Oxyopes salticus Hentz

Santos, Adalberto J., 2017, The jumping lynx spider Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845 and its Neotropical relatives (Araneae: Oxyopidae), Zootaxa 4216 (5), pp. 457-481 : 459-465

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.242322

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scientific name

Oxyopes salticus Hentz


Oxyopes salticus Hentz View in CoL

Figs 1–5 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 , 10 View FIGURE 10 A

Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845: 196 View in CoL –197, pl. 16 fig. 10 (Female syntypes from North Carolina and Alabama, USA, lost). Simon 1897: 889; Banks 1901: 224; 1902: 274; Petrunkevitch 1911: 585; 1929: 102, figs 82–83; Chamberlin 1916: 293; Mello- Leitão 1929: 496 –498, pl. 1 figs 1, 12; Bryant 1923: 15; Roewer 1955: 333; Bonnet 1958: 3240 –3241; Brady 1964: 478 – 484, figs 80–86, 91–96, 104–105; 1975: 233–239, figs 11–12, 23–24, 73–75, 98–99; Sierwald 1988: 10.

Sphasus luteus Blackwall, 1862: 350 –351 (female holotype from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, J. Gray & H. Clark leg., deposited in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, UK, not examined). Petrunkevitch 1911: 585 (= O. salticus View in CoL ).

Oxyopes varians Taczanowski, 1874: 95 –98 (male and female syntypes from Cayenne and Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana; and Uassá, Brazil, deposited in Polska Academia Nauk, Warsaw, Poland, not examined). Boeris 1889: 134; Keyserling 1891: 271 (= O. luteus ); Petrunkevitch 1911: 585 (= O. salticus View in CoL ).

Oxyopes gracilis Keyserling, 1877: 698 –700, pl. 2 figs 63–64 (male and female syntypes from “Neu Granada” [currently Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama and parts of northern Brazil and Peru—see Levi 1964], deposited in the BMNH, not examined). Keyserling 1891: 271 (= O. luteus ); F.O. Pickard-Cambridge 1902: 342 –343, pl. 32 figs 14–15; Banks 1901: 224 (= O. salticus View in CoL ); Tullgren 1905: 69, pl. 8 fig. 34; Brady 1964: 479, figs 102–103.

Oxyopes luteus ; Keyserling 1891: 271; Moenkhaus 1898: 79.

Oxyopes m-fasciatus Piza, 1938: 47 View in CoL , fig. 1 (male holotype from Piracicaba [22.7253o S, 47.6492o W], São Paulo, Brazil, J.R. Almeida leg., originally deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Escola Superior Agrícola “Luiz de Queiróz”, Piracicaba (MZLQ A0036), currently in IBSP 138211, examined) New synonymy.

Oxyopes nigrolineatus Mello-Leitão, 1941: 140 View in CoL , pl. 1 fig. 4, pl. 7 fig. 29 (subadult female holotype from Clavillo [probably Cuesta del Clavillo, 27.3345o S, 65.9754o W], Tucumán, Argentina, deposited in MLP 14738, examined) New synonymy.

Remarks. Although the type material of this species is lost, it has been repeatedly cited and illustrated in the literature (see references in Brady 1964), so there is no doubt of its identity. Additionally, although I have not examined the type material of Oxyopes luteus , O. varians and O. gracilis , the illustrations and descriptions available in the literature, together with information on their distribution, indicate they can be confirmed as junior synonyms of O. salticus . The holotype of Oxyopes nigrolineatus is a subadult, but its synonymy with O. salticus is based on the characteristic colour pattern, which I have not seen on any other South American oxyopid besides the species treated herein. Additionally, the shape of the pre-epigynum ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 F), which I could see on several O. salticus subadult specimens collected together with adults, is also characteristic.

Diagnosis. Oxyopes salticus is probably close to O. crewi and O. incantatus sp. nov. based on the characteristic shape of male and female genitalia. Males of the three species share the embolus positioned apically in the tegulum and the ventral tibial apophysis is wide, occupying more than half the anterior width of the tibia ( Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 B–D, 7A–C, 9A–C). Females of the three species are characteristic for having relatively simple and stout, non-curled copulatory ducts ( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 C, 7F, 9E). Oxyopes salticus can be distinguished from the remaining two species by the presence of a wisp of retrolateral pseudoserrate setae on the apex of pedipalpal patella ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A), the cymbial protrusion, which is wider at the apex, and the smaller basal embolic apophysis ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 A, B, 4D). Females differ from other species by the median process of epigynum, which is strongly bent anteriorly, with a long, flattened anterior portion in contact with the epigynal tegument ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 D, 5A, B).

Description. Male (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, UFMG 19554). Carapace creamy white, with two pairs of paramedian longitudinal dusky brown bands; the inner one from the ocular area to the fovea, the outer one from the clypeus to the posterior margin. Sides creamy white, margins black. Ocular area dusky brown, covered with white cuticular scales. Clypeus and chelicerae dusky brown. Labium and endites black, sternum dusky brown, with a median, longitudinal creamy white band. Pedipalpus homogeneously black. Legs creamy white, femora I–III with a ventral, longitudinal black stripe, femur IV with basal and apical dark grey spots on venter. Dorsum and sides of the opisthosoma dusky brown, suffused with creamy white spots. Cardiac mark black, surrounded anteriorly by a pair of creamy white lateral bands. Tegument moderately shiny, covered with smooth cuticular scales. Venter black, spinnerets brown, dusky brown apically. Total length 4.53. Carapace 2.21 long, 1.73 wide. Tibia I length 2.21, II 1.96, III 1.49, IV 1.77. Opisthosoma 2.31 long, 1.35 wide. Ventral tibial apophysis with a rounded keel, projected retrolaterally ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 D). Retrobasal tibial apophysis subtriangular ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 B). Basal embolic apophysis gently projected retrolaterally ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 D).

Female (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, UFMG 19554). Carapace creamy white, with a pair of paramedian, longitudinal stripes of brown cuticular scales, both from the ocular area to the posterior margin. Ocular area dusky brown, covered by white cuticular scales. Lateral margins black, sides of clypeus with two dusky brown spots, both covered by brown cuticular scales. Clypeus creamy white, with a pair of longitudinal black stripes from the anterior median eyes to the border, and continuing through the anterior face of the chelicerae, terminating at the apex of the paturon. Pedipalpus and legs creamy white, leg femora I–III with a ventral, longitudinal black stripe. Femur IV with a few ventral black spots. Opisthosoma dorsally and laterally white, densely covered by white cuticular scales. Dorsum with a paramedian, longitudinal band of faint brown cuticular scales. Cardiac mark faint brown, posteriorly delimited by brown cuticular scales. Sides covered by dark brown cuticular scales, interrupted by diagonal stripes of white scales. Venter creamy white, with a median dark grey stripe from epigastric sulcus to the spinnerets. Spinnerets red brown, posterior lateral ones dusky brown ectally. Total length 5.72. Carapace 2.78 long, 2.09 wide. Tibia I length 2.83, II 2.58, III 1.88, IV 2.26. Opisthosoma 2.94 long, 1.74 wide. Median process of epigynum subtriangular, with gently sinuous borders ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C). Posterior border of the median process bulging ventrally ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D). Lateral processes small, touching the lateral border of the median process ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A). Copulatory ducts trajectory sinuous, oriented dorso-ventrally. Spermathecae rounded, with anterior small gland pores and an ectal Bennet’s gland pore ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C, D). Fertilization ducts wide and sclerotised at the base, oriented posteriorly ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 E, 5C).

Variation. Colour pattern can be remarkably variable throughout the species’ distribution range. Male and female carapace and opisthosoma can vary from relatively pale, with the characteristic banded pattern described above ( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 AB), to completely black ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 C, D). Although the specimens illustrated in Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 came from different localities, the large number of specimens examined in this study shows that individuals with both colour patterns, as well as intermediates, can be found within the same population. The male copulatory apparatus varies from lightly to strongly sclerotised and the basal embolic apophysis, in particular, can be as sclerotised as the embolus base itself, or remarkably dark and strongly sclerotised. The female epigynum also shows marked variability in the median process, which can be particularly projected anteriorly from the point of dorsal inflexion ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C, D). The size of this anterior projection is nevertheless variable, and several specimens show no anterior projection at all ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A, B). As mentioned for the colour variation, variants of this trait can be found within the same population. Subadult females have a characteristic pre-epigynum with a median field delimited by a pair of lateral grooves ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 F). Measurements: males (N=27), total length 3.58–4.91, carapace width 1.42–1.86. Females (N=35), total length 3.86–6.28, carapace width 1.37–1.98.

