with same data as holotype, OSUC270829, 420844-420845, 627631). Other material: 1 broken female with same data as holotype, OSUC270830.











