Stenodynerus, de Saussure, 1863, de Saussure, 1863

Zeng, Xin, Chen, Bin & Li, Ting-Jing, 2024, The genus Stenodynerus de Saussure, 1863 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from China: a new species, new records, and key to the species, Zootaxa 5514 (4), pp. 385-400 : 396-397

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.4.6

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Key to species View in CoL View at ENA (female and male)

(modified from Ma et al. 2016)

1. Apical border of T 2 bent upwards almost at a right angle, forming a perpendicular lamella, and preapical portion of tergum often strongly depressed immediately preceding this lamella, creating a wide transverse groove ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 26–32 in Ma et al. 2016). 2

- Apical border of T 2 barely depressed, or at most obtusely bent, and preapical portion of T 2 at most narrowly impressed ( Figs 9 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 , 16 View FIGURES 11–17 , 24 View FIGURES 18–25 , 31 View FIGURES 26–32 , 38 View FIGURES 33–39 , 45 View FIGURES 40–46 , 53 View FIGURES 47–57 )................................................................................ 8

2. Anterior surface of T 1 vertical, with sparse punctures and a median longitudinal carina in upper half ( Figs 10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 , 26 View FIGURES 26–32 , 33 View FIGURES 33–39 , 78 in Ma et al. 2016).......................................................................................... 3

- Anterior surface of T 1 not vertical and somewhat rounded, with strong punctures, and without a median longitudinal carina (in Ma et al. 2016)....................................................................................... 7

3. S2 ventrally in basal portion without a median longitudinal furrow basally ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 26–32 , 35 View FIGURES 33–39 in Ma et al. 2016)............... 4

- S2 ventrally in basal portion with a median longitudinal furrow basally........................................... 5

4. Interspace between two median foveae of anterior surface of pronotum much more than diameter of one fovea ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 18–25 in Ma et al. 2016). Anterior vertical surface of T 1 with transverse striae; both apical border of T 2 and groove at base of border obviously wide ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 26–32 in Ma et al. 2016).................................................... S. strigatus Ma & Li, 2016

- Interspace between two median foveae of anterior surface of pronotum almost equal to diameter of one fovea ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 26–32 in Ma et al. 2016). Anterior vertical surface of T 1 without transverse striae; both apical border of T 2 and groove at base of border narrower than above species ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 33–39 in Ma et al. 2016)........................... S. tenuilamellatus Ma & Li, 2016

5. In female, clypeus black (Fig. 77 in Ma et al. 2016). In lateral view, anterior surface of S2 sloping.................... 6

- In female, clypeus with yellow or ferruginous spots. In lateral view, anterior surface of S2 vertical ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–17 in Ma et al. 2016).......................................................................... S. reflexus Ma, Chen & Li, 2016

6. Body with yellow spots; pronotum with a pair of small spots dorsally, metanotum with a yellow band anteriorly, T 1 with a narrow apical band (Fig. 78 in Ma et al. 2016)................................. S. pappi pappi Giordani Soika, 1976

- Body with orange yellow spots; pronotum with a broad band, metanotum almost entire orange yellow, T 1 with a broader apical band............................................................ S. pappi luteifasciatus Kim & Yamane, 2004

7. In female, clypeus yellow. S2 with dense punctures; in male, both T 1– T 7 and S2–S3 with yellow apical bands........................................................................................ S. morawitzi Kurzenko, 1977

- In female, clypeus black. S2 with sparser punctures; in male, both T 1– T 2 and S2 with yellow apical bands (Figs 61, 62 in Ma et al. 2016).......................................................................... S. tergitus Kim, 1999

8. Interocellar region conically tuberculate ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–17 ); vertex depressed and sloping................................... 9

- Interocellar region normal, evenly convex to same level as ocelli ( Figs 2 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 , 19 View FIGURES 18–25 , 27 View FIGURES 26–32 , 34 View FIGURES 33–39 , 41 View FIGURES 40–46 , 49, 50 View FIGURES 47–57 ); vertex not depressed.... 10

9. Propodeum medially with a transverse plane behind metanotum, well-developed ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11–17 ). T 1 with dense and strong punctures ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 11–17 )...................................................................... S. coreanus ( Tsuneki, 1970)