Natural history. The species can be found in an impressive variety of habitats, including humid forests and dry vegetation formations, like the Brazilian savannas (the Cerrado) and seasonally dry forests (the Caatinga). It can also be extremely common in disturbed habitats, domestic gardens ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) and agroecosystems, including pastures and fields of alfalfa ( Armendano & González 2010), bananas, common bean, cotton ( Nyffeler et al. 1992), rice ( Rodrigues et al. 2009), soy ( Young & Lockley 1985), watermelon, wheat ( Armendano & González 2011), among others (see Young & Lockley 1985). Specimens are generally found associated with the foliage of herbaceous and understory vegetation ( Brady 1964), although the recurrent capture of numerous specimens in pitfall traps indicates this species frequently wanders on the ground. As observed for other members of the family, O. salticus is an active hunter, capturing a variety of insect prey using only the chelicerae and their legs ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 C). The specific epithet is a reference to the jumping habits of this species, which use this move both to capture prey and flee from danger ( Brady 1964, personal observation). Regarding its natural enemies, this species was reported as a prey of the hunting wasp Trypoxylon texense Saussure, 1867 (Crabronidae) in Florida ( Kurczewski 1963). As far as I know, there is no information on courtship and mating behaviour, but maternal care is easily seen in the field. Egg sacs are fixed over leaves or twigs and guarded by the female, who remains over or near it all the time ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 D; see also Brady 1964: 481–482).

Distribution. This is probably the most widely distributed oxyopid species, which is recorded throughout USA ( Brady 1964), Central America ( Brady 1975), South America and most of the Caribbean islands. Records in South America span from the northernmost portion of Venezuela and Colombia to northern Argentina ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 A). Detailed records from Chile are restricted to the extreme north, near the border with Peru. The material examined for this study included a sample labelled just as “ Chile ”. The sample was collected by the Brazilian entomologist José C.M. Carvalho, who collected spiders in Santiago and Arica ( Mello-Leitão 1943). The sample is most probably from Arica, from which I have seen another specimen, and which is also the sole place in the country with a record of another oxyopid ( Peucetia rubrolineata Keyserling, 1877 , Santos & Brescovit 2003). In the Caribbean, O. salticus occurs in the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 A). It has also been repeatedly recorded from the Bermuda Island ( Banks 1902, Sierwald 1988).

