Hottentotta franzwerneri (Birula, 1914)

Kovařík, František, 2007, A revision of the genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908, with descriptions of four new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae), Euscorpius 58 (58), pp. 1-107 : 19-25

publication ID 10.18590/euscorpius.2007.vol2007.iss58.1

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scientific name

Hottentotta franzwerneri (Birula, 1914)


Hottentotta franzwerneri (Birula, 1914) View in CoL

( Figs. 7 View Figures 5–8 , 32–36 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 )

Buthus (Hottentotta) franzwerneri Birula, 1914: 636 ; Werner, 1929: 33; Werner, 1932: 305.

Dasyscorpio franzwerneri : Pallary, 1938: 279.

Buthotus franzwerneri franzwerneri : Vachon, 1949: 151 (1952: 237); Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) franzwerneri franzwerneri : Fet & Lowe, 2000: 138.

Hottentotta franzwerneri franzwerneri View in CoL : Kovařík, 2002: 7; Lourenço, 2003: 876.

Buthus (Buthus) franzwerneri : Roewer, 1943: 206.

Hottentotta franzwerneri View in CoL : Pallary, 1925: 57; Lourenço & Cloudsley-Thompson, 1996: 450; Dupré, Lambert & Gérard, 1998: 61.

Buthotus franzwerneri : Vachon, 1949: 147 (1952: 233); Vachon & Stockmann, 1968: 91; Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21; Vial & Vial, 1974: 139; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1986: 185; El-Hennawy, 1992: 115; Goyfon, 1993: 243.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) franzwerneri View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 137.

= Buthus (Hottentota) lutaudi Pallary, 1924: 220 (syn. by Vachon, 1949: 151).

Buthus (Hottentotta) lutaudi : Werner, 1932: 305.

Dasyscorpio lutaudi : Pallary, 1938: 279.


TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. Algeria, Beni Ounif de Figuig , VIII.1910, leg. F. Werner, 1♂ (lectotype hereby designated, Figs. 7 View Figures 5–8 , 32–33 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 , 36 View Figure 36 ) 1♀ (paralectotype, Figs. 34–36 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 ), NHMW No. 2454, 1♂ (im.) 1♀ 1juv. (paralectotypes), NHMW No. 2455; Colomb Bechar, 1911, leg. A. Weidholz, 1♂ (paralectotype), NHMW No. 2456 .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED. Algeria, Beni Ounif de Figuig , VIII.1910, 1im., leg. F. Werner, SMFD No. 5128; Ouahran env., 1980, 1♀, FKCP . Morocco, Figuig , 32°06'11"N 01°13'21"W, 868 m., 6.V.2007, 1♀, leg. M. Velechovský and A. Funk, FKCP GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 70–110 mm. For habitus see Figs. 32–36 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 View Figure 34 View Figure 35 View Figure 36 . Trichobothrium db on the fixed finger of pedipalp located between trichobothria et and est ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1–4 ). Chelicerae yellow to black, with reticulation. Male with slightly longer and narrower metasomal segments, width of pedipalp chela same in both sexes. Pectinal teeth number 32–38 in males, 26–32 in females. Nearly entire body hirsute, pedipalps, legs, lateral and ventral surfaces of metasomal segments usually densely hirsute. Vesicle sparsely hirsute. Adult males usually only sparsely hirsute ( Fig. 36 View Figure 36 ). Color black except reddish brown chela of pedipalps and telson and yellow legs and tips of fingers of pedipalps. Femur of pedipalps with 5 carinae. Surfaces of femur and patella smooth to glossy. Patella with 8 carinae. Chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 14–15 rows of granules and 5 or 6 terminal granules. Seventh metasomal segment with 4 well marked ventral granulated carinae. First metasomal segments with 10 carinae; second segment with 8 carinae and lateral median short row of granules; third and fourth segment with 8 carinae; fifth segment with 5 carinae, 3 ventral (1 median, 2 lateral) and 2 dorsal. Dorsal surface smooth, fifth segment bears 2 short, inconspicuous carinae. First and second metasomal segments of both sexes longer than wide. Second to fourth metasomal segment width ratio less than 1.2.

