Convolvulus turrillianus Parsa, Kew Bull. 3: 213. 1948. (Parsa 1948: 213).

Wood, John R. I., Williams, Bethany R. M., Mitchell, Thomas C., Carine, Mark A., Harris, David J. & Scotland, Robert W., 2015, A foundation monograph of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae), PhytoKeys 51, pp. 1-282 : 160-161

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scientific name

Convolvulus turrillianus Parsa, Kew Bull. 3: 213. 1948. (Parsa 1948: 213).


145. Convolvulus turrillianus Parsa, Kew Bull. 3: 213. 1948. (Parsa 1948: 213). Figure 19, t. 1-8


IRAN, Karevandar, Parsa 566 (holotype K).


Small undershrub to c. 25 cm, stems and branches sericeous, spinescent, sterile cauline spines present, few. Leaves sessile, 1.5-3 × 0.5 cm, obovate or elliptic, obtuse, entire, the base attenuate to a petiole-like base, densely sericeous. Flowers in compact capitate cymes, terminal on naked peduncle-like branches; bracts ovate, acuminate, densely pilose; bracteoles c. 8 × 2 mm, linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, densely pilose; pedicels absent; sepals 8-9 × 1.5-2.5 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, pilose; corolla c. 1.8 mm long, cream, midpetaline bands pilose; ovary pilose; style pubescent, divided c. 5 mm above base, stigmas c. 3 mm. Capsule not seen. [ Sa’ad 1967: 85; Nowroozi 2002: 37 (plate), 101 (map), Rechinger 1963: Figure 3]


Endemic to southeastern Iran (Popov 51/157, Rechinger 55064, Mirzayan 830E, Assadi in Rechinger 54802, Runemark et al. 22616).


Superficially similar to Convolvulus oxysepalus but the stem and leaves greyish-sericeous with adpressed hairs, the plant more obviously spiny with short-lateral spinescent branchlets in addition to the spinescent main shoots; the ovary is densely pilose and the style thinly pubescent, the stigmas only 3 mm long.