Additional material examined. NICARAGUA. Leon : La Paz Centro (12.34o N 86.6753o W), J.M. Maes leg., 21/XII/1988, 1 ♂ ( MCZ 19741) GoogleMaps . BERMUDA. Saint George: Whalebone Bay (32.3652o N 64.7128o W), P. Sierwald leg., VII/1983, 1 ♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Smith: Spittall Pond Park (32.3119o N 64.7254o W, meadow, sweep net), 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( USNM). PUERTO RICO GoogleMaps . Culebra Island (18.303o N 65.301o W), A GoogleMaps . Busck leg., II/1899, 3 ♀ 1 juv. ( USNM); Cayey , Cayey Mountains (18.1119o N 66.166o W), A. Bliss leg., III/1968, 5 ♀ ( MCZ) GoogleMaps ; Guayama, Punta Pozuelo (17.9376o N 66.20234o W), V.D. & B. Roth leg., 25/XII/1985, 1 ♀ ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; Dorado (18.4588o N 66.2677o W), A.S. Mills leg., 15/VII/1932, 1 ♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Palominitos Island (18.3387o N 65.5673o W) GoogleMaps , Island Project staff, University of Puerto Rico leg. , 16/VI/1965, 2 ♂ 4 ♀ ( AMNH). VIRGIN ISLANDS. Little Camanoe : (18.4582o N 64.5429o W) GoogleMaps , Island Project staff of University of Puerto Rico leg. , 2/VII/1965, 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Virgin Gorda: (18.4846o N 64.4007o W), A.M. Chickering leg. GoogleMaps , VIII/1966, 3 ♂ 2 ♀ 9 juv. ( MCZ). U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS . Saint Croix: Frederikstedt, near Frederikstedt (17.7125o N 64.8815o W), A.M. Chickering leg., 22/III/1964, 2 ♂ 2 ♀ 5 juv. ( MCZ) GoogleMaps ; 13/III/1964, 1 ♀ 4 juv. ( MCZ); Saint John: Centerline Road, 4 mi Cruz Bay (18.3451o N 64.7457o W) GoogleMaps , 4/III/ 1964, 1 ♀ ( MCZ); Saint Thomas: (18.3406o N 64.9017o W) GoogleMaps , 14/VII/1966, 1 ♂ ( MCZ). ANTIGUA & BARBUDA . Antigua: (17.0758o N 61.7877o W) GoogleMaps , VI/1918, 2 ♂ 18 ♀ 14 juv. ( USNM); Saint John: Crosbies (17.1667o N 61.8167o W) GoogleMaps , 21/VIII/1967, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCZ); Saint Mary: Shekerly Mts, Boggy Peak (currently Mount Obama ) (17.0419o N 61.8511o W, 365 m), J.F.G. Clarke leg. GoogleMaps , 2/V/1956, 1 ♀ ( USNM); Saint Philip: Hill W of Half Moon Bay (17.0463o N 61.6889o W, 60 m), E GoogleMaps .N. Kjellesvig-Waering leg., 7/X/1963, 1 ♀ (AMNH). DOMINICA. Saint Andrew: Marigot, Hatton Gardens (15.5167o N 61.2833o W), B GoogleMaps . Malkin leg., 30/I/1968, 5 ♂ 8 ♀ 6 juv. ( AMNH); Saint David: Ridge above Belle Fille River , 4 mi SW Castle Bruce (15.4014o N 61.3072o W), R GoogleMaps . T. Bell leg., 1/I/1965, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MCZ); Bataka (15.5o N 61.2667o W), B GoogleMaps . Malkin leg., 30/I/1968, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Saint George: Wooten Waven (15.3197o N 61.339o W), P GoogleMaps . Spangler leg., 7/X/1964, 1 ♀ ( USNM); Roseau (15.3o N 61.4o W), N GoogleMaps .L.H. Krauss leg., XI/ 1967, 1 ♀ ( USNM); Saint Paul: Springfield Plantation Guesthouse (15.3462o N 61.3666o W) GoogleMaps , 2 ♀ ( USNM). MARTINIQUE. (14.6660o N 60.9896o W), A. Sánchez leg., 8–21/VI/2013 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (IBSP 165031); 2 ♀ ( IBSP 165035 View Materials ). SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES . Saint Vincent: (13.25o N 61.2o W), 2 ♂ 2 ♀ ( MNHN 18956 About MNHN ); A.M. Chickering leg., 15–24/VIII/1966 GoogleMaps , 2 ♀ 1 juv. (MCZ). BARBADOS. Saint Michael: no further data (13.1216o N 59.5948o W), 1 ♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Bridgetown (13.0967o N 59.6139o W) GoogleMaps , V/1918, 1 ♂ 3 ♀ 2 juv. ( USNM). GRENADA. Saint George : Saint George (12.0561o N 61.7517o W), N.L.H. Krauss leg., X/1967, 2 ♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Couva / Tabaquite / Talparo : Saint Andrew, near Valencia (10.4225o N 61.4786o W), G.F. & J.F. Hevel leg., 23/III/1985, 2 ♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; San Juan / Laventille: Maracas Bay Village (10.7569o N 61.4342o W), 2/ III/1985, 1 ♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 23/III/1985, 2 ♀ ( USNM); Tobago: Crown Point airport area (11.1480o N 60.8374o W) GoogleMaps , 25/ III/1985, 1 ♀ ( USNM); Tunapuna / Piarco: Caroni , Chaguanas (10.6057o N 61.3817o W) GoogleMaps , 22/III/1985, 1 ♀ ( USNM); Arima, 4 mi N Arima (10.6736o N 61.2750o W), R GoogleMaps . West leg., 10/V/1981, 3 ♂ (MCZ). COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Medellín, San Antonio del Prado (6.1802o N 75.6551o W), P. Schneble leg., X/1973 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MCZ); Valle de Medellín (6.2369o N 75.5775o W), A GoogleMaps . B. Schneble leg., 1973, 7 ♂ 7 ♀ ( MCZ); Atlantico: Juan de Acosta, Finca Bella Lucila (10.8297o N 75.0334o W), Y GoogleMaps . Ow & D. Cuentas leg., 8/X–12/XII/2000, 3 ♂ 6 ♀ ( ICN 1314 View Materials ); Boyacá: Pajarito, Vereda Corinto (5.4242o N 72.7441o W, 1500 m), I GoogleMaps . de Arevalo leg., IX/1981, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( ICN 1094 View Materials ); Cesar: La Luz , 30 km N Costilla (9.1848o N 73.7169o W) GoogleMaps , 30/VI/1970, 1 ♂ ( CAS); San Sebastian de Rábago (currently Nabusímake ), Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (10.5667o N 73.6o W, 2000 m, banana plantation), B GoogleMaps . Malkin leg., 11– 14/IV/1968, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Valledupar (10.4697o N 73.254o W) GoogleMaps , 15/VII/1968, 2 ♀ ( AMNH); Cundinamarca : Medina (4.5101o N 73.3498o W, 520 m), VIII/1986, 1 ♂ ( ICN 1046 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Meta: Carimagua (4.5833o N 71.3333o W), W.G. Eberhard leg., X/1973 GoogleMaps , 2 ♀ ( MCZ); Puerto Gaitán, Hacienda Yamato (4.3133o N 72.0816o W) GoogleMaps , IX/1997, 1 ♀ ( ICN 976 View Materials ); Villavicencio, Pozo Azul (4.142o N 73.6266o W, 500 m) GoogleMaps , X/1990, 2 ♀ ( ICN 1098 View Materials ); Puerto Lleras, Lomalinda (3.3o N 73.3667o W), B.T. Carroll leg. GoogleMaps , V/1987, 1 ♀ ( CAS); Santander: Charalá, Virolín (6.1072o N 73.1978o W, 1740 m), I. de Arevalo leg. GoogleMaps , III/1981, 2 ♀ ( ICN 1097 View Materials ); Valle del Cauca: near Cali (3.4372o N 76.5225o W) GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MCZ); Vaupés: Mitú (1.2564o N 70.2354o W), P.A. Schneble leg. GoogleMaps , II/1975, 1 ♀ (MCZ 19746); L.E. Peña leg., 9–15/VII/ 1990, 2 ♂ 2 ♀ 1 juv. ( AMNH). VENEZUELA. Aragua : Rancho Grande (10.3667o N 67.6833o W), Wm. Beebe leg., 1 ♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Bolivar: Upata , 19 km SE Upata (7.9116o N 62.2625o W), G.F. & J.F. Hevel leg., 20/III/1982, 3 ♂ 3 juv. ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Santa Elena de Uairén, Parque Nacional Canaima, Monte Roraima (5.9113o N 61.4785o W), M.O. Gonzaga leg., 15/XI/2001, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 68879 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Parupa, Gran Sabana (5.4747o N 63.6182o W, malaise trap), S. & J. Peck leg., 27/VI–10/VII/1987, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Carabobo: Puerto Cabello GoogleMaps , Bahia Patanemo (10.4597o N 67.9302o W), Cesari leg., 19/IX/1975, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MACN) GoogleMaps ; Distrito Capital: Caracas, El Valle (10.4675o N 66.9102o W), G.V. Berthier leg., 16/III/1 939, 4 ♂ 3 ♀ ( MNRJ 946 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Guárico: Hato Masaguarai (8.34o N 67.35o W), J. Carpenter leg., 3– 29/V/1985 GoogleMaps , 3 ♂ 3 ♀ 1 juv. ( MCZ); Parque Nacional Aguaro-Guariquitu (8.2833o N 66.7o W), R. Candia leg., 14/IX/ 1987 GoogleMaps , 3 ♂ (MCN 21265); 4 ♂ 1 ♀ (MCN 21267); 4 ♂ 2 ♀ (MCN 21273); 5 ♂ 5 ♀ (MCN 21321); 2 ♂ ( MCN 21344); Miranda: Parque Nacional Guatopo, Macanilla , 50 km N Alta Gracia (10.4474o N 66.3692o W), S. & J. Peck leg., 7/VI/1987 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ (AMNH). GUYANA. Demerara-Mahaica: Georgetown (6.8o N 58.15o W), VII/1987, 6 ♀ 7 juv. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . SURINAME. Sipaliwini: Benzdorp, Lawa River (3.6833o N 54.0833o W), B. Malkin leg., 6/XI/ 1963, 1 ♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . FRENCH GUIANA. Cayenne: Cayenne (4.9333o N 52.3333o W), S. Marshall leg., XII/1981, 2 ♂ 2 ♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; St. Laurent-du-Maroni: St. Laurent-du-Maroni (5.501o N 54.0294o W), XI/1981, 2 ♂ 5 ♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . ECUADOR. El Oro: Arenillas (3.554o S 80.0668o W), R. Walls leg., 28/10/1942, 1 ♀ ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; Guayas: Guayaquil (2.2058o S 79.9079o W), H.E.F. Landes leg., 22/III/1942, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; Pastaza: 12 km W Puyo (1.5075o S 78.0408o W), P. Spangler et al. leg., 5/II/1976, 1 ♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; Pichincha: Calderón (0.1013o S 78.4239o W), W.P. Maddison leg., 17/V/1994, 1 ♀ ( MECN 7 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . PERU. Cajamarca: Quebrada Nanchoc (6.57o S 79.15o W), J. Carpenter leg., 21/XII/1984 GoogleMaps 17/I/1985, 9 ♂ 2 ♀ 3 juv. ( MCZ); Jaén, Sur de Jaén (5.7091o S 78.8075o W), S. Risco & A GoogleMaps . F. Archer leg., 16–18/V/1967, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Cusco: Koribeni (12.6833o S 72.9667o W), O GoogleMaps . Ochoa leg., 1 ♂ ( MUSM); road up to Machu-Pichu (13.1633o S 72.5390o W), H GoogleMaps . W. Levi leg., 20/II/1965, 1 ♂ 1 juv. ( MCZ); Quillabamba (12.8647o S 72.6928o W), J GoogleMaps . C. Pallister leg., 11/III/1947, 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Huanuco: Acomayo (9.8011o S 76.0719o W), F GoogleMaps . Woytkowski leg., VII/1946, 1 ♀ (AMNH); La Libertad: Guadalupe, Puesto Guadalupe (7.2442o S 79.4707o W), Ross & Michelbacher leg., 17/III/1951, 1 ♀ ( CAS 9059110 About CAS ) GoogleMaps ; Lima : Lima, Pantanos de Villa (12.2136o S 76.9889o W, pitfall trap), J. Duárez & S GoogleMaps . Córdova leg., 13/XI/1994, 7 ♂ 7 ♀ 2 juv. ( MUSM); 47 km E Lima (12.0340o S 76.6073o W, pasture, under stones), H GoogleMaps . W. Levi leg., 8/II/1965, 1 ♂ ( MCZ); Santa Enriqueta, Cañete, Valle de Mala (12.6814o S 76.6221o W), M GoogleMaps . Benamu Pino leg., 8/XI/1997, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 14953 View Materials ); Madre de Dios: Puerto Maldonado, 15 km E Puerto Maldonado (12.5935o S 69.0612o W), G GoogleMaps . Hunter leg., 4/VI/1983, 1 ♀ ( CAS); Piura: Mallares, N. Mallares, Chira River (4.8635o S 80.7741o W), D. & H GoogleMaps . Frizzel leg., 31/XII/1941, 1 ♀ ( CAS); San Martín: Uchiza, Palmas del Espino S.A. (8.3189o S 76.4422o W), L. Liceras et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 19/VIII/1986, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MUSM); Tumbes : Tumbes, Universidad Nacional Tumbes (3.5837o S 80.4436o W), P. Vinces leg., 1992– 1993, 4 ♂ ( MUSM) GoogleMaps ; Ucayali: Pucallpa (8.3855o S 74.5391o W), J.C. Pallister leg., 7–16/XI/1946, 1 ♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . BOLIVIA. Beni: Estación Biológica del Beni (14.6942o S 66.3844o W), A.D. Brescovit leg., 31/VII/1993, 1 ♂ ( MCN 23813) GoogleMaps ; Santa Cruz: Buena Vista (17.4567o S 63.6589o W), II/1951, 1 ♀ ( MLP 7 View Materials ). CHILE: no further data, J GoogleMaps . C. Carvalho leg., 1 ♂ 1 ♀ 4 juv. ( MNRJ 14215 View Materials ); Arica y Parinacota: Rio Lluta (18.4445o S 70.0904o W, 500 m), L GoogleMaps . E. Peña leg., 11–13/XI/1955, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( IRSN). ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires: Berisso, Los Talas (34.9223o S 58.5197o W), M GoogleMaps . I. Barrios leg., 31/III–25/V/2001, 3 ♀ 5 juv. ( IBSP 57021 View Materials ); Lomas de Zamora (34.7609o S 58.4063o W) GoogleMaps , 5/I–14/IV/2000, 9 ♂ 6 ♀ ( IBSP 57026 View Materials ); Jujuy: La Mendieta (24.3119o S 64.9639o W), M GoogleMaps . Birabén leg., 1/XII/1950, 1 ♀ 4 juv. ( MLP 2 View Materials ); Parque Nacional Calilegua (23.4722o S 64.8380o W), M.J. Ramírez et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 23– 24/IX/1995, 1 ♂ (MACN); Misiones: Puerto Aguirre (currently Puerto Iguazu) (25.6058o S 54.5767o W) 1–10/III/ 1994, 1 ♀ ( MLP) GoogleMaps ; Arroyo Chimiray (27.58o S 55.31o W) GoogleMaps , 3/I/1989, 1 ♀ (MCTP 655); San Javier, Arroyo Guerrero (27.8008o S 55.1469o W), 22/XI/1988, 1 ♀ ( MCTP 661 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 11/IV/1989, 2 ♀ ( MCTP 660 View Materials ); Eldorado (26.28o S 54.43o W), A GoogleMaps . Kovacs leg., 1/IX–15/XI/1964, 2 ♂ (AMNH); 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Salta: Pocitos (22.05o S 63.6914o W), M. Birabén leg., 22/XI/1954 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( MLP 6 View Materials ); Salta, NE Salta (24.7858o S 65.4117o W), L GoogleMaps . E. Peña leg., 10/X/1968, 6 ♂ 5 ♀ ( MCZ); Parque Nacional El Rey, Rio La Sala (24.7185o S 64.6369o W; malaise trap), S & J GoogleMaps . Peck leg., 5–10/XII/1987, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Santiago del Estero : Santiago del Estero , Vivero San Martín (27.795o S 64.2614o W), Haurylenko leg., 5/X/1963, 2 ♂ 1 juv. ( MACN) GoogleMaps ; Tucumán: El Cadillal (26.635o S 65.1936o W), L.E. Peña leg., 6–8/XI/1991, 3 ♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . PARAGUAY: Alto Paraná: Naranjal, SE Naranjal (25.9667o S 55.1833o W), L.E. Peña leg., 18–22/VIII/1988, 2 ♂ 1 juv. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Paraguari: Sapucay (25.6667o S 56.9167o W), 7 ♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . BRASIL. Acre: Rio Branco , Campus Embrapa Acre (10.0252o S 67.6933o W, pan trap), L.M.S. Costa leg., I/2012, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 12367 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; III/2012, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 12376); X/2012, 1 ♀ (UFMG 12423); XII/2012, 1 ♀ (UFMG 14154); no date, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 19588 View Materials ); Alagoas: Maceió, Serra da Saudinha, Ipióca (9.3667o S 35.7167o W), G.Q. Correia & R.C. Aquino leg., 23/X/2004 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ (IBSP 63781); (9.6525o S 35.7225o W), S.D. Bella leg., V– X/2002, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (IBSP 41072); 2 ♂ 1 ♀ (IBSP 41112); 1 ♂ 6 ♀ (IBSP 41082); 1 ♀ (IBSP 41091); 1 ♀ ( IBSP 41080 View Materials ); Amapá: Macapá (0.0389o N 81.0664o W) GoogleMaps , 3/IV/1980, 2♂ 1♀ 4 juv. ( MNRJ 6901 View Materials ); Amazonas: São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Comunidade Maturacá (0.1303o S 67.0892o W), A GoogleMaps .A. Lise leg., 12/X/1990, 16 ♂ 21 ♀ (MCTP 1258); 14/X/1990, 2 ♂ 3 ♀ 5 juv. (INPA); 3 ♂ 5 ♀ 4 juv. ( MCTP 1452 View Materials ); Novo Airão, Parque Nacional do Jaú, Cachoeira , Sítio Velho , right margin of Rio Jaú (1.8361o S 61.6747o W, 38 m), D GoogleMaps . M. Takiya leg., 27/VI/2003, 3 ♀ ( INPA); Parque Nacional do Jaú, Patauá ( Jefferson ), left margin of Rio Jaú (1.8833o S 61.7333o W) GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( INPA 2373 View Materials ); Parque Nacional do Jaú, Seringalzinho ( Vista Alegre ) (1.8292o S 61.5956o W, 33 m, sweep net) GoogleMaps , 5/VII/2003, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( INPA 2370 View Materials ); Rio Preto da Eva, Fazenda Esteio (2.4167o S 59.8333o W), S GoogleMaps . Fáveri leg., 26/XI/1998, 1 ♀ (INPA 67553); 1 ♀ ( INPA 2371 View Materials ); Manaus, Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke (2.9572o S 59.9290o W, sweep net), J. Vidal leg., 3/IV/1990 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ (INPA 2374); 3 ♂ 10 ♀ ( INPA); Bahia: Caravelas , Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos, Siriba Island (17.971o S 38.7094o W), G GoogleMaps .F. Dutra leg., 4/VIII/1994, 10 ♂ 17 ♀ 10 juv. (UFMG 13140); Santa Bárbara Island (17.9625o S 38.6983o W), 9 ♂ 13 ♀ 6 juv. ( UFMG 13141 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Sueste Island (17.9808o S 38.6991o W), 3 ♀ ( UFMG 13142 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 3/IV/ 1996, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( IBSP 68873 View Materials ); Porto Seguro (16.2869o S 39.8277o W, 263 m, pitfall trap), L GoogleMaps .D. Audino leg., 2/VI/ 2012, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ 1 juv. (UFMG 16769); (16.141o S 39.1565o W, 91 m, pitfall trap), 24–29/V/2012, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ 6 juv. (UFMG 16770); (16.1324o S 39.5894o W, 210 m, pitfall trap), 30/V/2012, 2 ♂ 4 ♀ 5 juv. (UFMG 16771); (16.3047o S 39.5024o W, 164 m, pitfall trap), 28/V/2012, 1 ♀ (UFMG 16772); (16.1009o S 39.346o W, 120 m, pitfall trap), 1/VI/2012, 1 ♀ 1 juv. (UFMG 16773); (16.3892o S 39.1671o W, 126 m, pitfall trap), 16/V/2012, 9 ♂ 16 ♀ 15 juv. (UFMG 16774); (16.3536o S 39.303o W, 117 m, pitfall trap), 30/V/2012, 1 ♂ (UFMG 16775); (16.373o S 39.2010o W, 81 m, pitfall trap), 18/V/2012, 1 ♀ (UFMG 16776); (16.1015o S 39.2541o W, 102 m, pitfall trap), 1/VI/ 2012, 16 ♂ 17 ♀ 9 juv. (UFMG 16777); (16.399o S 39.1581o W, 113 m, pitfall trap), 16/V/2012, 2 ♂ 2 ♀ (UFMG 16778); (16.3759o S 39.1483o W, 94 m), 2 ♂ 1 juv. (UFMG 16779); (16.3930o S 39.1625o W, 74 m, pitfall trap), 15/V/ 2012, 1 ♂ 4 ♀ 1 juv. (UFMG 16780); (16.3998o S 39.126o W, 71 m, pitfall trap), 16/V/2012, 2 ♂ (UFMG 16781); (16.3970o S 39.1391o W, 71 m, pitfall trap), 34 ♂ 28 ♀ 4 juv. ( UFMG 16782 View Materials ); Iguassú (currently Itaeté , 12.9833o S 40.9667o W), Roman leg. GoogleMaps , 5 ♂ 2 ♀ ( NHRM); Itamaraju , Fazenda Pau Brasil (17.0394o S 39.5308o W) GoogleMaps , 22/XII/1969, 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 14211 View Materials ); Brejões (13.1028o S 39.7933o W), N GoogleMaps . Silveira leg., 1/II/1996, 1 ♂ ( MCTP 11878 View Materials ); Itacaré (14.2811o S 38.9953o W, malaise trap), T GoogleMaps . Aguzzoli & A. Carvalho leg., 12/I/2003, 1 ♀ ( MCN 35035); Brumado (14.2075o S 41.6717o W) GoogleMaps , 17/IV/1997, 1 ♀ (IBSP 10397); E. Correa leg., 1 ♀ ( IBSP 13809 View Materials ); Ilhéus , CEPLAC (14.773o S 39.2205o W), A GoogleMaps .D. Brescovit leg., 7/IV/1998, 1 ♂ (IBSP 19325); Lençois (12.5619o S 41.3886o W) 29–30/ IV/1999, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ 4 juv. (IBSP 167678); Catu (12.3530o S 38.3789o W), M.F. Dias