Owstonia elongata, Smith-Vaniz, William F. & Johnson, David, 2016

Smith-Vaniz, William F. & Johnson, David, 2016, Hidden diversity in deep-water bandfishes: review of Owstonia with descriptions of twenty-one new species (Teleostei: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae), Zootaxa 4187 (1), pp. 1-103 : 46-47

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4187.1.1

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scientific name

Owstonia elongata

sp. nov.

Owstonia elongata new species

( Figure 35 View FIGURE 35 )

Holotype. MNHN 2014–2934, 111 , Vanuatu, 15°7'58.8"S, 166°52'58.8"E, beam trawl in 191–248 m, Exped. MUSORSTOM 8, sta. 118 GoogleMaps , 9 Oct. 1994.

Paratypes. 10 specimens, 63–117 mm SL: Vanuatu MNHM 2008–1350 View Materials , (3, 80–117) and USNM 432454 About USNM (2, 110‒111), taken with the holotype . New Caledonia MNHN 2001–3368 About MNHN (4, 48–88) 20°57'S, 165°34'58.8"E, beam trawl in 205–212 m, Exped. BATHUS 1, sta. 667, 14 Mar. 1993 GoogleMaps ; MNHN 2004–2445 (1, 63), 21°52'12"S, 166°49'58.8"E, beam trawl in 255–360 m, Exped. BATHUS 1, sta. 646, 10 Mar. 1993.

Diagnosis. A species of Owstonia with LL pattern type 1; dorsal fin IV, 24–26; oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series 30–33; total gill rakers 36–40; body depth at anal-fin origin 10.8–14.0% SL; precaudal vertebrae and pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 16 and 8 respectively.

Description. (Where counts vary, those of the paratypes are given in parentheses.) A species of Owstonia with LL pattern type 1, consisting of a simple lateral line that originates from posttemporal sensory canal near anterodorsal margin of gill opening, curves upward and backward then continues posteriorly just below dorsal-fin base to soft rays 20 (22). Dorsal fin IV, 25 (24–26); anal fin I, 19 (I, 18–19, except 1 specimen with II, 17); pectoral fin 17 (17–19); gill rakers 16 (15–16) + 28 (26–30) = 43 (41–46). Vertebrae: precaudal 16, caudal 16, total 32; analfin pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 8 ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 E). Oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series about 30– 33; nape scaly and cheek scale rows 3 or 4, Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 C. Lower limb margin of preopercle with 5–8 spines ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 B). Papillae in slight depression behind tip of premaxillary ascending processes 4, arranged in 2 closely spaced but distinct pairs. Teeth in outer row of each premaxilla 22/27 (18–23); no inner teeth anteriorly. Teeth in lateral row of each dentary 18/20 (12–17), including 1−3 at anterior end that continue in a row behind symphyseal teeth; symphyseal teeth 4−5, short and conical, and with 3–4 smaller inner teeth anteriorly. Pelvic fin possibly sexually dimorphic, depressed fin length extending to posterior margin of anus or to anal-fin soft ray 2. Caudal fin lanceolate. In 6 specimens, 87.5‒117.5 mm SL, caudal fin 1.7‒2.9 times in SL; head 5.1‒6.3 times in SL; body depth at anal-fin origin 7.1‒9.1 times in SL.

Color pattern in alcohol: Adults with dorsal fin uniformly pale; membrane connecting maxilla and premaxilla with prominent black stripe extending to near anterior end of premaxilla, and inner membrane covering posterior part of dentary also black. Life coloration unknown.

Proportions of 110 mm SL holotype are given first, followed by those of 4 paratypes, 88–117 mm SL (in parentheses), as percentages of SL: predorsal length 16.6 (15.6‒18.8); preanal length 38.1(36.0‒42.2); dorsal-fin base 73.0 (69.3‒74.5); anal-fin base 50.7 (47.7‒54.0); pelvic-fin length 22.5 (15.9‒22.5); caudal-fin length 50.4 (34.1‒50.4); body depth at anal-fin origin 11.4 (10.8‒14.0); head length 18.9 (15.8‒19.7); upper jaw length 8.5 (7.6‒8.8); upper jaw depth 3.7 (3.6‒4.4); orbit diameter 7.1 (6.5‒7.6). As percentages of head length: upper jaw length 45.1 (44.0‒47.9); orbit diameter 37.6 (38.6‒40.9).

Comparisons. Owstonia elongata is superficially most similar to O. taeniosoma in having a relatively small head and low numbers of oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series and cheek scales, but differs (characters of O. elongata in parentheses) as follows: dorsal-fin spines III (vs. IV), deeper body with depth at anal-fin origin 14.5–18.4% SL (vs. 10.8–14.0%), more total gill rakers 41–46 (vs. 36–40), and fewer precaudal vertebrae and pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine, 15 and 6–7 respectively (vs. 16 and 8). Owstonia fallax , O. hastata and O. sibogae are also superficially similar in having IV dorsal-fin spines and relatively few oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series but differ in having fewer precaudal vertebrae 12–13 (vs. 16) and pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 4–5 (vs. 8), and a deeper body depth at anal-fin origin 17.5–25.8% SL (vs. 10.8–14.0%). Etymology. From the Latin elongatus (prolonged), in reference to the elongate body of this species. Distribution. ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ) Known only from New Caledonia and Vanuatu where trawled in depths of 191‒248, 205‒212 and 255‒ 360 m.

Remarks. One 87-mm SL specimen (MNHN 2001−3368) is exceptional in having two anal-fin spines. This is the only case of a species of Owstonia exhibiting intraspecific variation in number of anal-fin spines (see Table 4).


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