Pseudaugochlora indistincta Almeida
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.180374 |
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Plazi |
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Pseudaugochlora indistincta Almeida |
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sp. nov. |
Pseudaugochlora indistincta Almeida View in CoL sp.n.
Diagnosis. This species is most similar to P. graminea , P. callaina , P. erythrogaster , and P. simulata . The female can be distinguished from those of the other species by the furrowlike depression on the apical portion of the clypeus ( Fig.8 View FIGURE 8 b — in P. callaina the clypeus is broadly depressed medially, Fig.8 View FIGURE 8 a; in the other three species the clypeus is flat or very weakly concave); the moderately coarse and moderately dense punctures on disc of T1 (in P. callaina , P. erythrogaster , and P. s i m u l a t a the punctures are very fine intermixed with coarser punctures). The male can be distinguished by the weakly hooked F11 (strongly hooked in P. g r a m i n e a, P. erythrogaster , and P. simulata ); and by the entangled and unordered hair apices of the stem of the Yshaped hair patch (as in Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 a; in P. callaina apices of hairs of the Yshaped are ordered and aim at midline of the Ystem, Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 b). and by the entangled and unordered hair apices of the stem of the Yshaped hair patch (as in Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 a; in P. c a l l a i n a apices of hairs of the Yshaped are ordered and aim at midline of the Ystem, Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 b).
Description. FEMALE (Holotype)
Color: green with blue and purple highlights, except: mandibles blackish ferruginous with some areas black; labrum and transverse apical band on clypeus black; region of paraocular area and vertex close to eye margin, and basal area and side of clypeus bluish; antenna blackish brown; mesoscutal bands and anterior margins of metanotum and metapostnotum with purple highlights; tegula, most veins of hind wing, and pterostigma brown, with proximal area of tegula bluish green; R and Rs darker than other wing veins; wings dusky hyaline; tarsal claws brown; tarsi blackish brown; tibiae black with green areas on outer surface; femora and trochanters black with greenish highlights; tibial spurs and strigilis light brown; terga predominantly bluish green, but with weak yellowish highlights; apical margin of T1–T4 blackish brown, weakly translucent; metasomal sterna blackish brown with greenish highlights.
Pubescence: predominantly fuscous; on apical margin of clypeus, mandible, and legs light brown; on mesepisternum, propodeum, scopa, and anterior surface of T1 whitish to pale yellow; on discs of T2–T4 short white hairs intermixed with black long setae; on metasomal sterna light yellow. On condylar groove and interspace of mandible long, simple and erect, shorter apicad, on outer surface shorter and semidecumbent; on basal area of labrum absent; on disc of clypeus moderately short, fine and semidecumbent, on apical margin long, simple and semierect; on paraocular area and vertex moderately long, plumose, and semierect; on frons long, plumose and semierect, shorter on frons; on postocellar fringe moderately short, moderately plumose and semierect; on gena long, plumose and semidecumbent, shorter toward eye margin; on dorsal surface of pronotum short, moderately plumose and erect, on pronotal dorsal carina longer; on mesoscutum moderately long, plumose and semidecumbent to semierect; on mesepisternum and scutellum long, plumose and semierect; on metanotum long, densely plumose and semierect to semierect; on metapostnotum absent; on posterior surface of propodeum moderately long, plumose and semierect; on wings denser apically; on anterior vertical surface of T1 short fine and erect; on disc of T1 moderately long, moderately plumose and semidecumbent, shorter near apical margin, intermixed with very short and semidecumbent hairs; on T2–T4 short, very fine to simple and semidecumbent, intermixed with very short and simple hairs; on T5 moderately short, moderately plumose and decumbent, intermixed with longer hairs; on metasomal sterna long and semidecumbent, shorter near apical margin.