leg., 10/X/1998, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 40661 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Santa Teresinha, Serra da Jibóia, Estrada Pioneira (12.8708o S 39.4811o W, 800 m), L.S. Carvalho et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 8/XI/2010, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 992); Serra da Jibóia, Reserva da Gamba (12.8492o S 39.4756o W, 700 m) GoogleMaps , 7/XI/ 2010, 2 ♀ (CHNUFPI 999); Encruzilhada (15.5333o S 40.9094o W), M GoogleMaps . Alvarenga leg., XI/1975, 2 ♀ ( AMNH); Distrito Federal: Brasília, Lago Norte (15.7276o S 43.8878o W, 1030 m), C GoogleMaps .F. Cardoso leg., 6/IV/2012, 1 ♀ (UFMG 11303); Reserva Ecológica do IBGE (15.9469o S 47.8664o W), M. Milhomem leg., 1/XI/1999 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( DZUB 962 ); Espírito Santo: Linhares, Reserva Natural Vale (19.1060o S 39.9613o W), A.D. Brescovit et al. leg., 5–12/I/1998 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ (IBSP 16567); 19/VII/1997, 1 ♀ 1 juv. (IBSP 12896); 5–12/I/1998, 1 ♀ (IBSP 16651); 1 ♀ (IBSP 16807); (19.1218o S 39.8827o W, pitfall trap), A.J. Santos leg., VII/1997, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 68876 View Materials ); Goiás: Catalão (18.1658o S 47.9464o W, Cerrado), F.S.P. Godoi leg. GoogleMaps , 22/X/2001, 1 ♀ ( DZUB 2438 ); Catalão, Barragem para Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico Serra do Facão (17.7230o S 47.5894o W, 921 m, pitfall trap), R.B. Martines & R.M.C. Silveira leg. GoogleMaps , I/ 2010, 1 ♂ (UFMG 4381); (18.0444o S 47.6328o W, 831 m, pitfall trap), 1 ♀ (UFMG 4382); (18.0019o S 47.7080o W, 800 m, pitfall trap), 2 ♂ (UFMG 4383); (17.8611o S 47.6272o W, 762 m, pitfall trap), 2 ♀ (UFMG 4384); (17.5025o S 47.5589o W, 754 m, pitfall trap), 2 ♀ (UFMG 4385); (18.0444o S 47.6328o W, 831 m), 1 ♀ (UFMG 4386); (17.5928o S 47.6211o W, 835 m, pitfall trap), 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 4387); (18.0188o S 47.683o W, 767 m, swamp, pitfall trap), 2 ♀ (UFMG 4547); (18.0556o S 47.6321o W, 824 m, transition forest, pitfall trap), 1 ♀ ( UFMG 4548 View Materials ); Davinópolis, Barragem para Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico Serra do Facão (17.9134o S 47.7073o W, 744 m, Cerrado, pitfall trap) GoogleMaps , VII/2010, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 4546 View Materials ); Campinaçu, Serra da Mesa (13.8667o S 48.3833o W), Silvestre et al. leg., 18.II–2/III/1996 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MZSP 15668 View Materials ); Colinas do Sul (14.0167o S 48.2o W), 2–15/XII/1995 GoogleMaps , 5 ♂ ( MZSP 15716 View Materials ); Mato Grosso: Canarana, confluence of Culuene and Xingu rivers (12.9280o S 52.8277o W), J GoogleMaps .C. Carvalho leg., 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MNRJ 14214); 2 ♂ 7 ♀ 4 juv. (MNRJ 14243); Nova Xavantina (14.6616o S 52.3560o W) 1 ♂ 2 ♀ 1 juv. ( MNRJ 14237 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Ribeirão Cascalheira, Xavantina-Cachimbo Expedition base camp, 260 km N Nova Xavantina (12.8167o S 51.7667o W, Cerrado), Xavantina-Cachimbo Expedition leg., II– IV/1969, 1 ♂ ( MCZ 19783) GoogleMaps ; Santa Terezinha, Barra do Tapirapés (10.645o S 50.6141o W), B. Malkin leg., 5–19/XI/1964, 2 ♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul: Brasilândia, Horto Rio Verde (20.8333o S 51.6667o W), M. Uehara-Prado leg., 15/VIII/2007 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( UFMG 5 View Materials 086); Três Lagoas, Horto Barra do Moeda (20.95o S 51.7833o W) GoogleMaps , XI/2007, 1 ♂ (UFMG 5087); XI/2008, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 5088 View Materials ); Corumbá, Fazenda Leque, Embrapa (19.2333o S 57.05o W), S GoogleMaps . Harris leg., 10–13/II/1987, 1 ♂ 2 juv. (MNRJ 14226); 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 14241 View Materials ); Dourados (22.2211o S 54.8056o W) GoogleMaps , 9/III/1982, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MCN 18941); 1/III/1982, 1 ♂ (MCN 18948); 7/VII/1982, 1 ♂ ( MCN 18949); Corumbá, Passo do Lontra , (19.5769o S 57.0117o W, Brachiaria pasture), J GoogleMaps . Raizer leg., IV/1999, 1 ♂ (IBSP 33139); 1 ♂ (IBSP 33143); 2 ♂ ( IBSP 33134 View Materials ); Paranaíba (19.6772o S 51.1908o W), R.R. da Silva leg. GoogleMaps , 17/VI/1983, 3 ♀ ( IBSP 14088 View Materials ); Aquidauana (20.4711o S 55.7872o W, Brachiaria pasture), V GoogleMaps . B. Roddrigues leg., 1/X/2010, 1 ♂ ( DZUB 6100 ); Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte (19.8667o S 43.9667o W), E.S.S. Álvares et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 1999–2000, 2 ♀ ( IBSP 26189 View Materials ); Bairro Santa Terezinha (19.8694o S 44.0014o W, domestic garden), M.D. Miranda & U GoogleMaps . Oliveira leg., 11/III/2 0 16, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ (UFMG 19554); Belo Horizonte, Estação Ecológica da UFMG (19.8772o S 43.9711o W, 845 m), E.S.S. Álvares & C.S. Azevedo leg., 25/ XI/1999 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ 3 ♀ (UFMG 93); P. Corgosinho leg., 7/V/1997, 1 ♀ (UFMG 98); E.S.S Álvares et al., III/2000, 1 ♀ (UFMG 392); 18/IV/2000, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 5933); XI/2000, 1 ♀ (UFMG 5934); P.R. Silva et al. leg., 9–24/IV/ 2014, 1 ♀ (UFMG 16154); (19.8736o S 43.9724o W), J. C.R. Fontenelle leg., 9–16/XI/1999, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 41120 View Materials ); Belo Horizonte , Parque Municipal das Mangabeiras (19.9442o S 43.9003o W, Cerrado, pitfall trap), H.H. Santos et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 5–12/XII/2008, 1 ♂ (UFMG 7903); (19.9541o S 43.9053o W, rupestrian field, pitfall trap), 1 ♂ (UFMG 7960); 1 ♂ ( UFMG 8492 View Materials ); Coimbra (20.8622o S 42.8028o W), F GoogleMaps . Marquini leg., 5/II/1999, 6 ♀ 4 juv. (IBSP 23856); 1 ♀ (IBSP 23857); 10 ♂ ( IBSP 23850 View Materials ); Prudente de Morais, Fazenda do Sapé , Road MG 424 (19.4684o S 44.2416o W, 850 m, Cerrado), E.S.S. Álvares leg. GoogleMaps , 20/II/2000, 1 ♀ (UFMG 376); (Cerrado, beating tray), 3–4/II/2001, 10 ♂ 7 ♀ ( UFMG 380 View Materials ); Santana do Riacho , Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó (19.3492o S 43.6195o W, 822 m, rupestrian field), E.S.S. Álvares & E GoogleMaps .O. Machado leg., 20–23/XII/2000, 1 ♀ (UFMG 521); (sweep net), B. T. Faleiro leg., 20/ IX/2009, 2 ♂ ( UFMG 3368 View Materials ); Travessão (19.3261o S 43.5058o W, 1215 m, rupestrian field) GoogleMaps , 10–14/II/2001, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 522); (gallery forest), 29/IV/2001, 1 ♀ (UFMG 954); Santa Bárbara, RPPN Santuário do Caraça, Pico do Sol (20.0689o S 43.5048o W, 1222 m, gallery forest and rupestrian field, Moericke trap), L.N. Perillo leg., 7/XI/ 2009 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ (UFMG 6703); (20.106o S 43.4639o W, 1616 m), 16/I/2010, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( UFMG 6732 View Materials ); Itaobim (16.5687o S 41.4809o W, 327 m), I.L.F. Magalhães et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 27/XI/2011, 1 ♂ (UFMG 10153); margins of road BR111 (16.5061o S 41.5089o W, 271 m), L.S. Carvalho et al. leg., 9/IV/2015, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 18751 View Materials ); Marliéria, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (19.7163o S 42.7338o W, 597 m), T. Rodrigues et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 5/IX/2003, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 11496 View Materials ); Contagem, Bairro Nossa Senhora de Fátima (19.9107o S 44.0856o W, 904 m), P GoogleMaps . H. Martins leg., 8/XI/2012, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 12759 View Materials ); São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, Estação de Preservação e Desenvolvimento Ambiental de Peti (19.8833o S 43.3667o W), G.H.F. Azevedo et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 8–9/XII/2012, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 13130 View Materials ); Diamantina (18.2339o S 43.6043o W, 1177 m), U. Oliveira et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 14/X/2012, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 13931 View Materials ); Manga, Parque Estadual da Mata Seca (14.8494o S 44.0078o W, pitfall trap), R.N.S.L. Garro et al. leg. GoogleMaps , IX/2010, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 14773); II/2011, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 14774 View Materials ); Muriaé, Pirapanema (21.0742o S 42.4922o W, 664 m), P.P.G. Taucce & B GoogleMaps . Lisboa leg., 1/XII/ 2014, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 16547 View Materials ); Santo Antônio do Itambé , Parque Estadual do Pico de Itambé (18.4661o S 43.3075o W, 757 m), P GoogleMaps . H. Martins leg., 16–17/II/2013, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( UFMG 19552 View Materials ); São Domingos do Prata, Sítio Farrancho (19.8269o S 42.9664o W), M GoogleMaps .D.F. Magalhães leg., 26/III/2016, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 19569 View