COMMENTS. The lectotype is being designated in order to stabilize the nomenclature.

DISTRIBUTION: Algeria (Birula, 1914: 646), Morocco (Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21).

Hottentotta gentili ( Pallary, 1924) View in CoL comb. n.

( Figs. 8 View Figures 5–8 , 37–39 View Figure 37 View Figure 38 View Figure 39 )

Buthus gentili Pallary, 1924: 21 9.

Hottentotta gentili View in CoL : Pallary, 1925: 57; Pallary, 1937: 100; Sergent, 1943: 84.

Buthus (Hottentotta) gentili : Werner, 1932: 305.

Buthotus franzwerneri gentili : Vachon, 1949: 152 (1952: 238); Vachon, 1954: 187; Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21; El-Hennawy, 1992: 116; Kovařík, 1992: 183; Dupre, 1995: 3; Kovařík, 1997a: 43; Dupre & Balliet, 1997: 5.

= Hottentotta gentili tazerouallensis Pallary, 1937: 101 (syn. by Vachon, 1949: 152).

Buthotus gentili tazeroualtensis : Pérez Minocci, 1974: 21.

Dasyscorpio gentili : Pallary, 1938: 279.

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) franzwerneri gentili View in CoL : Kovařík, 1998: 110; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 138.

Hottentotta franzwerneri gentili View in CoL : Kovařík, 2002: 7; Lourenço, 2003: 876.

TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY. Morocco, Grand Atlas entre Mogador et Bou Denib ; MNHN.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Algeria, Oran, 1♀, SMFD No. 6668/75. Morocco, 3♂ 3♀ 5juvs., NMPC; Anti Atlas ,

