Stenodynerus tongrenensis Zeng, Chen, & Li, 2024

Zeng, Xin, Chen, Bin & Li, Ting-Jing, 2024, The genus Stenodynerus de Saussure, 1863 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from China: a new species, new records, and key to the species, Zootaxa 5514 (4), pp. 385-400 : 386-387

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.4.6

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scientific name

Stenodynerus tongrenensis Zeng, Chen, & Li

sp. nov.

Stenodynerus tongrenensis Zeng, Chen, & Li , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–4, 6–10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 )

Material examined. HOLOTYPE, China: ♀, Guizhou Province, Tongren City, Jiangkou County, Taiping Town , 27°49′50″N, 108°45′55″E, 28.VI.2015, Zhenxia Ma ( CNU) GoogleMaps . PARATYPE, China: 1♀, Guizhou Province, Tongren City, Jiangkou County, Minxiao Town , 27°38′56″N, 108°41′41″E, 29.VI.2015, Tingjing Li ( CNU) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Female. This species is similar to S. frauenfeldi by apical border of T2 barely depressed ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ), anterior surface of pronotum medially with long parallel transverse striae above foveae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ), propodeal concavity ventrally with a short median longitudinal carina ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ), and S2 ventrally in basal portion with a long median longitudinal furrow ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ). It is differentiated from S. frauenfeldi and other members of the genus in the combination of following characters: cephalic foveae shallow, not noticeable in the surrounding punctures ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); gena ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ) wide, (0.90–0.95) × as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus, in the related species S. frauenfeldi gena ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ) obviously narrower (0.50–0.55) × as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus; anterior surface of pronotum sloping, pronotal carina medially interrupted ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); and both T2 and S2 with sparser and smaller punctures ( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ). Male is unknown.

Description. Female ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ). Body length 8.5–9.1 mm (holotype: 9.1 mm), fore wing length 7.2–7.9 mm (holotype: 7.9 mm). Body black, with short setae; following parts yellow: small lateral spots at the base of clypeus, a basal spot on mandible, scape ventrally, a small spot on upper gena ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ), two large, separated spots on pronotum anteriorly, parategula largely, anterior part of metanotum, wide apical bands on T1 and T2, narrow apical band on S2, and outer face of fore tibia; tegula and wings brown.

Head ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ) slightly wider than long in frontal view, maximum width 1.07× its length; clypeus with sparse punctures and setae laterally, clypeal maximum width 1.17× its length, slightly convex and somewhat shovel-shaped, apex shallowly emarginate, apical width 1.07× distance between antennal sockets, width of clypeus 3.18× its apical width, apical width 7.4× its emargination depth; inter-antennal space with longitudinal carina; lower part of frons coarsely punctate and distinctly reticulated, punctures on upper frons and vertex weaker; cephalic foveae shallow, not noticeable in the surrounding punctures, its width less than the distance between posterior ocelli ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); gena ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ) wide, (0.90–0.95) × as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus.

Mesosoma densely punctate and reticulate, punctures on posterior part of mesoscutum and scutellum more or less sparse; punctures on propodeum flat-bottomed and distinctly larger than those on other parts of mesosoma. Anterior surface of pronotum sloping, distinctly punctate, and median foveae almost U-shaped, a few long parallel transverse striae above median foveae, pronotal carina medially interrupted on dorsal side ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); scutellum somewhat convex; metanotum oblique, with short median longitudinal furrow not dividing metanotum into two parts; propodeum medially with a short transverse plane behind metanotum, shorter than length of metanotum, dorsal and lateral surfaces of propodeum reticulate-punctate, posterior surface concave with transverse rugae and a very short median longitudinal carina in lower portion ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ).

Metasoma ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ) in dorsal view with T1 campanulate; T1 coarsely and densely punctate, maximum width 1.51× as wide as long, 0.80× as wide as T2, and anterior width a little narrower than the posterior one; T2 with smaller and sparser punctures than T1, apex with deeper and denser punctures than other parts of T2, and apical border of T2 barely depressed ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); anterior surface of S2 sloping, in lateral view S2 rounded basally ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ), S2 with sparser and shallower punctures than those on T2 and ventrally in basal portion with a long median longitudinal furrow ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–10. 1–4, 6–10 ); punctures of visible parts of T3–T5 larger and denser than those on T2; S3–S4 with minute punctures.

Male. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Guizhou).

Etymology. The specific name tongrenensis refers to the type locality of this species, Tongren City ( China, Guizhou Province).


Capital Normal University, College of Life Sciences













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