Materials ); Viçosa, Campo Experimental Diogo Alves Melo (20.7702o S 42.8688o W, common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) field), R GoogleMaps .R. Pereira leg., 25/II/2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (UFMG 19689); Inconfidentes, Bairro Monjolinho , Fazenda Santa Luzia (22.3336o S 46.2974o W, semideciduous seasonal forest), M.M. Souza leg., I– III/2 0 15, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 19759 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Januária, Rio Pandeiros (15.4671o S 44.2826o W, 456 m), F. Leite leg., V/2002, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( UFMG 19789 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Carmo do Rio Claro (20.9719o S 46.1189o W), J GoogleMaps . C. Carvalho leg., 1 ♂ 1 ♀ 2 juv. ( MNRJ 14222 View Materials ); Lavras (21.2453o S 44.9997o W), W GoogleMaps . Don Fronk leg., 25/X/1979, 1 ♀ ( MCZ); Poços de Caldas (21.7878o S 46.5614o W), P GoogleMaps .F.L. Duarte leg., 1 ♀ (MCN 24982); Formoso , Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas (15.2615o S 45.8338o W), M.G. Zatz leg., 22/III/2 0 0 1, 1 ♀ ( IBSP 36601 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó (19.4178o S 43.5517o W), A.J. Santos leg., 29/IV/1994, 1 ♀ ( IBSP 68871 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Uberlândia (18.9186o S 48.2772o W), A.L.T. Souza leg., VIII/1997, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( IBSP 20507 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Fazenda Experimental do Glória (18.9655o S 48.2137o W), 27/IX/2000, 1 ♀ (IBSP 68867); Diamantina, Mina da Serrinha (18.2797o S 43.5236o W), E. Cohn leg., I– III/1 945, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Barbacena (21.2258o S 43.7736o W), M GoogleMaps . Alvarenga leg., II/1962, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Berizal, Serra do Anastácio, Fazenda do Jorge (15.743o S 41.7612o W), A GoogleMaps . J. Santos leg., 15/IV/2002, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 40973 View Materials ); Pará: Marabá, Mina do Sossego, Serra Norte , Carajás (6.4361o S 50.0786o W), E GoogleMaps . Wanzeler leg., 3/ III/2004, 4 ♀ (MPEG 3993); (6.4361o S 50.0786o W), A. Marreco-Pedroso leg., 3/III/2004, 1 ♂ (MPEG 4045); (6.4361o S 50.0786o W), 3/III/2004, 1 ♀ (MPEG 4054); (6.4411o S 50.0814o W), 23/II–6/III/2004, 1 ♀ (MPEG 3 996); (6.4467o S 50.085o W), E. Wanzeler leg., 1 ♀ (MPEG 4042); (6.4467o S 50.085o W), 1 ♂ (MPEG 4047); (6.4503o S 50.0919o W), 1 ♀ (MPEG 4050); (6.4467o S 50.085o W), 1 ♀ (MPEG 4051); E. Wanzeler leg., 1 ♀ (MPEG 4052); A. Marreco-Pedroso leg., 1 ♀ (MPEG 4053); (6.4467o S 50.085o W), 3 ♀ (MPEG 4055); (6.4425o S 50.9158o W), E. Wanzeler leg., 5/III/2004, 2 ♀ (MPEG 4046); (6.4425o S 50.9158o W), 1 ♂ (MPEG 4048); (6.4453o S 50.0844o W), D.R. Santos-Souza leg., 28/II/2004, 1 ♀ ( MPEG 4229 View Materials ); Altamira , Castelo dos Sonhos (6.2533o S 54.9958o W) GoogleMaps , 13/ XI/2005, 1 ♂ ( MPEG 4429 View Materials ); Belém (1.4558o S 48.5044o W), R GoogleMaps . Paiva leg., 3/ VIII/1 986, 1 ♂ ( MPEG); Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (1.4508o S 48.4445o W), L GoogleMaps . T. Miglio leg., 29/VIII/2006, 1 ♂ ( MPEG 5322 View Materials ); Reserva Mocambo (1.4413o S 48.4128o W), R GoogleMaps . Paiva leg., 31/VIII/1986, 1 ♂ (MPEG 10007); (1.4675o S 48.4803o W), 31/ VIII/1986, 1 ♂ ( MPEG); Juruti, Sítio Barros (2.4616o S 56.0032o W), D GoogleMaps .F. Candiani leg., 11/VIII/2004, 1 ♀ (MPEG 8833); 1 ♀ (MPEG 8834); 12/VII/2002, 1 ♂ ( MPEG 8835 View Materials ); Bragança, Mata do Lobão (1.0398o S 46.7655o W), Equipe Bragança leg. GoogleMaps , 25/VI/2005, 3 ♀ (MPEG 11371); 1 ♂ ( MPEG 11373 View Materials ); Itaituba (4.2761o S 55.9836o W), 1991 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCN 23682); Paragominas, Rio Gurupiuna , 50 km E. Canindé (2.55o S 46.5o W), B GoogleMaps . Malkin leg., 2–30/V/ 1963, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( AMNH); Conceição do Araguaia (8.2578o S 49.2647o W), M GoogleMaps . Alvarenga leg., VII/1959, 3 ♂ 5 ♀ 9 juv. ( AMNH); Paraiba: Guarabira , Independencia (6.8145o S 35.4591o W), W.M. Mann leg., 1911 GoogleMaps , 16 ♂ 17 ♀ ( MCZ); Patos, BR 230, Km 353 towards Malta (6.93627o S 37.4109o W) GoogleMaps , 23/V/1978, 2 ♀ ( UFPB 175 View Materials ); Areias, Parque Estadual Mata do Pau Ferro (6.9774o S 35.7069o W), F.S. Silva & A GoogleMaps . S. Medeiros leg., 26/IX/2011, 4 ♀ (CHNUFPI 1006); Cabaceiras (7.4889o S 36.2872o W), J GoogleMaps .B.R. Alencar leg., 18/IX/2011, 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 1005); 28/ VIII/2011, 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 1008); 18/IX/2011, 1 ♂ (CHNUFPI 1009); Paraná: Curitiba (25.4278o S 49.2731o W), E GoogleMaps . Rosa leg., IX/1966, 1 ♂ ( MHNCI 4448 View Materials ); Morretes (25.4769o S 48.8344o W) GoogleMaps , 27/II/1968, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MHNCI 4406 View Materials ); São José dos Pinhais, Aeroporto Afonso Pena (25.5241o S 49.1726o W) GoogleMaps , 7/X/1967, 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MHNCI 4421 View Materials ); Morretes, Serra da Graciosa (25.3884o S 48.8637o W) GoogleMaps , 9/I/1995, 1 ♂ ( MCTP 7198 View Materials ); Londrina , Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (23.3103o S 51.1628o W) GoogleMaps , 19/III/1999, 1 ♀ (MCTP 11833); (23.4529o S 51.2771o W), J. Lopes & I.M. Madri leg., 17/II/1999, 1 ♂ (MCTP 11813); J. Lopes leg., 1/XII/1999, 1 ♂ (IBSP 38222); Capitão Leônidas Marques, Salto Caxias, Rio Iguaçu (25.536o S 53.5045o W), A.B. Bonaldo leg., 20–28/III/1993, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MCN 23438) GoogleMaps ; Pernambuco: Parnamirim, Lajedo Tom Feio (8.1358o S 39.5978o W, 420 m, Caatinga), M.P. Portugal leg., IV/2010, 1 ♂ 2 juv. ( UFMG 5635 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Recife, Horto Dois Irmãos (8.0037o S 34.9469o W), P.F.L. Duarte leg., 1♂ ( IBSP 28003 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Serra do Pará (7.8748o S 36.4028o W, arboreal Caatinga, Moericke trap), F.M.G. Las-Casas leg., 23–25/XI/2011 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( UFMG 13533 View Materials ); Moreno, Tapera railway station (8.1095o S 35.1863o W) GoogleMaps , 3 ♂ ( MNRJ 224 View Materials ); Olinda (8.0089o S 34.8553o W), A.G. Coelho leg., 1964 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MCN 24949); Brejão, Vila Santa Rita, Fazenda Santa Rita (9.0098o S 36.4925o W), S.D. Bella leg., V GoogleMaps – X/2002, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (IBSP 41057); 1 ♀ ( IBSP 41048 View Materials ); Piauí: Piracuruca, Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades (4.1139o S 41.7146o W, rupestrian Cerrado), N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. GoogleMaps , 8/XII/2006, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31795); (4.0959o S 41.7322o W), 10/XII/ 2006, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31796); L.S. Carvalho leg., 2 ♀ (MPEG 31797); (4.0944o S 41.7315o W), 26/I/2007, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31798); (4.099o S 41.099o W), D.F. Candiani leg., 12/XII/2006, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31799); (4.0959o S 41.7322o W), L.S. Carvalho leg., 1/VI/2007, 1 ♀ 38 juv. (MPEG 31800); (4.099o S 41.099o W), D.F. Candiani leg., 11/XII/2006, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31801); (4.0959o S 41.7322o W), L.S. Carvalho leg., 1/VI/2007, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MPEG 31802); 1/VII/2007, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31803); (4.099o S 41.099o W), F. M. Oliveira-Neto leg., 28/VI/2007, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31804); (4.0944o S 41.7315o W), L.S. Carvalho leg., 1/IX–1/X/2006, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31805); (4.0989o S 41.7202o W), F. M. Oliveira-Neto leg., 23/VI/2007, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31806); (4.099o S 41.099o W), L.S. Carvalho leg., 28/I/2007, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MPEG 31807); 30/I/2007, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31808); (4.1139o S 41.7146o W), 25/I/2007, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31809); (4.099o S 41.099o W), 12/ XII/2006, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31810); 28/VI/2007, 4 ♂ (MPEG 31811); (4.0959o S 41.7322o W), 1/II/2007, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31812); (4.099o S 41.099o W), 28/VI/2007, 3 ♀ (MPEG 31813); 12/XII/2006, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31814); (4.0538o S 41.7350o W), N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg., 3/XII/2006, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31815); (4.1139o S 41.7146o W, rupestrian field), L.S. Carvalho leg., 7/XII/2006, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31820); José de Freitas, Fazenda Nazareth (4.7995o S 42.6302o W) 1/I/ 2006, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MPEG 31816); (Babaçu palm forest), L.S. Carvalho leg., 14/IX/2006, 1 ♀ (MPEG 31817); 