Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos, Malabarba & Malabarba & Reis, 2015

Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Claudia & Reis, Roberto E., 2015, Descriptions of five new species of the Neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus Miranda Ribeiro, 1918 (Teleostei: Cichliformes) from the rio Uruguay drainage, Neotropical Ichthyology (Neotrop. Ichthyol.) 13 (4), pp. 637-662 : 653-656

publication ID 10.1590/1982-0224-20140188

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos

sp. nov.

Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos , new species

Figs. 6e View Fig , 11 View Fig , 12 View Fig

Gymnogeophagus sp. E . - Wimberger et al., 1998 (molecular phylogeny).

Holotype. MCP 23522 View Materials , male, 108.5 mm SL, rio Dourados at Linha Várzea , on road from Severiano de Almeida to Aratiba, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, approx. 27°23’S 52°13’W, 12 Dec 1992, P. H. Wimberger, R. E. Reis & C. S. Fontana. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul: MCP 16127 View Materials (8, 68.2- 119.8 mm SL) , UMMZ 225381 View Materials (8, 71-85 mm SL), collected with the holotype . MCP 12958 View Materials (34 alc, 3 c&s, 48.7-124.4 mm SL) , ZVCP 12957 (2, 88.9-99.8 mm SL), rio Dourados between Três Barras and Mariano Moro , Mariano Moro , approx. 27°20’S 52°14’W, 9 Dec 1988, R. E. Reis, P. Azevedo, A. C. Bergmann, E. H. Pereira & A. Ramires GoogleMaps . Santa Catarina: MCP 12996 View Materials (14, 55.3-104.1 mm SL), rio Jacutinga on road BR-283 from Seara to Concórdia, Concórdia , 27°11’15”S 52°10’03”W, 8-10 Dec 1988, R. E. Reis, A. C. Bergmann, E. H. Pereira, P. V. Azevedo & A. Ramires GoogleMaps . MCP 16117 View Materials (10, 46.7-74.8 mm SL), and UMMZ 225499 View Materials (5, 58-70 mm SL), same locality as MCP 12996, 12 Dec 1992, P. H. Wimberger, R. E. Reis & C. S. Fontana . UFRGS 15743 View Materials (3, 107.5- 127.5 mm SL), arroio Lajeado Romana, Três Passos , 27°27’24.5”S 53°50’46.5”W, 25 Oct 2011, J. Anza GoogleMaps . UFRGS 15752 View Materials (3, 88-114.34 mm SL), arroio do Tigre, tributary to the rio Turvo, Três Passos , 27°26’43.7”S 53°49’02.4”W, 29 Oct 2011, J. Anza GoogleMaps . UFRGS 7551 View Materials (2, 59.9-77.6 mm SL), rio Jacutinga, linha Canavesi, near to CASAN station of water capture, Concórdia , 27°14’03”S 52°01’40”W, 15 Jan 2005, J. Scalcon GoogleMaps . UFRGS 7552 View Materials (1, 106.6 mm SL), same locality as UFRGS 7551, 30 Oct 2004, J. Scalcon GoogleMaps . UFRGS 7553 View Materials (1, 125 mm SL), rio Jacutinga, Linha Unidos, on lower portion of Itá reservoir, Arabutã , 27°09’37”S 52°08’30”W, 30 Oct 2004, J. Scalcon GoogleMaps .