- Propodeum medially without a transverse plane behind metanotum. T 1 with weaker and sparser punctures....................................................................................... S. taiwanus Kim & Yamane, 2004

10. Anterior surface of S2 vertical..................................................... S. nudus ( Morawitz, 1889)

- Anterior surface of S2 sloping ( Figs 8 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 , 23 View FIGURES 18–25 , 30 View FIGURES 26–32 , 37 View FIGURES 33–39 , 44 View FIGURES 40–46 , 56 View FIGURES 47–57 ).................................................... 11

11. Propodeum medially without a transverse plane behind metanotum ( Figs 22 View FIGURES 18–25 , 36 View FIGURES 33–39 , 43 View FIGURES 40–46 ).............................. 12

- Propodeum medially with a transverse plane behind metanotum ( Figs 6 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 , 29 View FIGURES 26–32 , 55 View FIGURES 47–57 ).................................. 16

12. Propodeal concavity smooth, very shiny in middle.................................. S. incurvitus Gusenleitner, 2003

- Propodeal concavity coarse, reticulate-punctate or with long and transverse rugae ( Figs 22 View FIGURES 18–25 , 36 View FIGURES 33–39 , 43 View FIGURES 40–46 )................... 13

13. Pronotum with sharp and acute shoulder ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 in Ma et al. 2016); posterior surface of propodeum with a complete median longitudinal carina ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 in Ma et al. 2016)................................. S. ningliangensis Ma, Chen & Li, 2016

- Pronotum with rounded and obtuse shoulder ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 18–25 , 33 View FIGURES 33–39 , 40 View FIGURES 40–46 ); posterior surface of propodeum with an incomplete median longitudinal carina ( Figs 22 View FIGURES 18–25 , 36 View FIGURES 33–39 , 43 View FIGURES 40–46 )..................................................................... 14

14. T 2 and S2 with minute and sparse punctures ( Figs 37–39 View FIGURES 33–39 )............................ S. punctifrons ( Thomson, 1874)

- T 2 and S2 with more or less coarse and denser punctures ( Figs 23–25 View FIGURES 18–25 , 44–46 View FIGURES 40–46 ).................................... 15

15. T 1 less than 2× as wide as long ( Figs 40, 45 View FIGURES 40–46 ), punctures of T 2 moderately dense ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 40–46 ); tegula and legs largely ferruginous ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 40–46 )............................................................... S. steckianus (von Schulthess, 1897)

- T 1 at least 2× as wide as long ( Figs 18, 24 View FIGURES 18–25 ); punctures of T 2 much denser ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18–25 ); tegula and legs largely yellow ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18–25 )............................................................................ .. S. difficilis ( Morawitz, 1867)

16. S2 ventrally in basal portion with a median longitudinal furrow ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 )........................................ 17

- S2 ventrally in basal portion without or just with an obsolete median longitudinal furrow ( Figs 32 View FIGURES 26–32 , 54 View FIGURES 47–57 )................ 25

17. Pronotal foveae forming U-shaped ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); anterior face of pronotum with parallel transverse striae above median foveae, extending lateral margin of foveae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 )................................................................ 18

- Pronotal foveae forming V-shaped ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 26–32 , 51 View FIGURES 47–57 ); anterior face of pronotum without transverse striae above median foveae ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 26–32 , 51 View FIGURES 47–57 ), or at most with short and fine ones, not extending lateral margin of foveae................................ 19

18. Gena 0.90–0.95× as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); anterior surface of pronotum almost vertical; pronotal carina well-developed in dorsal side (Fig. 69 in Ma et al. 2016)........................... S. frauenfeldi ( de Saussure, 1867)

- Gena 0.5–0.55× as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); anterior surface of pronotum sloping ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); pronotal carina obsolete on dorsal side ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 )........................................ S. tongrenensis Zeng, Chen & Li , sp. nov.

