Lachesilla putumayensis, Manchola, Oscar Fernando Saenz, Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García & Obando, Ranulfo González, 2015

Manchola, Oscar Fernando Saenz, Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García & Obando, Ranulfo González, 2015, New species of Lachesilla Westwood in the pedicularia group (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Lachesillidae) from the Colombian Amazonia, Zootaxa 3915 (4), pp. 510-520 : 512-513

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scientific name

Lachesilla putumayensis

sp. nov.

Lachesilla putumayensis View in CoL n. sp.

( Figures 1 − 6 View FIGURES 1 − 6 )

Diagnosis. Belonging in species group pedicularia ( García Aldrete, 1974) ; clunium apophysis slender, widened distally, with apical margin straight, shorter than in L. cesarcardonai , L. carpinteroi and L. asymmetriproctus , more slender than in L. ilama ; differing from the Peruvian and Colombian species by having forceps-like epiproctal apophyses, not extended beyond the base of the clunial apophysis.

Description. Male. Color (in 80% ethanol); head light brown, frontal suture dark brown, compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with small, brown centripetal crescents. Thorax and coxae brown. Abdomen creamy yellow with subcuticular rings light brown. Paraprocts brown, epiproct yellow. Forewing membrane brownish, opaque; pterostigma slightly darker; hindwings opaque, veins brown.

Morphology. Vertex of head slightly concave ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Tergal mesothoracic lobes prominent; precoxal bridge broad; membranous region of metapleura broad. Forewing length-width relation 2.4; pterostigma wider distally, length-width relation 2.5; Rs-M veins fused by a short length; areola postica subtriangular, apically rounded ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Hindwing length-width relation 2.8; Rs-M veins fused for a length ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Hypandrium membranous, laterally joined to claspers. Claspers well sclerotized, wider proximally, distal ends fused to form a slightly bifurcated projection; with long setae and with two rounded membranous areas in apex ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Phallosome apodeme long, slender, “T” shaped ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Clunium with a slender apophysis, widened distally and projected over the epiproct ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Paraprocts of two well sclerotized pieces; a basal one with 11 − 12 trichobothria (one without basal rosette) on the sensory fields, the distal one with a short hook-like prong, truncated at apex ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ). Epiproct broad, bilobed, each lobe connected in the middle by a membranous, setose bridge; each lobe with a forceps-like apophysis, not projected beyond the base of the clunial apophysis in lateral view ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 − 6 ).

Measurements. (in µm). FW: 1550, HW: 1225, F: 340, T: 610, t1: 247, t2: 85, ctt1: 20, Mx4: 85, f1: 187, f2: 170, f3: 150, f4: 115, f5: 80, f6: 72, f7: 72, f8: 72, f9: 72, f10: 75, f11: 102, IO: 270, D: 135, d: 222, IO/d: 1.21, PO: 1.64.

Specimens studied. Holotype. Male. COLOMBIA. Putumayo. Puerto Asís. Las Delicias, 00° 22’ 09.50’’ N: 76° 31’ 01.98’’ W, 264 m, 4.iii.2014. Jeferson Panche, collected with led light trap. Paratypes: one male, same data as the holotype. One male, Putumayo, Puerto Asís, Huitoto trail, 00° 23’ 21.01’’ N: 76° 31’ 41.87’’ W, 264 m, Jeferson Panche, collected with led light trap.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the Colombian department of Putumayo, from where this species is so far endemic.













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