Sculpture: integument smooth and shiny except: outer interspace of mandible longitudinally microrugulose except near base; disc of clypeus weakly microreticulate, distinctively microreticulate on a continuous darker band formed on sides and base of clypeus; anterior face of supraclypeal area rough to irregularly microrugulose; lower portion of paraocular area microreticulate; vertex behind ocelli smooth surrounded by irregularly microreticulate areas; mesoscutum microreticulate (as in Fig.5 View FIGURE 5 a); metanotum irregularly rugulose; metapostnotum coarsely reticulate, posteriorly and on posterior vertical surface rugulose; basitibial plate rough to weakly microreticulate.
Punctures: on outer interspace of mandible fine to moderately coarse and sparse; on basal area of labrum absent; on clypeus coarse and dense, finer near lateral and posterior margins, beveled on apical half; on anterior face of supraclypeal area moderately fine to moderately coarse and moderately dense, on the remainder beveled, moderately coarse and dense; on frons moderately coarse and sparse, undifferentiated from the background reticulation of the integument; on paraocular area beveled, moderately coarse and dense; on vertex, around and between ocelli, absent to minute and sparse; on vertex, between eye and lateral ocellus, protuberant, very fine and sparse; on gena very fine and moderately sparse, intermixed with coarser and sparser beveled punctures; on dorsal ridge of pronotum protuberant, minute and sparse; on disc of mesoscutum moderately coarse and very dense, intermixed with few coarser punctures, between and upon mesoscutal bands sparser, around distal third of mesoscutal line moderately dense; on scutellum fine and dense intermixed with coarser and sparser punctures; on metanotum moderately fine and sparse; on metapostnotum absent; on posterior surface of propodeum beveled, moderately coarse and moderately dense; on anterior vertical surface of T1 minute and very sparse, on disc of T1 moderately coarse to moderately fine and dense, on apical margin absent; on T2 as on T1, but sparser; on T3 and T4 fine and moderately dense.
Structure: disc of clypeus depressed medially ( Fig.8 View FIGURE 8 b); epistomal sulcus forming an angle approximately orthogonal; frontal carina well marked; angle of the frontal line between supraclypeal and frontal areas gently declivous (approximately 140, as in Fig.6 View FIGURE 6 a); seven unevenly spaced hamuli on the left wing and eight on the right wing; inner hind tibial spur with 6 teeth; basal area of basitibial plate slightly elevated.
Measurements (mm). Approximate length of body = 11.4, anterior wing =7.0. Length and width of head = 2.33, 2.84. Maximum, inferior and superior distances between eyes = 1.98, 1.58, 1.4. IOC, OOC = 0.24, 0.36; MOD, LOD = 0.25, 0.23. Length and diameter of scape = 1.25, 0.17. Length of pedicel, F1, F2, F3 and F10 = 0.19, 0.19, 0.20, 0.29, 0.34. Diameter of F5 = 0.21. Length and width of mesoscutum = 1.85, 2.20. Length and width of prestigma = 0.27, 0.19. Length and width of pterostigma = 0.88, 0.27. Length and width of marginal cell = 1.71, 0.53.
MALE (Allotype)
Differs from female as follows:
Color: mostly metallic green, with yellowish highlights on head and bluish highlights on mesosoma and metasoma; labrum and apical margin of clypeus yellow with dark ferruginous edges; mandible dark brown on basal half, lighter on apex; ventral surface of antenna brown, dorsally blackish; tibial spurs, tarsal claws, and strigilis light yellow; external face of legs except tarsi brown with green highlights; tarsi blackish brown; internal surface of legs brown; apical margin of T1–T5 semitranslucent black; S2 and S3 brown with green lateral spots not reaching apical margin; S4–S6 dark brown; postanal filaments pale light yellow.
Pubescence: mostly light yellow, except: on posterior surface of propodeum, anterior vertical surface of T1 and short hairs of metasomal terga whitish; on clypeus, anterior face of supraclypeal area, vertex, scutellum and mesoscutum blackish intermixed with few light yellow hairs; on metasomal terga long setae black with yellow apices; on inferior portion of paraocular area white. On basal area of labrum very fine, short and erect between and anterior to the two basal elevations; on scape and frons longer than on female; on S4 and S5 with hair patches forming tufts: S4 with a Yshaped hair patch, hair apices on the stem of this patch entangled and unordered (as in Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 a), S5 with two lateromedial tufts (as in Fig.2 View FIGURE 2 a); on S6 moderately long, forming an apical fringe.