Anezi , 1♀ (im.), 18.IV.1968, leg. P. Teisig, SMFD ; 2juvs., det. 1988, FKCP; 2♀ ( Fig. 38 View Figure 38 ), 10.V.1991, leg. V. Šípal, FKCP ; Irhem , 1♂ 1im. 1juv., 20.IV.1990, leg. S. Bečvář, FKCP ; Tata , 1juv., 22.IV.1990, leg. S. Bečvář, FKCP ; Tata , 1♀ (im.), 22.IV.1990, leg. S. Bečvář, NMPC ; Tizi-n-test, 1♀, 1.V.1990, leg. M. Král, FKCP ; 1♀, VII.1990, 1♀, 10.V.1991, 1im., det. 1992, FKCP ; Tenerhir , Gorges du Todre, 1♀, 14.V.1992, leg. A. Olexa, FKCP ; 1♀, 1993, FKCP ; Bouizakame , Timoulye, 9.IV.1995, 1♀ ( Figs. 8 View Figures 5–8 and 39 View Figure 39 ), leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Tata , 1♂ 1juv., 10.IV.1995, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Anti Atlas , Ighrem, 1706 m., 1im.5juvs., 12.IV.1995, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Zagora , Jbel Amergou mer., Oued bou Tious, 1♀, 15.IV.1995, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Akka , Tisgui-El-Haratine, 1♂, 10.IV.1995, leg. M. Snížek, FKCP ; Jbel Amergou , 1juv., 15.IV.1995, leg. M. Šárovec, FKCP ; Erfoud , 1juv., 16.V.1995, leg. I. Šklíba, FKCP ; Al-Rachidia , lake Barrage, Hasan-Adakhil, 1♂ (im.), 24.IV.1995, FKCP ; Haut Atlas , 1juv., 1997, FKCP ; Quazazate , 1998, 1♀, FKCP ; Tarfrout env., I. 2005, 1♀, leg. R.+ H. Fouquè & S. Bečvář, FKCP ; Tiznit prov. , 25 km SE of Tiznit, 29°37'30"N 09°30'18"W, 10.II.2005, WGS84, 1♂ ( Fig. 37 View Figure 37 )2ims.(♂ ♀), leg. R.+H. Fouquè & S. Bečvář, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Haut Atlas mts. , Agadir, 2 km S of Azazoul, 30°33.0'N 09°43.4'W, 86 m, 6.V.2007, 2ims.2juvs., leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Haut Atlas mts. , Tizi-n-Test, 30°50.1'N, 08°22.6'W, 1521 m, 7.V.2007, 1im. 1juv., leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Haut Atlas mts. , Tizi-n-Test, 30°48.0'N 08°24.4'W, 1170 m, 8.V.2007, 1juv., leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Anti Atlas mts. , Tezenakht env., 30°41.2'N 07°16.3'W, 1593 m, 10.V.2007, 2♂ 7♀ 6ims.3juvs., leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Anti Atlas mts. , NW of Anezi, 29°45.6'N 09°22.2'W, 399 m, 15.– 16.V.2007, 2♀, leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Anti Atlas mts. , NW of Anezi, 29°42.2'N 09°23.5'W, 246 m, 15– 16.V.2007, 1♀ 6ims.5juvs., leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps ; Anti Atlas mts. , 62 km SE of Agadir, 30°03.35'N, 09°04.4'W, 798 m, 16.V.2007, 1♀, leg. F. Kovařík, FKCP GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 70–110 mm, males usually smaller than females. For habitus see Figs. 38–39 View Figure 38 View Figure 39 . Trichobothrium db on the fixed finger of pedipalp situated between trichobothria et and est ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1–4 ). Chelicerae black or yellow, reticulate. Sexual dimorphism not pronounced, width of pedipalp chela same in both sexes. Pectinal teeth number 32–35 in males, 26–31 in females. Nearly entire body hirsute, pedipalps, legs, lateral and ventral surfaces of metasomal segments usually densely hirsute. Vesicle sparsely hirsute. Adult males usually only sparsely hirsute. Color black except reddish brown chela of pedipalp and telson. Femur of pedipalp with 5 carinae. Surfaces of femur and patella smooth to glossy. Patella with 8 carinae. Chela lacks carinae. Movable fingers of pedipalps with 14–16 rows of granules and 5 terminal granules. Seventh metasomal segment with 4 well marked ventral granulated carinae. First metasomal segment with 10 carinae; second segment with 8 carinae and a short row of granules in center of lateral part; third and fourth segments with 8 carinae; fifth segment with 5 carinae, 3 ventral (1 median, 2 lateral) and 2 dorsal. Dorsal surface smooth, fifth metasomal segment bears 2 short, inconspicuous carinae. First and second metasomal segments of both sexes longer than wide. Second to fourth metasomal segment width ratio less than 1.2.

COMMENTS. Since 1949, this species has been regarded as a subspecies of Hottentotta franzwerneri (Birula, 1914) . However, the two species are easily separated on color of the legs, which are black in H. gentili and yellow in H. franzwerneri .

DISTRIBUTION: Algeria (Vachon, 1949: 152), Morocco ( Pallary, 1924: 220).


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Hottentotta franzwerneri (Birula, 1914)

Kovařík, František 2007

Hottentotta franzwerneri franzwerneri

LOURENCO 2003: 876
KOVARIK 2002: 7

Hottentotta franzwerneri gentili

LOURENCO 2003: 876
KOVARIK 2002: 7

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) franzwerneri

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Hottentotta (Hottentotta) franzwerneri gentili

KOVARIK 1998: 110

Dasyscorpio franzwerneri

PALLARY 1938: 279

Dasyscorpio lutaudi

PALLARY 1938: 279

Dasyscorpio gentili

PALLARY 1938: 279

Hottentotta gentili tazerouallensis

PALLARY 1937: 101

Hottentotta franzwerneri

PALLARY 1925: 57

Hottentotta gentili

PALLARY 1937: 100
PALLARY 1925: 57

Buthus (Hottentota) lutaudi

PALLARY 1924: 220

Buthus gentili

PALLARY 1924: 21
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