6/XII/ 2003, 1 ♂ (MPEG 31818); 1/I/2006, 1 ♂ ( MPEG 31819 View Materials ); Caracol , Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões (9.2257o S 43.463o W), L.S. Carvalho & F GoogleMaps . S. Silva leg., 8–16/XII/2010, 2 ♀ (CHNUFPI 996); Guaribas (9.2211o S 43.4892o W), P.R.R. Silva et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 16/III/2007, 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 991); Parnaíba, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (3.0874o S 41.7844o W, watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) field), M GoogleMaps . Vaz leg., 18/X/2011, 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 993); 1 ♂ (CHNUFPI 997); 1 ♀ (CHNUFPI 998); Rio de Janeiro: Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, Usina Hidrelétrica de Rosal (20.9169o S 41.7229o W), I GoogleMaps . Knysak leg., XI/1999, 2 ♂ 7 ♀ ( IBSP 26438 View Materials ); Macaé , Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba (22.25o S 41.5833o W), T GoogleMaps . Gonçalves-Souza leg., 9/X/2010, 1 ♂ ( UFMG 7306 View Materials ); Maricá, Restinga de Maricá (22.9608o S 42.8423o W) GoogleMaps , 16–19/X/2009, 1 ♀ ( UFMG 7309 View Materials ); Mendes (22.5267o S 43.7328o W) GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 223 View Materials ); Nova Iguaçu (22.7592o S 43.4511o W) GoogleMaps , 5 ♀ 4 juv. (MNRJ 227); M. Alvarenga leg., 7/IX/1961, 1 ♂ ( AMNH); Rio de Janeiro (22.9028o S 43.2075o W) GoogleMaps , 2 ♀ 1 juv. (MNRJ 226); 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 14163 View Materials ); Bangu (22.8742o S 43.4685o W), Lucia leg., 1980 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 14218 View Materials ); Mangaratiba, Muriqui (22.9261o S 43.941o W) GoogleMaps , X/1961, 4 ♂ 3 ♀ 5 juv. ( AMNH); São Fidélis (21.6461o S 41.7469o W) GoogleMaps , 3/VII/1953, Mattos & A. Carneiro leg., 2♀ ( MNRJ 6900 View Materials ); Silva Jardim , Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas (22.5498o S 42.2767o W, on bushes and flowers), 15/V/1994, A. Sanseverino et al. leg. GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( MNRJ 6895 View Materials ); Rio Grande do Sul: Marcelino Ramos , Rio Uruguai, BR153 (27.3824o S 51.9899o W) GoogleMaps , IX/1988, 3 ♂ ( MCTP 641 View Materials ); Marcelino Ramos, Apuaê (or Ligeiro ) River , near road BR126 (27.67o S 51.89o W) GoogleMaps , 1/IX/1988, 1 ♀ (MCTP 638); 1/II/1988, 1 ♀ (MCTP 637); 1 ♀ ( MCTP 636 View Materials ); Machadinho (27.5669o S 51.6678o W) GoogleMaps , II/1989, 1 ♀ (MCTP 643); 1 ♀ ( MCTP 644 View Materials ); Inhandava River (27.3400o S 51.4o W) GoogleMaps , 1/V/1988, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCTP 647 View Materials ); Erval Grande, (27.3906o S 52.5706o W) GoogleMaps , 17/IV/1992, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCTP 2063 View Materials ); Pirapó (28.0447o S 55.1989o W), Garabi leg. GoogleMaps , 11–21/IV/1989, 1 ♀ (MCTP 651); 3–12/I/1989, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCTP 652 View Materials ); Ijuí-Mirim River (28.02o S 55.1o W) GoogleMaps , 3/I/1989, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ ( MCTP 654 View Materials ); São Borja , Uruguai River (28.67o S 56.03o W) GoogleMaps , 11/IV/1989, 1 ♀ (MCTP 650); 3/I/1989, 2 ♂ ( MCTP 649 View Materials ); Veranópolis (28.9361o S 51.5494o W), A GoogleMaps . A. Lise leg., 30/I/1987, 1 ♂ ( MCTP 1269 View Materials ); Viamão, Estação de Pesquisa e Produção Agropecuária (30.0365o S 51.0214o W) GoogleMaps , 25/VIII/1995, 1 juv. (MCTP 7555); 24/III/1995, 2 ♀ (MCTP 8713); 25/XI/1994, 1 ♀ ( MCTP 5784 View Materials ); Cachoeira do Sul (30.0392o S 52.8939o W) GoogleMaps , 13/IX/1996, 13 ♂ 3 ♀ 1 juv. ( MCTP 9310 View Materials ); Porteira Sete (30.0526o S 52.8089o W) GoogleMaps , 12/IX/1992, 1 ♀ 2 juv. ( MCTP 3320 View Materials ); Viamão (30.0811o S 51.0233o W), A GoogleMaps . A. Lise leg., 2/ XII/1994, 1 ♀ ( MCTP 5884 View Materials ); Águas Belas (30.0444o S 51.0001o W), A GoogleMaps . A. Lise leg., 13/IX/1984, 1 ♂ 2 juv. ( MCN 12295); Guaíba, Fazenda São Maximiano (30.1139o S 51.325o W) GoogleMaps , 29/X/1994, 1 ♂ 4 ♀ 1 juv. (MCTP 5753); 1 ♀ ( MCTP 5724 View Materials ); Guaíba, Guaíba Country Club (30.1071o S 51.6497o W), A.B. Bonaldo leg., 24–27/XII/1992 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ 8 ♀ (MCN 22655); 1/I/1993, 1 ♀ ( MCN 22685); Rio Grande, Taim (32.035o S 52.0986o W) GoogleMaps , 12/IX/1991, 6 ♂ 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( MCTP 1028 View Materials ); Estrela Velha, Barragem de Itaúba (29.2508o S 53.2296o W), A GoogleMaps . Franceschini leg., 17–21/I/2000, 1 ♀ ( MCN 32124); Canela , Barragem dos Bugres (29.3433o S 50.6962o W), A GoogleMaps . B. Bonaldo leg., 1–4/II/1999, 1 ♂ ( MCN 30858); Triunfo (29.9433o S 51.7181o W), L GoogleMaps . A. Moura leg., 13/I/1994, 1 ♂ ( MCN 41675); Parque Copesul (29.8625o S 51.3704o W), A GoogleMaps . Franceschini leg., 14–15/I/1997, 1 ♂ (MCN 28246); Salto do Jacuí, Horto CEEE (29.039o S 53.1716o W), A. Silva leg., 19–21/X/1998 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( MCN 29618); Itaquí (29.1253o S 56.5531o W), M.C. da Silva leg. GoogleMaps , 14/I/1995, 2 ♀ ( MCN 26485); Encantado (29.2361o S 51.8697o W), A GoogleMaps . D. Brescovit leg., 21/IX/1985, 1 ♂ ( MCN 14528); Sobradinho (29.4214o S 53.0286o W), A GoogleMaps . A. Lise leg., 9/I/1985, 1 ♂ ( MCN 13047); Porto Alegre (30.0331o S 51.23o W), A GoogleMaps . Franceschini leg., 17/IX/1997, 1 ♂ ( MCN 28620); Morro Santana (30.0589o S 51.1223o W), A GoogleMaps . A. Lise leg., 1/IX/1984, 3 ♂ 1 ♀ 6 juv. ( MCN 12547); Bagé (31.3314o S 54.1069o W), D GoogleMaps . Gassen leg., 22/X/1985, 1 ♂ ( MCN 15620); Santo Augusto (27.8508o S 53.7772o W), O GoogleMaps . Roppa leg., XII/1975, 3 ♂ 1 ♀ 1 juv. ( AMNH); Rondônia : Porto Velho (8.7619o S 63.9039o W), Equipe IBSP / SMNK leg. GoogleMaps , 15/IV/1996, 1 ♀ (IBSP 16182); Roraima: Amajari , Ilha de Maracá (3.3871o N 61.6899o W), S. Harris leg., 27/XI/1987, 1 ♂ ( MNRJ 14238 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; E.H. Buckup leg., 30/III/1 987, 1 ♀ ( INPA); Santa Catarina: Itá , Uruguai River (27.2833o S 52.3503o W) GoogleMaps , II/1989, 1 ♂ (MCTP 634); Piratuba, Uruguai River, near the bridge of road BR153 (27.25o S 51.46o W), 1/II/1989, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ ( MCTP 640 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( MCTP 639 View Materials ); Bombinhas, Bombas (27.1463o S 48.5055o W), A.D. Brescovit leg., 14/II/1990 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCN 19447); Florianópolis, Coqueiros (27.6075o S 48.5800o W) GoogleMaps , 27/II/1993, 1 ♀ ( MCN 22847); Governador Celso Ramos , Palmas das Gaivotas (27.3362o S 48.5336o W), L GoogleMaps .A. Moura leg., 10–26/II/1993, 11 ♂ 21 ♀ (MCN 22860); 1–24/II/1994, 3 ♂ 2 ♀ ( MCN 25204); Rancho Queimado (27.6725o S 49.0217o W), A GoogleMaps . B. Bonaldo leg., 8– 11/X/1994, 1 ♂ ( MCN 25870); Blumenal (26.9194o S 49.0661o W), H GoogleMaps . Riem leg., 8–10/IX/1966, 1 ♂ ( IBSP 8193 View Materials ); São Paulo: Cananéia , Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (25.0675o S 47.9187o W), T GoogleMaps . Gonçalves-Souza leg., 20– 26/X/2009, 1 ♀ (UFMG 7310); Botucatu , Depto. Zoologia, UNESP (22.8933o S 48.4939o W), I.M.P. Rinaldi leg. GoogleMaps , 25/III/1 988, 1 ♂ ( MZSP); Jaboticabal (21.2547o S 48.3222o W), H.F. da Cunha leg. GoogleMaps , 4/IX/1986, 2 ♂ (MCN 17808); 1 ♂ ( MCN 17815); Rosana, Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta , Porto Primavera (22.493o S 52.957o W), Equipe IBSP leg., 16/I–13/II/1999 GoogleMaps , 1 ♀ (IBSP 23273); (22.532o S 52.9458o W), II/1999, 2 ♀ ( IBSP 25897 View Materials ); São José do Rio Preto , Instituto Penal Agrícola (20.8385o S 49.4372o W), G GoogleMaps .Q. Romero leg., 23/IX/1997, 1 ♀ (IBSP 68861); São Paulo, Campus USP (23.5643o S 46.7305o W) GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ (IBSP 8403); Instituto de Biociências, A.D. Russo leg., 21/I/ 1970, 1 ♀ ( IBSP 8369 View Materials ); Águas de Lindóia (22.4764o S 46.6328o W), M.P. Castro leg., 23–25/I/1999 GoogleMaps , 1 ♂ ( IBSP 20643 View Materials ); Dois Córregos, Condomínio Portal do Anhembi (22.5988o S 48.3067o W), G GoogleMaps .Q. Romero leg., 1 ♂ (IBSP 68863); Sergipe: São Cristóvão, Campus UFSE (10.9263o S 37.1025o W), H.M.P. Araújo leg. GoogleMaps , 29/II/1991, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (MCN 35517); Alunos Invertebrados II leg., 12/X/1996, 1 ♀ (IBSP 20977); H. Araújo leg., 17/VI/1994, 2 ♂ (IBSP 8452); Alunos da UFSE leg., 1 ♂ 2 ♀ (IBSP 10403); 1 ♂ ( IBSP 10414 View Materials ); Tocantins: Gurupi , Estacão Experimental da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (11.7458o S 49.0525o W, capim-colchão ( Digitaria horizontalis ) pasture, pan trap), P.H. Tschoeke leg., 29/VI/2015, 2 ♂ ( UFMG 19064 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 10 ♂ 1 ♀ 8 juv. (UFMG 19065); Lagoa da Confusão , Ilha do Bananal, Aldeia Santa Isabel do Morro (11.5764o S 50.6703o W), M. Alvarenga leg., VI/1961, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ 2 juv. ( AMNH). GoogleMaps


