Hottentotta trilineatus ( Peters, 1862 )

Kovařík, František, 2007, A revision of the genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908, with descriptions of four new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae), Euscorpius 58 (58), pp. 1-107 : 81-86

publication ID 10.18590/euscorpius.2007.vol2007.iss58.1

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scientific name

Hottentotta trilineatus ( Peters, 1862 )


Hottentotta trilineatus ( Peters, 1862) View in CoL

( Figs. 20 View Figures 17–20 , 121–125 View Figure 121 View Figure 122 View Figure 123 View Figure 124 View Figure 125 )

Centrurus trilineatus Peters, 1862: 515 ; Pocock, 1896b: 425; Moritz & Fischer, 1980: 324.

Buthus trilineatus : Kraepelin, 1899: 21; Pocock, 1900b: 57; Kraepelin, 1901: 266; Borelli, 1904a: 1; Kraepelin, 1905: 195; Tullgren, 1907: 2; Hirst, 1911a: 1; Masi, 1912: 95; Kraepelin, 1913: 169; Hewitt, 1918: 103, 175; Loveridge, 1925: 305; Hewitt, 1935: 465; Roewer, 1952: 27; Geeraerts, 1953: 1066; Lawrence, 1955: 225; Lawrence, 1961: 153; Lawrence, 1964: 34; Lawrence, 1967: 84; Aguiar, 1978: 108.

Buthus (Hottentotta) trilineatus : Werner, 1936: 175; Caporiacco, 1941: 33; Moriggi, 1941: 85; Roewer, 1943: 207; Caporiacco, 1947: 231.

Hottentotta trilineatus trilineatus View in CoL : Caporiacco, 1949: 314.

Buthotus trilineatus : Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 103; Probst, 1973: 320; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 504; Stahnke & Calos, 1977: 119; Newlands & Martindale, 1980: 53; El-Hennawy, 1992: 118.

Hottentotta trilineata : Dupre & Balliet, 1997: 5.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) trilineatus : Fet & Lowe, 2000: 144.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) trilineata : Kovařík, 1998: 110.

Hottentotta trilineata : Kovařík, 2001b: 84; Kovařík, 2002: 8; Kovařík, 20 03: 140.

Hottentotta trilineatus View in CoL : Leeming, 2003: 47; Kovařík & Whitman, 2005: 108; Prendini, 2005: 66.

Buthus hottentotta View in CoL (in part): Kraepelin, 1891: 185 (see Kraepelin, 1899: 21).

= Buthus eminii Pocock, 1890c: 98 ; Kraepelin, 1895: 83; Pocock, 1896b: 425; Pocock, 1897b: 402; Pocock, 1898a: 430; Pocock, 1898b: 499; Pocock, 1900b: 57; Kraepelin, 1903: 559; Hirst, 1911b: 217; Birula, 1915a: 121; Birula, 1916: 60; Borelli, 1919: 362; Loveridge, 1925: 305; Borelli, 1925a: 9; Caporiacco, 1936: 135 (syn. by Kraepelin, 1899: 21).

Buthus (Buthus) eminii : Pocock, 1890a: 126.

Buthus (Hottentotta) emini : Birula, 1915a: 123; Birula, 1915b: f11; Werner, 1934: 269; Caporiacco, 1939: 304; Moriggi, 1941: 86; Caporiacco, 1947: 231.

Buthus hottentotta emini : Kraepelin, 1929: 88.

Buthotus emini : Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 107; Probst, 1973: 321.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) eminii : Fet & Lowe, 2000: 137.

= Buthus trilineatus fuscatus Masi, 1912: 95 (syn. by Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 106).

Buthus hottentotta minax fuscata: Caporiacco, 1937: 358.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) trilineata fuscata : Kovařík, 1998: 111.

= Buthus fuscitruncus Caporiacco, 1936: 136 ; Caporiacco, 1937: 358; Vachon, 1949: 162 (1952: 248) (syn. by Kovařík, 2003: 140).

Buthus (Hottentotta) fuscitruncus : Caporiacco, 1939: 304; Moriggi, 1941: 87.

Buthotus fuscitruncus : Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 110; Probst, 1973: 329; Lamoral & Reynders, 1975: 500; El-Hennawy, 1992: 116.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) fuscitruncus View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 138.

Hottentotta cf. polystictus View in CoL : Kovařík, 1997b: 180.


TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. Mozambique, Tette , 1♀ (holotype), leg. W. Peters, ZMHB No. 2328. Kenya, South shore of Victoria Nyanza, 1♀ (holotype of Buthus eminii Pocock, 1890 , Fig. 125 View Figure 125 ), BMNH No. Somalia, Belet Amin , 1♂ (holotype of Buthus fuscitruncus Caporiacco, 1936 ), VII.1934, MCSN .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED. Botswana, bor., Kasane env., 29.XII.1996 – 7.I.1997, 1♀ 1juv., leg. M. Snížek, FKCP . Egypt,? probably locality error, 1♀, SMFD No. 5246. Eritrea, Assab, 1882–1884, Bouturlin , 1♂ 3♀ 1juv. before first ecdysis, MZUF No. 653; Ghenafena (8 km from Serae ), V.1901, 1♂ 1♀ 1juv., V. 1901, MZUF Nos. 660 and 646. Ethiopia, Aegyptem vagy Abyssinia , 1898, 2ims., leg. Frundsberg, HNHM No. 1183; Dongollo , 20–30.XII.1900, 1♀, leg. A. Andreini, MZUF No. 654; Amba Mussolinii , 12.II.1937, 1♂, leg. U. Ignesti, MZUF No. 655; Neghelli, Borana , 1938, 1♀, leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF No. 652; Sagan Omo, Dande , 23.III.1939, 1♀, leg. Zavattari, MZUF No. 651; Sagan Omo , El Bano, 1juv., 30.IV.1939, 2♂ 1♀ 2juvs., 2.V.1939, 1♀, 5.V.1939, 1♂ 4♀ 1juv., 9.V.1939, 2juvs., 30.V.1939, 1♀, 7.VI.1939, 2♂ 1♀ 1juv., 10.VI.1939, 2♀, VI.1939, leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF Nos. 637–643, 656; Sagan Omo , El Meti, 1♂ 1♀ 2juvs., 14.V.1939, leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF No. 645; Sagan Omo , El Dire, 15–18.V.1939, 1♂ 1♀ 2juvs., leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF No. 644; Sagan Omo, Gondaraba , 1juv., 2.VI.1939, 1♂ 1juv., 10.VI.1939, 1♀, 13.VI.1939, 1♂ 2juvs., 18.VI.1939, leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF Nos. 647–9, 657; Sagan Omo, Gongabacno [= Gonga Bainu?], 17.VI.1939, 1♂ 2 juvs., leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF No. 650; Caschei , 10.VII.1939, 1♂ 3♀, leg. E. Zavattari, MZUF No. 658; Yambo , 2♂ 2♀, IV.1995, leg. R. Lízler, FKCP ; Kersabor , V. 1996, 1♀, leg. R. Lízler, FKCP ; Gemu Gofa, Arba Minch , 2– 3.V.1997, 2♀, leg. Werner, FKCP ; Sidamo, near Negele borana, 7–8.V.1997, 1♂ 1juv., leg. Werner & Lízler, FKCP ; Wachile-Yavello, Sidamo , 1♂, 28–29.IV.1998, leg. Werner, FKCP ; Parco Nazionale Awash, Harerge Region, Habro , boscaglia, 25.VII.2002, 1♀, leg. Sforzi & L. Bartolozzi. MZUF No. 659. Kenya, O. A. Afrika, Mombasa, 1♀, 25.XII.1969, leg. M. Grasshoff, SMFD ; Voi , 1♀, XI.1978, leg. M. Grasshoff, SMFD ; Sangala Hills , 1♀ 1♂ (im.), XII.1993, leg. Werner, FKCP ; Babati , XII.1993, 1♀, leg. Werner, NMPC ; Taita district, surroundings of Voi , 31.V–03.VI.1994, 1♀, leg. L. Bartolozzi, B. Cecchi & A. Sforzi, MZUF No. 1107; Voi ( Tsavo ), 1♂ 1♀, 24–28.I.1996, 2♂ 1juv., 10.XII.1999, leg. M. Snížek, 22.XI–2.XII.1996, 4♂ 5♀ 1juv., leg. M. Snížek, 3♀, 1.VI.1997, leg. O. Bužga, 13–17.XII.1997, 8♂ 12♀, leg. M. Snížek, 3♂, 2001, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Lodwar , 2♀ 1juv., 20.XII.1995, leg. M. Snížek & Smrž, FKCP ; 50 km N of Namanga, Ilbisil env., 18.XI.1997, 3♂ 3♀ 1juv., leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Eastern Mwingi env., 4.XII.1997, 1♀, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; S. Magadi, Lake Magadi env., 6.XII.1997, 19♂ ( Figs. 122– 123 View Figure 122 View Figure 123 ) 26♀ 4juvs.10juvs. before first ecdysis, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Nairobi env., 36°62'E 01°30'S, 2000 m., 7.XII.1997, 5♂ 15♀, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Katutu- Kithioko , 27.XI.1999, 5♂ 7♀ 1juv., leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; between Isiola and Turkana lake, IX.2003, 1♂ 1juv., leg. T. Mazuch, FKCP ; between Madogo and Garissa, west of Tana river, VIII.2005, 1♂ ( Fig. 124 View Figure 124 ) 2♀, leg. T. Mazuch, FKCP . Mozambique, Tete, 1♂ 3♀ 4juvs, IV.1947, SMFD ; Tette , 2juvs.