Pseudokuzicus (Pseudokuzicus) acinacus, Fu-Ming & Mao & Chang, 2007

Fu-Ming, Shi, Mao, Shao-Li & Chang, Yan-Lin, 2007, A review of the genus Pseudokuzicus Gorochov, 1993 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematidae), Zootaxa 1546 (1), pp. 23-30 : 26-28

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.1546.1.3

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scientific name

Pseudokuzicus (Pseudokuzicus) acinacus

sp. nov.

3. Pseudokuzicus (Pseudokuzicus) acinacus View in CoL sp. nov.

(Figs. 5–10)

Male (figs. 5–10). Body small. Fastigium of vertex conical, apex blunt, narrower than scape of antenna, with thin longitudinal sulcus dorsally. Compound eyes oval, obviously protruding. Apical segment of maxillary palpi as long as subapical one, apex slightly enlarged. Pronotum short, anterior margin straight, posterior margin rounded, lateral lobe long 2.5mm, high 1.5mm, humeral sinus unconspicuous. Thoracic auditory spiracle exposed. Anterior coxa with a spine, anterior femora unarmed, auditory organs on anterior tibiae open, elliptic, with 3 internal and 2 external spines and a pair of apical spurs on ventral margin; medial tibiae with 3 spines on both ventral margin; posterior tibiae with 18–20 spines on dorsal margin plus a pair of apical spurs. Tegmina short, not surpassing apex of posterior femur, narrow and thin, apices angularly blunted. Tenth abdominal tergite moderately broad, posterior margin slightly raised, with a pair of long processes, processes narrow at base, slightly broad and blunt in apex, curved downwards. Cerci lateral compressed at base, separated into internal and external branches from subbasal portion, external branch longer than internal one, apex acute. Titillator short, apex acinacicate, dorsal margin dentate. Subgenital plate subrectangle, longer than broad, with narrow indentation at base, posterior margin slightly concave, with a small medial notch. Styli rather small.

Female unknown.

Coloration. Body multicolor. Frons, gena and fastigium of vertex yellowish white, dorsum of head with four conspicuous brown stripes. Disc of pronotum yellowish brown, lateral lobes dark brown. Anterior legs yellowish brown, anterior femora with 2 brown spots, auditory organ area brown, apical and subapical tarsi brown; posterior femora with three irregular brown spots, spines on posterior tibiae brown, apical and subapical tarsi of posterior legs brown. Tegmina light brown, with some irregular brown spots. Abdominal tergites and processes brown.

Type material. Holotype: male, China: Mabian , Sichuan Province, 22. July 2004, collected by Shi Fu- Ming.

Measurements (in mm). Length of body: ♂ 9.0–10.0; Length of pronotum: ♂ 3.8–4.0; Length of tegmina: ♂ 8.0; Length of hind femora: ♂ 12.0–13.0.

Etymology. The specific name comes from titillator morphology.

Diagnosis. This new species resembles P.(P) pieli ( Tinkham, 1943) and P. (P.) spinus sp. nov., but differs in: (1) Posterior processes of tenth abdominal tergite curved downwards; (2) Cerci strongly separated into internal and external branches from subbasal portion; (3) Titillator comparatively long, falciform, dorsal margin dentate.

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