Fridericia gamotheca hungarica, Dozsa-Farkas, 2013

DózSA-Farkas, K., 2013, New Fridericia Species (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) From Vértes Mountains Of Hungary, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (4), pp. 401-421 : 408-413

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scientific name

Fridericia gamotheca hungarica

subsp. nov.

Fridericia gamotheca hungarica ssp. n.

( Figs 1D–G, 4A–F, 5A–G, 6A–F)

Typematerial. Typelocality: Vértesboglár, 47 o 25’ 59”N, 31 o 23’49”E, 160 ma.s.l., meadow, withmanyfieldbindweed (Convolvulusarvensis), collectedbyDózsa- Farkas, K. & Nagy, G., 23.07.2013. Holotype: F.18. slide No. 838. Paratypes: P. 95.1–17 slides No. 812–820, 829, 830, 836, 837, 839–842, altogether 17 specimens. Deposited in the collection of theDepartmentofSystematicZoologyandEcology, EötvösLorándUniversity, Budapest GoogleMaps .

Etymology: Thenamereferstothecountryoforigin, geographicallydistantfromthe samplingsitesoftheothertwosubspecies.

Diagnosis. (1) medium-sizedspecies: about 7–11 mmlong invivo (6–8 mm fixed), segments 31–37; (2) maximum of chaetae 4–6; (3) coelomocytes b type, lenticytessmall; (4) oesophagealappendagewithshortbranchesproximallyaswellasterminally; (5) clitellumgirdle-shaped, hyalocytesalsopresent ventrally; (6) dorsalvesselorigininXIII; (7) 5 pairspreclitellarnephridia; (8) spermfunnelpear- shaped, seminalvesicleabsent; (9) thetwospermathecal ampullaeunitedcompletely, withtworoundeddiverticulawithshortstalks oneachside; ectalductlong, withasmallsessileectalglandattheorifice; (10) severalmatureeggsatatime.

Description. Holotype 5.8 mm long, 340 μm wide at VIII and 350 μm at the clitellum (fixed), segments 37. Body length of paratypes 7–10.4 mm, width 300–450 μm at VIII and 350–490 μm at the clitellum (in vivo), length of fixed specimens 5.6–8.6 mm, width 240–400 μm at VIII, 310–460 μm at the clitellum, segments (29), 31–37. Chaetae: 3,4 2(1) 4,5 3,(2): 4,5,6, – 4,5,3,(2). In some specimens with a maximum of only four chaetae per bundle. Three and twochaetaeonlyinposteriorsegments, buttwochataeinabundleoccurenotonlytermi- nallyinthespecimenswithamaximumfourchaetae. Two (rarelyone) smallchaetaealso inXII, laterally (25–35 μmlong, 2.5 μmwide). Theouterchaetaelongerandthickerthan the inner ones within a bundle (the outer ca 50 μm long and 4–5 μm wide, the inner ones 30–38 μm long and 3–3.2 μm wide) but in the last 6–10 segments all chaetae are of equal length. Maximumlengthofthechaetae 57–65 μmintheterminalsegments. Headporeat 0/I ( Fig. 4C), dorsalporesfromVII ( Fig. 4D). Epidermalglandcellsarrangedin 3 transverse rowspersegments. ClitelluminXII–1/2XIII, girdle-shaped, hyalocytesandgranulocytes arranged in rows ( Fig. 5B). In the fully developed adult specimens with eggs the hyalocytes andgranulocytesaresimilarlyarrangedbetweenthebursalslitstoo. Thicknessofbody wall 22–37 μm, the longitudinal layer of muscles 10–17 μm thick, cuticle about 1 μm or <1 μm (fixedspecimens). Brainposteriorlyslightlyconcave, 100–130 μmlong (fixed), about 1.7–2 times longer than wide ( Figs 4A–B).