(♀ and ♂), IV.1980, FKCP . Somalia, 1♂ 8♀, circa 1970, MZUF Nos. 870 and 1170; Afgoi , 1.V.1937, 1♀, 13.VII.1959, 1♀, 1960, 1♂, 1970, 1♂, leg. A. Simonetta, MZUF Nos. 846, 850, 1 166; Gelib, d. Missione Cattolica , 1962, 1♂, MZUF No. 847; Belet Amin , VII.1934, 2♂ 1♀, leg. S. Patrizi MZUF No. 844; Bur Dinsor , 300– 370 m., 19.VII.1962, 1♂ 1juv., 3.VI.1978, 1♂ 1♀ 1juv., leg. B. Lanza, MZUF Nos. 848, 866 and 1104; 2 km dopo Mahas , 3.VIII.1969, 1juv., S.B. S., MZUF No. 849; Giohar , 8.VIII.1970, 1♂ 4♀, S.B. S., MZUF No. 851; ca 50 km da Chisimaio venendo da Badadda, 19.VIII.1970, 3♀ 1juv., MZUF No. 852; Chisimajo , duna, 20.VIII.1970, 1♀, leg. F. Ferrara & B. Lanza MZUF No. 853; Sar Uanle , 1♂, 31.XI.1971, 2♂, XI.1971, 1♂ 1♀, IX.1972, 2♀, V.1973, 1♀, 7.VI.1973, 4♀, 1.VIII.1975, 2♀, 11.VIII.1975, 1♀, 14.VIII.1975, MZUF Nos. 854–863, 871; Baidoa , 12– 28.VI.1978, 3♂ 4♀, MZUF No. 867; Berdale , 13.VI.1978, 1♂ 4♀ 1im., MZUF No. 868; El Ure, 16 km da Vegit sulla pista per Lug , 16.VI.1978, 1♂ 1♀, MZUF No. 865; Edain Caboda , 18.VI.1978, 2♂ 1♀ 2juvs., MZUF No. 864; Arbasala , 56 km NW di Iscia Baidoa, 25.VI.1978, 1♀ 1juv., MZUF No. 869. South Africa, Transvaal, Southpansberg env., Steinen , XI.1970, 1♂ 1♀, leg. Lamoral, SMFD No. 29296; 1998, 1♂ 1♀, FKCP . Tanzania, O. Afrika, Tanga, 1♀, SMFD No. 6674/81; Laiverere , 1♂, 28.I.1960, leg. J. Szunyeghy, HNHM ; Mto Wa Mbu , IV.1997, 5♂ 8♀ 2juvs., leg. P. Senft, FKCP ; Arusha distr., Naberera env., 8– 13.IV.1997, 10♂ 15♀ 2juvs.( Figs. 20 View Figures 17–20 and 121 View Figure 121 ), leg. J. Rolčík & P. Senft, FKCP ; Arusha distr. Mto Wa Mbu env., 15.-20.IV.1997, 1♂, leg. J. Stolarczyk, FKCP ; near Babati , 6.XII.1997, 1♂ 4♀, leg. Werner & Lízler, FKCP ; near Babati , 6.XII.1997, 1♂ 4♀, leg. Werner & Lízler, FKCP ; E. Usambara Mts , dint. di Amani, 17– 20.VI.1998, 1♂ 3♀, leg L. Bartolozzi & A. Sforzi, MZUF No. 882; 20 km a SE di Mto Wa Mbu sulla strada per Makuyuni , 1100 m., 10–25.IV.1999, 2♂ 3♀ 1juv., leg. L. Bartolozzi, B. Carletti, B. Cecchi, L. Dapporto, F. Fabiano & A. Sforzi, MZUF No. 881.? Tanzania, O. Afrika, Iraku-Landschaft, Kohl-Larsen , 1939, 1♂ 1♀, SMFD No. 5388; O. Afrika, Matelebach, Kohl-Larsen , 2♀, SMFD No. 5389; D. O. Afrika, 2♂, leg. F. Kinkelin, SMFD No. 5219. Zimbabwe, NW, 70 km W of Karoi, Masanga env., 20.XII.1998, 1♀, leg. S. Bečvář, FKCP ; Victoria Falls , 6.I.2002, 1♀, leg. L. Adámek, FKCP .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 35–65 mm. For habitus see Figs. 121–125 View Figure 121 View Figure 122 View Figure 123 View Figure 124 View Figure 125 . Trichobothrium db on the fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria et and est or on level with trichobothrium est, or rarely between est and esb. Male with fingers proximally twisted and manus and metasomal segments wider than female. Pectinal teeth number 22–28 in males, 17–25 in females. Chelicerae yellow, without reticulation. Nearly entire body hirsute, but not densely. Color uniformly yellow to reddish brown, mesosomal segments and carapace usually with orange spots and longitudinal black stripes. Metasomal carinae may be black as well. Femur of pedipalp with 3 complete and 2 incomplete carinae. Patella with 8 carinae, of which some are smooth, without granules and obsolete. Chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 11–13 rows of granules and 5 terminal granules. Seventh metasomal segment with 4 well marked ventral carinae. First to third metasomal segments with 10 carinae; fourth segment with 8 or 10 carinae; fifth segment with 5 carinae and two ventral rows of granules. All carinae granulated, dorsal carinae bear larger terminal granules. In males granules usually larger and more pronounced than in females. First metasomal segment of adults wider than long, second metasomal segment usually longer than wide, but in males may be wider than long. Second to fourth metasomal segment width ratio less than 1.1. Length to width ratio of fourth metasomal segment less than 1.6.

