
Shamshev, Igor & Kustov, Semen, 2013, Two new species of the Empis subgenus Lissempis (Diptera: Empididae) from the Caucasus, Zootaxa 3637 (1) : -

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3637.1.8

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Key to species of the subgenus Lissempis

The key below is an updated and somewhat modified version of a key compiled by Chvála (2002) to distinguish European species of the subgenus Lissempis .

1 Legs almost entirely black, only base of tibiae yellowish (broader on hind tibia). Mesonotum entirely shiny, with black setae. Subapical half of hind tibia and hind basitarsus slightly swollen. Wings brownish (North Africa, Italy)..... E. liosoma Bezzi View in CoL

- Legs extensively yellow, at least fore coxae and all femora................................................... 2

2 Antenna with scape 3– 4 X as long as wide................................................................. 3

- Antenna with scape at most 1.5X as long as wide............................................................ 4

3 Mesonotum almost bare, with only a few short hair-like setulae on notopleuron, 2 prescutellar thin setae and 2 pairs of black scutellars. Wings brownish. Tibiae and tarsi blackish, femora darkened towards tip. All male tibiae and femora more or less curved ( Albania)...................................................................... E. curvitibia Chvála View in CoL

- Mesonotum with very prominent pale setae. Wings hyaline. Fore and mid tibiae brown apically, hind tibia brownish yellow, darker towards apex, hind femur brown on about apical quarter. Male hind tibia thickened towards apex, somewhat curved; hind male basitarsus swollen on basal half (North Caucasus)................................ E. azishtauensis sp. nov.

4 Mesonotum entirely grey pollinose, with pale setae. Palpus pale yellow (Crete, Mallorca)............. E. insularis Chvála View in CoL

- Mesonotum largely shiny. Different combination of characters................................................. 5

5 Palpus pale yellow. Mesonotum with black setae. Abdomen with sternites 1–4 yellowish brown to yellow (North Caucasus)................................................................................. E. krasnodarensis sp. nov.

- Palpus brown to black. Mesonotum with pale to yellow setae. Abdomen entirely black.............................. 6

6 Mid and hind coxae black. Hind tibia towards apex and hind basitarsus swollen. Male: anterior four tarsi with long pale hairlike setae dorsally, mid femur and tibia with conspicuously long setae both dorsally and ventrally (Europe)................................................................................................... E. nigritarsis Meigen View in CoL

- Mid and hind coxae yellow. Hind tibia and basitarsus slender. Male: legs with only short setae (Southern Europe).............................................................................................. E. cuneipennis Bezzi View in CoL











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