Sculpture: integument smooth and shiny except: outer interspace of mandible weakly microrugulose, almost smooth; disc of clypeus weakly and irregularly microreticulate, narrow basal band smooth; on vertex rough; on scutellum coarse and irregularly reticulate (reticulum reaching anterior margin); on metanotum irregularly rugulose; upper corner of the posterior surface of propodeum deeply microreticulate.
Punctures: on outer interspace of mandible absent; on supraclypeal area not beveled, moderately fine and very dense (as on frons); on vertex close to eye very fine and sparse (more than three diameters apart); on disc of mesoscutum moderately coarse and dense, sparser in areas near parapsidal lines; on scutellum moderately coarse and moderately dense, intermixed with very fine and sparse punctures, moderately fine and dense on median transverse line; on scutellum fine and moderately sparse; on T1–T3 moderately coarse and dense, finer and sparser apicad, apical margin impunctate.
Structure: epistomal sulcus forming approximately orthogonal angle (more rounded than in female); F11 weakly hooked (as in Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 b); frontal carina weak and welldefined only on upper part of supraclypeal area; angle of the frontal line between supraclypeal and frontal areas gently declivous (approximately 140, as in Fig.6 View FIGURE 6 a); margin of S4 emarginate, posterior marginal area of S4 and S5 depressed; seven unevenly spaced hamuli on hind wing; S7, S8 and genitalia structurally similar to those of P. graminea ( Figs.3 View FIGURE 3 a, 4a).
Measurements (mm). Approximate length of body = 10.2, anterior wing = 7.8. Length and width of head = 2.45, 2.87. Maximum, inferior and superior distances between eyes = 1.94, 1.30, 1.44. IOC, OOC = 0.22, 0.23; MOD, LOD = 0.34, 0.41. Length and diameter of scape = 0.73, 0.24. Length of pedicel, F1, F2, F3 and F10 = 0.12, 0.17, 0.35, 0.32, 0.28. Diameter of F5 = 0.21. Length and width of mesoscutum = 1.78, 2.13. Length and width of prestigma = 0.24, 0.22. Length and width of pterostigma = 0.83, 0.25. Length and width of marginal cell = 1.68, 0.54.
Variation: The color varies from green with bluish highlights to metallic blue with purple and green highlights; body length varies from 8 – 13 mm; microreticulate basal band varying in width from very narrow (approximately ¼ flagellar width) to almost as wide as lateral microreticulate bands; some females from the states of Santa Catarina and São Paulo possess punctation on the disc of T1 fine, resembling that of females of P. simulata ( Figs.7 View FIGURE 7 d,f); the depressed area on the clypeus of females from southern Brazil is slightly wider and deeper than observed in females from Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro states.
Etymology: the specific epithet alludes to the similarity of this species and P. g r a m i n e a, P. c a l l a i n a, and P. simulata , and the difficulty of distinguishing these species.
Distribution in Brazil: southeastern and southern Brazil, south of Minas Gerais (states of Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo).
Period of activity: every month of the year except May, June, and September.
Holotype (female): “COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA” “EST. SUMARÉ. Distrito Federal BRASIL; I 1954; C.A.C. SEABRA”. Type depository: DZUP.
Allotype (male): “B. de COTEGIPE; R.Gr.S. BRASIL; 21/I/1967; F. Giacomel leg.” ( DZUP).