19. Body with large and dense punctures, strongly sculptured ( Figs 47, 48 View FIGURES 47–57 ); anterior surface of pronotum sloping, and with distinct and strong punctures ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 47–57 ).......................................................................... 20

- Body with comparatively smaller punctures, moderately sculpture; anterior surface of pronotum almost vertical, with few punctures.......................................................................................... 22

20. Clypeus in female with lateral longitudinal carina and shovel-shaped in middle (Fig. 64 in Ma et al. 2016), S2 with distinct and large punctures (Fig. 68 in Ma et al. 2016)................................ S. chinensis chinensis ( de Saussure, 1863)

- Clypeus in female just apically with obsolete longitudinal carina, not shovel-shaped in middle; S2 with shallower and smaller punctures.......................................................................................... 21

21. Clypeus with dense punctures and slightly wider apical margin than interantennal distance. T 1 almost as wide as long. Smaller species, body length generally less than or equal to 9 mm .................... S. xanthomelas ( Herrich-Schäeffer, 1839)

- Clypeus with sparser punctures and much narrower apical margin. T 1 1.25× wider than long. Larger species, body length generally more than 11 mm in both sexes...................................... S. morbillosus Giordani Soika, 1979

22. Clypeus in both sex and apical bands of T 1–5 orange-yellow; clypeus strongly punctate ( Figs 51, 53 in View FIGURES 47–57 Ma et al. 2016)............................................................................ S. nepalensis Giordani Soika, 1985

- Clypeus in female black or just basal half orange-yellow, and at most apical bands of T 1–3 yellow; clypeus moderately punctate............................................................................................ 23

23. Clypeus in female black; T 1 and T 2 with weak punctures............................. S. copiosus Gusenleitner, 2012

- Clypeus in female with basal orange-yellow band; T 1 and T 2 with strong punctures............................... 24

24. Anterior surface of pronotum medially with wide V-shaped foveae; apex of T 2 with shallow and sparse punctures; in male, volsella slightly truncate apically ( Figs 18, 20 View FIGURES 18–25 , 45 View FIGURES 40–46 in Ma et al. 2016)............... S. similibaronii Ma, Chen & Li, 2016

- Anterior surface of pronotum medially with narrow V-shaped foveae; apex of T 2 with strongly deep and dense punctures; in male, volsella rounded apically ( Figs 40, 41, 44 View FIGURES 40–46 , in Ma et al. 2016).................... S. baronii Giordani Soika, 1975

25. Anterior surface of pronotum with a few short and fine striae above median foveae (Fig. 75 in Ma et al. 2016).......... 26

- Anterior surface of pronotum without transverse striae above median foveae ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 26–32 , 51 View FIGURES 47–57 ).......................... 27

26. Clypeus with small shallow punctures; pronotal carina complete; in male,A11 ventrally concave,A13 flat and almost rectangular, not tapered when seen from above.............................................. S. clypeopictus ( Kostylev, 1940)

- Clypeus with larger and deeper punctures; pronotal carina interrupted medially; in male, A11 ventrally normal, not concave, A13 tapered when seen from above................................................... S. funebris ( Andrè, 1884)

27. T 2 and S2 coarsely and densely punctate ( Figs 54, 56 View FIGURES 47–57 )....................................................... 28

- T 2 and S2 finely and sparsely punctate ( Figs 30, 31 View FIGURES 26–32 )........................................................ 29

28. Clypeus wider than long; pronotum with sharp and acute shoulder (Fig. 66 in Gusenleitner 1981)............................................................................................ S. chevrieranus ( de Saussure, 1855)

- Clypeus as long as wide ( Figs 49, 50 View FIGURES 47–57 ); pronotum with rounded and obtuse shoulder ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 47–57 ).. S. trotzinai ( Morawitz, 1895)

29. Anterior surface of pronotum largely smooth, with sparse small punctures only in lateral and lower portions; lateral face of propodeum densely striate with sparse punctures...................................... S. pullus Gusenleitner, 1981

- Anterior surface of pronotum almost with punctures; lateral face of propodeum sparsely striate with dense punctures..... 30

30. Clypeus with coarse punctures mixed with a few rugae ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 40–46 in Ma et al. 2016); in lateral view, S2 rounded basally............................................................................... S. bluethgeni van der Vecht, 1971

- Clypeus with sparse punctures and interspaces between punctures smooth, without rugae ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 26–32 ); in lateral view, S2 angled basally ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 26–32 )............................................................. S. kaszabi Giordani Soika, 1976


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











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