Oligosoma judgei, (Holotype)

Patterson, Geoff B & Bell, Trent P, 2009, The Barrier skink Oligosoma judgei n. sp. (Reptilia: Scincidae) from the Darran and Takitimu Mountains, South Island, New Zealand, Zootaxa 2271, pp. 43-56 : 49-51

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.190961

publication LSID




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scientific name

Oligosoma judgei


Description of O. judgei (Holotype)

Body elongate, oval in cross-section; limbs well developed, pentadactyl ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Lower eyelid with a transparent palpebral disc, bordered on sides and below by small, oblong granules. Snout moderately sharp. Nostril centred just below middle of nasal, pointing up and back. Supranasals absent. Rostral broader than deep. Frontonasal broader than long, separated from frontal by prefrontals meeting in the midline. Frontal longer than broad, shorter than frontoparietal and interparietal together, in contact with 2 anteriormost supraoculars. Supraoculars 4, the 2nd largest. Frontoparietals distinct, larger than interparietal. A pair of parietals meeting behind interparietal and bordered posteriorly by a pair of temporals, also in contact with interparietal, frontoparietal, 4th supraocular and 2 postoculars. Loreals 2, similar size; anterior loreal in contact with 1st and 2nd supralabial, posterior loreal, prefrontal, frontonasal and nasal; posterior loreal in contact with 2nd, 3rd and 4th supralabial, 1st subocular, upper and lower preocular, prefrontal and anterior loreal. Supralabials 9, the 7th or 8th largest. Infralabials 7, first four similar in size; seventh supralabial below centre of eye. Mental broader but shallower than rostral. Postmental similar to mental. Chinshields 3 pairs. Dorsal scales weakly striate, 1 x 1.5mm. Ventral scales smooth, c 1.8 c 1.8 mm. Subdigital lamellae smooth. Nasals widely separated. One primary temporal, 2 secondary temporals. Forelimbs shorter than hindlimbs. Adpressed limbs overlapping. Digits long, cylindrical. Third front digit as long as the fourth. Forehead concave, snout slightly convex. Ear opening round, small, one or two projecting granules on anterior margin. Precloacal scales enlarged. All scales have a dull appearance.

Measurements (in millimetres; holotype with the variation shown in the paratype in parentheses): SVL 80.5 (75.0); HL 13.8 (13.0); HW 10.5 (8.5); AG 41.8 (43.0); SF 35.5 (30.4); SE 17.3 (15.8); EF 17.8 (16.3), and FTL 6.8 (5.6)

Upper ciliaries 7 (6); lower ciliaries 12 (10); supraciliaries 6(l), 7(r) (7); suboculars 7 (unable to count); nuchals 1 pair (1 pair); midbody scale rows 50 (44); ventral scale rows 90 (97); subdigital lamellae 24 (25);.

Variation: Ratios for morphological measurements (holotype then paratype): AG/SF 1.2 (1.4); SE/EF 1.0 (1.0); HL/HW 1.3 (1.5). Only the paratype had an intact tail (TL/SVL = 1.08).

The maximum recorded SVL amongst all animals measured was 91mm SVL on an adult female, which was also the heaviest at 15.4g; and the maximum recorded intact tail length was 101mm in another adult female. Further morphometric measurements of five animals captured at Cheviot Faces in the Takitimu Mountains are also provided in Edmonds (2009).

Colour. Primary dorsal markings range from jet black with regular fine brown, green or yellow speckles, similar to O. grande . Median dorsal stripe absent. Dorsolateral lines are not usually present, although speckles converged to form distinct lines in one specimen. Lateral surface black with speckles. Primary head markings as for dorsal markings. Tail mainly black with some brown, green or yellow speckles. Entire ventral surface white, with occasional black speckles. Soles of feet black, upper and outer surface of limbs are black with regular brown, green or yellow speckles. Juvenile coloration is similar to adult, however neonate colouration is unknown.













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