Neomuscina mimosa Lopes & Khouri, 1996

Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre & De, Claudio J. B., 2012, Taxonomy of Neomuscina Townsend (Diptera, Muscidae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 3504, pp. 1-55 : 25-27

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.209438

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Neomuscina mimosa Lopes & Khouri, 1996


Neomuscina mimosa Lopes & Khouri, 1996 View in CoL

( Figs. 59–64 View FIGURES 59 – 64 )

Neomuscina mimosa Lopes & Khouri 1996: 954 View in CoL fig. 4 (fifth sternite), 955 (description), 956 figs. 9 and 10 (cercal plate, dorsal view; cercal plate, lateral view); de Carvalho et al. 2005: 94 (catalogue).

Diagnosis: acrostichal 0:1; dorsocentral 2:4; mid femur with three preapical setae; wing hyaline; fore tibia with a distinct median anterodorsal setae; male intra-alar 1; proepimeron and proepisternum with dark setulae; katepisternum with dark setulae on posteroventral surface.

Color: general body coloration brownish yellow; frons yellow, apex darkened; facialia, parafacialia white; frontalia, parafrontalia, antenna and palpus yellow; scutum with four dark stripes of grey pruinosity; legs yellow; calypters and halter yellow; wing hyaline.

Male. Length. Body: 5.0 mm; wing: 5.5 mm.

Head: eyes separated from each other by 0.09 mm, at level of ocellar tubercle; 12 pairs of frontal setae; ocellar seta small and parallel; postocellar seta small and divergent; inner vertical and outer vertical setae small and divergent.

Thorax: acrostichal 0:1; dorsocentral 2:4; intra-alar 1; katepisternum with dark cilia on posteroventral surface; fore tibia with a distinct median anterodorsal seta; apex of fore tibia with setae on anterodorsal, dorsal, posterodorsal, posteroventral and ventral surfaces; mid femur with a row of setae on posteroventral surface from base to middle, reappearing near apex; mid femur with short row of anteroventral setae from base to basal quarter; mid femur with three preapical setae, on dorsal, posterodorsal and posterior faces; apex of mid tibia with setae on anterior, posterodorsal, posteroventral, ventral and anteroventral faces; hind femur with a complete row of dorsal and anteroventral setae, and a row of ventral setae from base to middle; hind tibia with one median anterodorsal setae and two median anteroventral setae; hind tibia with anterior, anterodorsal, dorsal, ventral and anteroventral setae at apex; wing with one or two dorsal setae and one ventral seta at apex of stem vein.

Abdomen: epandrium slightly projected.

Female (differing as follows): Length. Body: 5.1 mm; wing: 5.5 mm; eyes separated from each other by 0.28 mm, at level of ocellar tubercle; nine pairs of frontal convergent setae, except for top two pairs, which are parallel; ocellar and postocellar setae large and divergent; inner vertical seta large and convergent, and outer vertical seta large and divergent; intra-alars 2; sternite VIII with strong spike-like setae; epiproct with four setae, setae in a square-shaped arrangement (2:2).

Comments: N. mimosa can be easily distinguished from other species by the katepisternum with many prominent dark cilia on posteroventral surface, as well as the male with epandrium slightly projected and sternite VIII of female with strong spike-like setae.

Type material examined: Holotype: male; chaetotaxy in good condition; median and hind right legs missing; wings damaged; abdomen dissected and stored in a microvial with glycerin; label: white, printed “ BRASIL, Goiás, Goianésia / 06-XI-1969 / H. Ebert leg.”; label: red, printed HOLOTYPE ( MNRJ). Type-locality: Goianésia, Goiás, Brazil.

Paratypes: BRAZIL. Goiás. 1 male and 2 females “Goianésia, Goiaz, Brasil / H. Ebert, 6-IX-69 ” ( MNRJ).

Geographical distribution: Brazil (Goiás [type-locality]).


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro














Neomuscina mimosa Lopes & Khouri, 1996

Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre & De, Claudio J. B. 2012

Neomuscina mimosa

Lopes 1996: 954
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