Gnaptorina kangmar Shi, Ren & Merkl, 2007

Ji, Bao-Yue, Guo, Tong-Yang, Gu, Mei-Chang, Ren, Guo-Dong & Li, Xiu-Min, 2024, Description of five larvae of the genus Gnaptorina Reitter, 1887 from Xizang, China (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Blaptinae), with molecular species delimitation and diagnoses, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 295-314 : 295-314

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.124184

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scientific name

Gnaptorina kangmar Shi, Ren & Merkl, 2007


Gnaptorina kangmar Shi, Ren & Merkl, 2007

Examined materials.

Larvae. 27 exx. ( MHBU): Nai Chin Kangsang Snow Mountain , Xizang / 28 ° 53.90 ’ N, 90 ° 09.85 ’ E / Alt. 5030 m / 2014 - VIII- 6 / Guo-Dong Ren, Xing-Long Bai, Jun-Sheng Shan leg. GoogleMaps ; 21 exx. ( MHBU): Gyangzê County , Xizang / 2014 - VIII- 6 / Guo-Dong Ren, Xing-Long Bai, Jun-Sheng Shan leg.


Body (Fig. 7 A – C View Figure 7 ). Larvae length 19.2–20.0 mm, width 2.3–2.5 mm, moderately thickened. Body yellowish brown, shiny, body wall ossified; median line obvious on pronotum and mesonotum.

Head (Fig. 7 B, D – G View Figure 7 ). Labrum transverse; apical part with six setae; anterior margin with two discal and six slender lateral marginal setae; epipharynx with sparse setae on lateral margin, with two basal spines on central area, between the basal spines with four mastoids, with six mastoids above the basal spines; mandible left-right unsymmetrical, membranous elevation with two setae (Fig. 7 D, E, G View Figure 7 ). Epicranial stem Y-shaped; frons convex, with sparse setae on lateral margins, with four pairs of setae at apex (a pair on anterior margin, a pair on middle margin, two pairs on mid-posterior margin) (Fig. 7 D, F View Figure 7 ). Ocelli evident, two parallel rows arranged transversely (Fig. 7 B View Figure 7 ). Maxillary palpi (Fig. 7 E View Figure 7 ) three-segmented, cylindrical, and conical at apex; I widest, II longest. Labial palps two-segmented, short; II conical; prementum short, with two setae on anterior margin, apex with two long setae; mentum convex, trapezoidal, base of mentum straight; mentum wide and short, lateral margin with five or six long setae, mid-posterior margin with two long setae; submentum with nine setae on middle margin. Antennae three-segmented, cylindrical at apex; I longest; III shortest and narrowest (Fig. 7 B, D – G View Figure 7 ).

Thorax (Fig. 7 A View Figure 7 ). Pronotum and mesonotum with four pairs of setae (two pairs of setae on anterior margin, two pairs of setae on posterior margin); metanotum with three pairs of long setae, a pair on mid-anterior margin, two pairs on middle. Anterior and posterior borders of pronotum with brown longitudinal stripes; posterior border of mesonotum and metanotum with a brown longitudinal stripe. Pronotum longest, 2.03 × as long as mesonotum, 1.89 × as long as metanotum, mesonotum shortest.

Legs (Fig. 7 H, I View Figure 7 ). Protarsungulus with a strong, long seta on inner side and a strong, short spine on outer side at base. Profemora and protibiae gradually narrowing towards apex; inner margin setal formula of prothoracic leg 5 (1): 7 (5–6): 2 (2); outer margin of tibiae with two strong and short spines; outer margin of femora with two setae; trochanter with three setae. Mesotarsus with a strong, long seta on inner side and a strong, short spine on outer side at base; inner margin setal formula of mesothoracic leg 4 (2): 4 (2): 2 (2); outer margin of tibiae with two spines; outer margin of femora with two spines; outer margin of trochanters with two spines and one seta (Fig. 7 H View Figure 7 ). Metatarsus with a strong, long seta on inner side and a strong, short spine on outer side at base; inner margin setal formula of metathoracic leg 4 (3): 5 (2): 2 (2), outer margin of tibiae with two spines, outer margin of femora with two spines, outer margin of trochanters with two spines and one seta.

Abdomen (Fig. 7 A, C View Figure 7 ). Not constricted between VIII and IX segments Approximately 2.68 × as long as thorax; abdominal segments I – VIII subcylindrical, with transverses plicae; ventral side of abdominal segment I with 12 setae on anterior margin and six setae on each side, with two pairs of setae on posterior margin; ventral side of abdominal segment II with seven pairs of setae (five pairs of setae on lateral margin, two pairs of setae on posterior margin); ventral side of abdominal segments III – VIII with three pairs of setae (two pairs of setae on mid-lateral margin, a pairs of setae on posterior margin); ventral side of abdominal segment VIII with four pairs of setae on lateral margin and two pairs of setae on posterior margin. Last segment conical, 0.91 × as long as VIII, distinctly narrower than VIII; last segment surface of convex disc with sparse long setae in ventral view, with a row of short spines on each side (five spines on left, five spines on right); last segment dorsally flattened, urogomphi inconspicuous, with two short spines (Fig. 7 J – L View Figure 7 ).

Spiracles (Fig. 7 C View Figure 7 ). Lateral margins of abdominal segments I – VIII and mesothorax each with a pair of oval spiracles, mesothorax spiracles much larger than abdominal spiracles, abdominal segments I – VIII spiracles gradually shrinking.











