Aphelocheirus, WESTWOOD, 1833

Zettel, H. & Tran, A. D., 2009, Notes On The Aphelocheiridae (Heteroptera) From Indochina, With Redescriptions Of Aphelocheirus Inops And A. Gularis And The Description Of A New Species From Vietnam, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (3), pp. 211-226 : 220

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584746

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scientific name



Aphelocheirus View in CoL (s.str.) aff. hainanensis ZETTEL, 1998

Material examined. 1 female (brachypterous), Vietnam: Lang Son Prov., Huu Lien Nature Reserve, Lan Ram stream, 10.X.2001, Coll. A.D. Tran VNLS0102 ( ZRCS) .

Notes on morphology. This female is larger than the examined females of A. gularis and has a vivid colour pattern as described for A. hainanensis , especially with pairs of distinct marks on tergites 4–6. Body length 7.7 mm. Body width 5.3 mm. Pronotum width 3.9 mm. Length of head equal to its width; so the head is slightly longer than that of the types of A. gularis and A. hainanensis . Subgenital plate similar as in A. gularis and A. hainanensis , but its median tip obsolete.

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