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences


American Museum of Natural History


Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


McNeese State University


Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales


Museo de La Plata


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Museu de Ciencias


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Naturhistoriska Rijkmuseet


Reserva Ecol�gica do IBGE


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Departamento de Sistematica e Ecologia


Museu de Historia Natural Capao de Imbuia (Brazil)


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)


University of the South Pacific














Oxyopes salticus Hentz

Santos, Adalberto J. 2017

Oxyopes nigrolineatus Mello-Leitão, 1941 : 140

Mello-Leitao 1941: 140

Oxyopes m-fasciatus

Piza 1938: 47

Oxyopes luteus

Moenkhaus 1898: 79
Keyserling 1891: 271

Oxyopes gracilis

Brady 1964: 479
Tullgren 1905: 69
Pickard-Cambridge 1902: 342
Banks 1901: 224
Keyserling 1891: 271
Keyserling 1877: 698

Oxyopes varians

Petrunkevitch 1911: 585
Keyserling 1891: 271
Boeris 1889: 134
Taczanowski 1874: 95

Sphasus luteus

Petrunkevitch 1911: 585
Blackwall 1862: 350

Oxyopes salticus

Sierwald 1988: 10
Brady 1964: 478
Bonnet 1958: 3240
Roewer 1955: 333
Leitao 1929: 496
Bryant 1923: 15
Chamberlin 1916: 293
Petrunkevitch 1911: 585
Banks 1901: 224
Simon 1897: 889
Hentz 1845: 196
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