Oesophagealappendages (peptonephridia) ( Figs 1E & 4E) withsomeshortbraches intheproximalpartand 3–4 branchesterminally. Firstpairofpharyngealglandsunited dorsally, thesecondandthirdpairsdorsallyseparate, allwithventrallobesandeventhe ventrallobesinIVarenotseparatefromthedorsallobes. ChloragocytesfromV, dark brown (invivo), diameter 25–35 μm invivo, 25 μmwhenfixed. DorsalvesselfromXIII, blood colourless. Midgut pars tumida ( Fig. 6A) from XXI–XXVI occupying 3 segment lengths. Fivepairsofpreclitellarnephridiafrom 6/7 to 10/11, lengthratioanteseptale: postseptale 1: 1.5, anteriororiginofefferentduct. Coelomo-mucocytes (length 22–40 μm in vivo, 20–25 μm, fixed) variable, with a few or many refractile granules ( Figs 1F & 4F), dark when accumulated, b type, lenticytes small: 5–10 μm long. Chylus cells between X–XII, occupying 2 segments ( Fig. 5A). Seminalvesicleabsent. Spermfunnelspear- shaped ( Figs 5C–E), about 100–162 μm long in vivo, 87–150 μm when fixed, and 1.4–1.6 times longer than wide, collarnarrowerthanfunnelbodyandabout 10–14 μmhigh. Spermatozoaabout 100 μmlong, heads 40 μm (invivo). Diameterofspermducts 5 μm (fixed). Malecopulatory organs ( Fig. 5F) 60–87 μm long, 50–60 μm wide and 40–50 μm high (fixed), the bursal slits withlongitudinalandtransversecomponents, thelatterbranchingofftheposteriorend ( Figs 1G & 5G). Nosubneuralglands. Spermathaecae ( Figs 1D & 6B–D): onesmallsessile ectalglandattheorificeofectalduct (inonecasetwoglands, Fig. 6C), ectalductslong (about 170–266 μm long and 14–18 μm wide in the fixed specimens), the two ampullae mergingmostlycompletely. Tworoundeddiverticulawithshortstalksoneachsideofthe ampullae. Onecommondorsalopeningintooesophagus. Thediverticulaandampullae vivo, BandDstained; scalebars = 50 μm).

mostly empty but sometimes also containing low quantities of sperm. Two to four mature eggs at a time ( Fig. 6E).

In some specimens (including holotype) several protists were observed in the gut in front of the clitellum ( Fig. 6F), identified by Dr Júlia Török as Buetschliellopsis sp (Ciliophora: Actinomatida: Hoplitophryidae ). Till now a single species, Buetschiellopsis enchytrae, has been described from Fridericia sp. (PuytoRAc 1954). In Hungary this genus of protist had not been found in enchytraeids up to now.

Distributionandhabitat: Onlyknownfromthetypelocality.

Differentialdiagnosis. Thenewtaxonbelongsto F. gammotheca Issel, 1904 . Thedifferencesofthisspecieswithothercloselyrelatedspecies (they belongstothegroupof 12 speciescharacterizedbyproximallyfusedsper-

in vivo; scale bars = 50 μm).

mathecae (DózSA-FARKAS 2009, Tables 1–2, Schmelz & CollAdo 2013) areas follows: F. connata Bretscher, 1902 , F. monochaeta Rota, 1995 and F. brunensis Schlaghamerský, 2007 differfromthenewsubspeciesinthemaximumof chaetae in a bundle [only 2 (3)], F. waldenstroemi Rota et Healy, 1999 is much larger (9–15 mm and 40–54 segments). Most similar to F. gamotheca is F. argillae Schmelz, 2003 , but the latter smaller and slender (only 3–4 mm long and 150–230 μmwide) anddiffersfromitbyitsfirstpairofpharyngealglands withoutventrallobesandthethirdpairhavingaposteriorprojection; inaddition, thetwospermathecalampullaearecylindrical, elongateandjoiningonly attheirproximalends. Likewisein F. marginata SchmelzetCollado, 2013 and F. roembkei SchmelzetCollado, 2013 thespermathecalampullaeareunited onlyproximallyandchyluscellsarelocatedpostclitellarly. F. montafonensis Schmelz, 1998 and F. nemoralis Nurminen, 1970 are much larger (60–70 and 40–53 segments, respectively) andtheirspermathecaldiverticulamuchlarger, moreoverthechyluscellsarepresentfarbackpostclitellarlyinthesespecies. Twospecies ( F. bernini Dózsa- Farkas, 1988 and F. profundicola Dózsa- Farkas, 1991) belong also to the group defined above but they differ from the new subspeciesbecausein F. bernini thespermathecaehavemorethantwodiver- ticulaandin F. profundicola thereareveryfewmucocytesbutnumerouslarge lenticytes, moreoverinthelatterthespermathaecaldiverticulaarelarge, orientedentadandhavefurthersmallpouch-likeprotrusions.

Thenewsubspeciescanbeeasilydistinguishedfromtheothertwosubspecies ( F. gamotheca gamotheca Issel, 1905 and F. gamotheca maroccoiensis Dózsa- Farkas, 1989, seediscussion) mainlybythefollowingcharacters: bytheirsize (the length smaller than the length of F. g. gamotheca and larger than the length of F. g. maroccoiensis) and segment number (it is in F. g. gamotheca higher than inthenewsubspecies, butlowerin F. g. maroccoiensis), thepresenceofchaetae inXIIlaterally, oesophagealappendageswithbranchesnotoriginatingnot onlyterminally, coelomocytesofbtype, dorsalvesseloriginmoreanteriorly inXIII, adifferentconnectionofthedorsallobesofpharyngealglands, andby thepear- shapedandsmallerspermfunnels ( Table 3).


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