COMMENTS. This widely distributed and very common species enabled me to study variation within the taxon. I have examined many specimens brought by Czech entomologists from Kenya and Tanzania, as well as those from Somalia and Ethiopia deposited in Italian museums. Some smaller males have only slightly widened manus of pedipalp and their metasomal segments are only as wide (in relation to body width) as in females. Conversely, some larger males have extremely wide manus, very conspicuously granulated metasomal carinae, and their fourth and fifth metasomal segments are often wider and more bulging than in smaller males. In the largest females the morphology approaches that of males, especially in the granulation of metasomal carinae and the relative width of metasomal segments. Color is also variable, lighter in specimens from drier areas of Somalia, Ethiopia and northern Kenya ( Fig. 124 View Figure 124 ). As in other widely distributed species, it is likely that the color ( Figs. 121–124 View Figure 121 View Figure 122 View Figure 123 View Figure 124 ) is influenced by the color and texture of the substrate (see Hendrixson, 2006: 84). The described variation has resulted in a surplus of names, as small samples from disparate areas may easily give the impression of separate species.

DISTRIBUTION: Botswana (Probst, 1973: 320), Democratic Republic of Congo (Fet & Lowe, 2000: 144), Djibouti ( Kraepelin, 1901: 266), Eritrea, Ethiopia (Borelli, 1901: 1; Kraepelin, 1903: 560), Kenya ( Pocock, 1890c: 99), Mozambique ( Peters, 1862: 516), Somalia (Pocock, 1897b: 402), South Africa (Hewitt, 1918: 103), Tanzania (Pocock, 1898a: 430), Uganda (Fage & Simon, 1936: 301), Zambia (Newlands & Martindale, 1980: 72), Zimbabwe (Hirst, 1911a: 12). Records from Egypt (see Kraepelin, 1901: 266 and the SMFD female above) and Namibia must be considered dubious, see also Vachon & Stockmann (1968: 103) and Fet & Lowe (2000: 144).


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


National Museum Prague














Hottentotta trilineatus ( Peters, 1862 )

Kovařík, František 2007

Hottentotta trilineatus

LEEMING 2003: 47

Buthus fuscitruncus

KOVARIK 2003: 140

Hottentotta trilineata

KOVARIK 2002: 8
KOVARIK 2001: 84

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) trilineata

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) trilineata fuscata

KOVARIK 1998: 111

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) fuscitruncus

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Hottentotta cf. polystictus

KOVARIK 1997: 180

Buthus (Hottentotta) trilineatus

MORIGGI 1941: 85

Buthus (Hottentotta) emini

MORIGGI 1941: 86

Buthus (Hottentotta) fuscitruncus

MORIGGI 1941: 87

Buthus hottentotta emini

KRAEPELIN 1929: 88

Buthus trilineatus fuscatus

MASI 1912: 95

Buthus trilineatus

LAWRENCE 1967: 84
LAWRENCE 1964: 34
LAWRENCE 1961: 153
LAWRENCE 1955: 225
LOVERIDGE 1925: 305
KRAEPELIN 1913: 169
MASI 1912: 95
KRAEPELIN 1905: 195
KRAEPELIN 1901: 266
KRAEPELIN 1899: 21

Buthus hottentotta

KRAEPELIN 1899: 21
KRAEPELIN 1891: 185

Buthus eminii

LOVERIDGE 1925: 305
KRAEPELIN 1903: 559
KRAEPELIN 1899: 21
KRAEPELIN 1895: 83
POCOCK 1890: 98

Buthus (Buthus) eminii

POCOCK 1890: 126

Centrurus trilineatus

PETERS 1862: 515
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