Paratypes (listed by Brazilian state): Minas Gerais: "Local: ArapongaMG; Data 25/03/86; Col. G.Melo", "Nº 253/1/15" (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "S. Cipó; M. Gerais Brasil; VIII1951; F.M.Oliveira" (1Ψ: DZUP); Paraná: "DPTº ZOOL; UFPARANÁ", "MORRETES (MARUMBI); PRBR 13 14/VIII/66; F.Giacomel leg" (2Ψ: DZUP); "S.J.PINHAISPR; Brasil III63; C.Elias leg." (1ɗ: DZUP); "S.J.PINHAISPR; Brasil III63; S.Laroca leg." (1ɗ: DZUP); "R. ITINGA PR; Brasil VII64; S.LAROCA leg" (1Ψ: DZUP); "DPTº ZOOL; UFPARANÁ.", "PIRAQUARA PARANÁ; BRASIL 15/XI/ 74; Pe. Moure leg." (1Ψ: DZUP); "CASTRO PR; Brasil 20X1966; Olavo Fonseca Jr." (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "CURITIBA; Paraná BRASIL; 1XI1955; Michener e Lange" (1Ψ: DZUP); "Curitiba Pr.; XII1954; R.Lange leg", "3" (1Ψ: DZUP); "CURITIBAPR; Brasil II65; M.H.NOGUEIRA" (1ɗ: DZUP); " BRASIL Paraná, Curitiba; 4 November, 1943; (Ralph Hertel)" (1Ψ: KUNHM); Rio de Janeiro: "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "Maromba Itatiaia; 1200m E. Rio, BRASIL; 26XII1953 Seabra e Alvarenga Colls." (2Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "Estr. Sumaré; D. Federal BRASIL; IV1954; C.A.C.Seabra Coll." (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "Floresta da Tijuca; D. Federal BRASIL; II1954; C.A.C.Seabra Coll." (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "Gavea Pequena; Distrito Federal BRASIL; 28III 955; C.A.C.SEABRA Col." (1Ψ: DZUP); "Alto Boa Vista; Tijuca D.F.; 2III 952 CACS.", (11 (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA" "Gavea Pequena; Distrito Federal BRASIL; 1III 953; C. A. C. SEABRA Col." (1Ψ: KUNHM); Santa Catarina: " Brasilien; Nova Teutonia; 27° 11 8 52 °23 L; Friz Plaumann; III1950; 300 bis 500 m " (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "NOVA TEUTONIA; S.Catarina BRASIL; Dezembro 1955; F.Plaumann" (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "NOVA TEUTONIA; S.Catarina BRASIL; Outubro 1956; F.Plaumann" (1Ψ: DZUP); "BLUMENAUSC; Brasil 1X55; VINALTO Graf" (1Ψ: DZUP); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; 3II54; Fritz Plaumann" "G. C. Eickwort; slide no.; 6703315" (1Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; IV2851; Fritz Plaumann" "G. C. Eickwort; slide no.; 6607015" (1Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; IV2951; Fritz Plaumann", "G. C. Eickwort; slide no.; 67 01175" (1Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; II350; Fritz Plaumann" (1Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; XI51; Fritz Plaumann" (2Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; XII 52; Fritz Plaumann" (1Ψ: KUNHM); "Nova Teutonia; S. Catarina Braz.; XII453; Fritz Plaumann" (1Ψ: KUNHM); " BRAZIL; Santa Catarina; Nova Teutonia; 16 Feb. 1956; (F. Plauman)" (1Ψ: KUNHM); " Brasilien; Nova Teutonia; 27º11'B 52º23'L; 300500 m; Fritz Plaumann; II241951 " (1Ψ: KUNHM); São Paulo: "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "QUELUZ; S.PAULOBR; 211954; L.C.ALVARENGA" (1Ψ: DZUP); "COLEÇÃO CAMPOS SEABRA", "CAMPOS DO JORDÃO; S.Paulo BRASIL; XII1957; K.Lenko leg." (1Ψ: DZUP); "Sa. BOCAINA 1500m; S.J.BARREIRO SP; BRASIL 4.XI.1965; F.M.Oliveira leg" (1Ψ: DZUP).
Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Augochlorini |
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