Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) pallidus Schmidt, 1922

Chamorro, William, Marin-Armijos, Diego, senjo, Angelico & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records, ZooKeys 826, pp. 1-343 : 51

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scientific name

Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) pallidus Schmidt, 1922


Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) pallidus Schmidt, 1922 View in CoL Plate 13B

Canthon pallidus Schmidt, 1922: 89 (original description. Type locality: Columbien [= Colombia]; Yungas de la Paz, Bolivia; Chanchamayo, Peru; Santa Jnéz [= Santa Inés], Ecuador; Chaco, Bolivia).

Canthon pallidus : Balthasar 1939d: 204 (characters in key); Balthasar 1941: 342 (cited for Peru); 1951: 327 (cited for Peru); Medina et al. 2001: 136 (cited for Colombia); Hamel-Leigue et al. 2006: 13 (cited for Bolivia); Krajcik 2012: 64 (complete list of species); Ratcliffe et al. 2015: 195 (cited for Peru).

Canthon pallidum : Blackwelder 1944: 200 (list of species for Latin America); Contreras 1951: 221 (cited for Colombia).

Geocanthon pallidus : Pereira and Martínez 1960: 47 (cited as new combination); Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 671 (catalog of species).

Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) pallidus : Halffter and Martínez 1977: 80 (transferred to the subgenus Glaphyrocanthon Martínez, 1948); Medina et al. 2003: 64 (distribution); Carvajal et al. 2011: 314-315 (cited for Ecuador); Chamorro et al. 2018: 87 (figure 10G), 92 (cited for Ecuador); Vaz-de-Mello and Cupello 2018b: 62 (figures 83 and 84), 63 (lectotype designated).

Glaphyrocanthon (Coprocanthon) gutierrezi Martínez, 1949a: 161 (original description).

Geocanthon gutierrezi : Pereira and Martínez 1956a: 151 (cited as new combination, redescription); Pereira and Martínez 1960: 47 (cited as Geocanthon pallidus (Schmidt, 1922) synonym); Halffter and Martínez 1977: 80 (synonym of Canthon pallidus Schmidt).

Type specimens.

Canthon pallidus Schmidt, 1922. The lectotype (♂) is deposited in the NHRS (see Vaz-de-Mello and Cupello 2018b: 63, figure 84). Locality: Columbia [= Colombia], examined.

Lectotype (♂): "Columbia [p]", "pallidus / a.Schmidth [hw]", "9971 / E92 + [p, blue label]", "PARALECTOTYPE / Canthon ♂ / pallidus / A. Schmidt / des. F.Z.Vaz-de-Mello, 2014 [hw and p, yellow label, black margin]", "LECTOTYPE ♂ / Canthon pallidus / A. Schmidt / des. F.Z.Vaz-de- Mello, 2014 [hw and p, red label, black margin]".

Geocanthon gutierrezi Martínez, 1949. The holotype is deposited at the MACN. Locality: Bolivia Dep. La Paz Pcia. Nor Yungas, Sacramento 2500 m. Examined.

Holotype (♂): "MACN-En / 1099 [p, black margin]", "geocanthon / pallidus (Schm.) / A. MARTÍNEZ-DET 1957 [p and hw, black margin]", "Ene-949 / BOLIVIA / Dep. La Paz / Pcia. Nor Yungas / Sacramento 2500 mts / Coll. Martínez [hw]", "HOLOTIPO ♂ [hw, red label]", "glaphyrocanhton / (coprocanthon) ♂ / gutierrezi sp. n / A. MARTÍNEZ-DET 1950 [p and hw, red label, black margin]".


Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Records examined.

NAPO: Cosanga Estación Científica Yanayacu, 2130 m (1 specimen MQCAZ); Cuyuja, 2200 m (1 specimen MQCAZ); Hacienda San Isidro, Quijos Valley, 2000 m (1 specimen MQCAZ); Las Palmas, 2050 m (1 specimen MQCAZ). SUCUMBÍOS: Río Azuela, El Reventador, 1720 m (1 specimen CEMT; 2 specimens MUTPL). TUNGURAHUA: Baños, El Topo, 1590 m (1 specimen CEMT). ZAMORA CHINCHIPE: Tundayme campamento Mirador, La Escombrera, 1225 m (1 specimen MUTPL).

Literature records.

UNDETERMINED PROVINCE: Santa Jnéz [= Santa Inés] ( Schmidt 1922: 90).

Temporal data.

Collected in January, August, October, November, and December.


Inhabits the evergreen foothill forests and lower montane evergreen forests of the Amazon region from 1225-1720 m a.s.l. In the Andean region, it was registered in the montane cloud forests from 2000-2200 m a.s.l. Collected manually in horse feces and with canopy fogging methods.















