Phylidorea (Phylidorea) longicornis pietatis

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo, 2022, Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 11 (1), pp. 47-60 : 51-52

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2022.11.1.047

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scientific name

Phylidorea (Phylidorea) longicornis pietatis


Phylidorea (Phylidorea) longicornis pietatis

( Alexander, 1950)

Limnophila pietatis Alexander, 1950: 431-432 .

Phylidorea (Phylidorea) glabricula pietatis Savchenko, 1983: 59 ; 1989: 106.

Phylidorea (Phylidorea) longicornis pietatis Oosterbroek, 2021 View in CoL .

General: Body coloration brownish yellow ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Male body length 6.5-7.5 mm, female 8.5-9.0 mm, male wing length 6.8-7.5 mm, female 7.4-8.0 mm.

Head: Yellow posteriorly, anterior vertex grayish yellow because of dense light gray pruinosity, narrowly light gray along eye margin, sparsely covered with yellowish setae. Head darker in male than in female. Vertical tubercle low, indistinct. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae approximately equal length of scape and pedicel taken together. Antenna 2.2-3.2 mm long in male, 1.5-1.8 mm in female, reaching approximately to the base of third abdominal tergite if bent backwards in male, short distance beyond wing base in female. Antennal scape elongate, nearly cylindrical, yellow with darker base and bearing few short semi-erect brown setae. Pedicel yellow, subglobular. Flagellomeres ( Fig. 2B View Fig ) elongate, spindle shaped. Basal flagellomere pale, 2-4 flagellomeres brown with yellow base and apex, remainder of flagellum dark brown. Flagellomeres covered with erect whitish pubescence. Verticils dark brown, longest 0.7 length of respective segments. Rostrum orange yellow dorsally, obscure yellow ventrally. Palpus dark brown, mouth parts grayish brown.

Thorax: Cervical sclerites brownish yellow. Pronotum wide, yellow with darker frontal margin and paler laterally. Prescutum and presutural scutum brownish yellow without longitudinal stripes. Tubercular pits very small, brownish, indistinct, at frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea indistinct, surrounded by paler area. Scutal lobe, scutellum and mediotergite concolorous with prescutum. Dorsopleural membrane pale yellow. Pleuron yellow with paler areas frontally and postero-dorsally. Episternum bare, setoseless. Meron small, reduced. Wing ( Fig. 2C View Fig ) iridescent with grayish tinge, darker along distal margin. Narrow darker areas at base of Rs, at cord and distal margin of discal cell. Stigma brownish with narrowly darker margins. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation: Sc long, reaching branching point of Rs, sc -r at tip of Sc. Rs as long as free end of M 3, angulate and spurred at base. Distal end of R 1 very indistinct or completely missing, not reaching wing margin. R 2 missing. R 3 and R 4 diverging, cell r 3 with short stem which is approximately as long as width of discal cell. Cross-vein r -m distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell 2.2 times as long as wide. Cell m 1 long, stem slightly shorter than cell itself. Cross-vein m -cu at middle length of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly sinuous, apex reaching wing margin before the level of Rs base. Anal angle long and narrow. Length of male halter 1.2-1.3 mm, that of female 1.0- 1.1 mm, stem brownish yellow, widely pale at base, knob darker brown. Coxa yellow, trochanter paler. Femur yellow, paler at base, tip with wide dark brown ring. Tibia pale yellow, narrowly brownish at base with distinct narrow apical blackish ring. Basal tarsomere pale with brownish distal part, remaining tarsomeres brown, turning dark brown towards distal end of leg. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I: 4.2-5.4 mm long, II: 4.6-5.3 mm, III: 4.6-6.0 mm, tibia I: 5.6-6.5 mm, II: 5.2-5.5 mm, III: 4.8-6.5 mm, tarsus I: 5.3-6.3 mm, II: 4.2-5.2 mm, III: 4.0- 4.8 mm. Female femur II: 4.8 mm, tibia II: 4.8 mm, tarsus II: 4.2 mm. Claw simple, spineless, dark brown.

Abdomen: Tergites and sternites yellow, covered with whitish setae. Both tergites and sternites, starting from second, with distinctly blackish area along anterior lateral angle, darker spot narrows behind and usually not reaches posterior margin of sclerite. Darker area more distinct on tergite, less so on sternite. Darker pattern slightly varies individually, usually more distinct in female. Male terminalia ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) and pregenital segment dark brown to black, gonocoxite brownish. Epandrium slightly wider than long, posterior margin widely concave at middle. Gonocoxite slightly elongate, with large ventro-mesal lobe. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, slightly arched, apex narrowed into spine along outer margin. Inner gonostylus fleshy and setose, basal half wide, narrow distally, apex rounded. Aedeagal sheath with lateral process forming transverse apically-medial blade armed with 7-8 acute points. Interbase distally flattened and bifid at apex. Parameres flattened. Aedeagus stout, dilated at base, tube-shaped. Aedeagal apodeme flattened, with shallow median incision. Distal segments of female abdomen same color as the rest of abdomen, brownish yellow. Tenth tergite elongate, yellow, cercus long and arched, darker at base, paler at tip, round-apexed ( Fig. 2E View Fig ). Hypovalva long and straight, brownish.

Elevation range in Korea: From slightly above 1,200 m to 1,900 m.

Period of activity in Korea: August.

Habitats: Swampy open areas surrounded by broad-leaved and mixed forests and wet meadows on the sea- coast in the southern areas of the Far East of Russia close to the border with North Korea ( Savchenko, 1983).

General distribution: Far East of Russia, Mongolia, and North Korea ( Fig. 6B View Fig ).

Examined material: holotype, male (antenna, leg, wing and male genitalia slide-mounted), North Korea, Kankyo Nando , Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 5,000 ft. [1,524 m], August 21, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM) ; paratype, male (antenna, leg, wing and male genitalia slide-mounted), North Korea, Kankyo Nando , Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 5,000 ft. [1,524 m], August 9, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM); 1 specimen of unclear sex (pinned, tip of abdomen broken), North Korea, Kankyo Nando, Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 5,000 ft. [1,524 m], August 5, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM); 2 males, 2 females (pinned), North Korea, Kankyo Nando, Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 4,000 ft. [1,219 m], August 6, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM); 1 specimen of unclear sex (pinned, tip of abdomen broken), North Korea, Kankyo Nando, Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 6,200 ft. [1,890 m], August 11, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM); 1 male, 1 female (pinned), North Korea, Kankyo Nando, Puksu Pyaksan, alt. 5,000 ft. [1,524 m], August 14, 1939, A. Yankovsky ( USNM) .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Phylidorea (Phylidorea) longicornis pietatis

Podenas, Sigitas & Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo 2022

Phylidorea (Phylidorea) glabricula pietatis

Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 106
Savchenko, E. N. 1983: 59

Limnophila pietatis

Alexander, C. P. 1950: 432
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