Additional non-type specimens. Rio Grande do Sul: MCP 11123 View Materials (13), sanga Águas Frias , ca. 100 m from its mouth into rio Uruguay, Iraí, approx. 27°12’S 53°16’W, 22 Dec 1985 GoogleMaps . MCP 12252 View Materials (4), rio Uruguay on road BR-153, Marcelino Ramos , approx. 27°22’S 52°01’W, 17 Oct 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 12299 View Materials (11), flooded area of rio Dourados at Mariano Moura, 17 Aug 1988 . MCP 18556 View Materials (2), rio Dourados between Três Barras and Mariano Moro, Mariano Moro, approx. 27°22’S 52°14’W, 21 Sep 1995 GoogleMaps . MCP 18982 View Materials (10), same locality as MCP 18556, 16 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 19059 View Materials (2), same locality as MCP 18556, 17 Apr 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 18575 View Materials (1), rio Uruguay between confluences with rio Passo Fundo and rio Chapecó, Erval Grande, approx. 27°13’S 52°49’W, 22 Sep 1995 GoogleMaps . MCP 18978 View Materials (3), same locality as MCP 18575, 17 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 40083 View Materials (2 alc.), rio Passo Fundo , Barra do Guarita, 27°11’47”S 53°39’07”W, 26 Jan 2006 GoogleMaps . MCP 40250 View Materials (5 alc.), rio Passo Fundo , Nonoai, 27°43’16”S 52°29’01”W, 06 Apr 2006 GoogleMaps . UFRGS 10303 View Materials (10), Monjolinho Hydroeletric reservoir, Nonoai, 27°20’46”S 52°43’54”W, 11 Jul 2011 GoogleMaps . UFRGS 15740 View Materials (7), rio Turvo , Três Passos, 27°27’15”S 53°50’29”W, 29 Oct 2011 GoogleMaps . Santa Catarina: MCP 12118 View Materials (8), rio Uruguay at Alto Feliz , 6 km from Terra Vermelha, Itá, approx. 27°14’”S 52°15’W, 25 May 1988 . MCP 12150 View Materials (5), rio Jacutinga at road BR-283, Concórdia, aprox. 27°09’S 52°09’W, 25 Jun 1988 GoogleMaps , E. Lerner. MCP 12253 View Materials (11), rio Uruguay at Itá , approx. 27°17’S 52°19’W, 16 Aug 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 12312 View Materials (39), same locality as MCP 12253, 16 Oct 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 12512 View Materials (3), same locality as MCP 12253, 1-2 Oct 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 12923 View Materials (5), same locality as MCP 12253, 7-8 Dec 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 13345 View Materials (4), same locality as MCP 12253, 15-16 Feb 1989 GoogleMaps . MCP 18977 View Materials (1), same locality as MCP 12253, 12 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 12518 View Materials (17), rio Jacutinga on road BR-283 from Seara to Concórdia, Concórdia, approx. 27°09’S 52°09’W, 2 Feb 1988 GoogleMaps . MCP 13342 View Materials (18), same locality as MCP 12518, 16 Feb 1989 GoogleMaps . MCP 18979 View Materials (1), same locality as MCP 12518, 14 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 18980 View Materials (2), rio do Engano (or rio Uvá), on road between Itá and Seara, approx. 27°08’S 52°13’W, 13 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 18981 View Materials (2), rio Rancho Grande on road between Piritiba and highway BR-153, Concórdia, approx. 27°21’S 51°57’W, 11 Jan 1996 GoogleMaps . MCP 20399 View Materials (3 alc.), rio Uruguay, Mondaí , 27°06’30”S 53°28’33”W, 02 May 1997 GoogleMaps . MCP 20812 View Materials (2 alc.), rio Macaco Branco on road Iporã do Oeste to Tunápolis, Tunápolis, 26°58’39”S 53°37’24”W, 28 Jan 1998 GoogleMaps . MCP 20869 View Materials (3 alc.), arroio da Taipa 13 km from Mondaí , Mondaí, 27°07’46”S 53°28’22”W, 27 Jan 1998 GoogleMaps . MCP 20873 View Materials (6 alc.), rio Jundiá on road São Pedro to Tunápolis, Itapiranga, 27°01’17”S 53°38’58”W, 27 Jan 1998 GoogleMaps . MCP 20919 View Materials (13 alc.), rio Iracema and Tributary, Riqueza, 27°08’S 53°20’W, 26 Jan 1998 GoogleMaps . UFRGS 10900 View Materials (2), rio Barra Grande tributary of rio Uruguay, about 7 km from Palmitos, Palmitos, 27°05’28”S 53°04’32”W, 11 Jul 2008 GoogleMaps . UFRGS 10918 View Materials (2), rio Dourados on Vila Dourados near locality of Santa Cruz, Itapiranga, 27°08’20”S 53°39’54”W, 12 Dec 2007 GoogleMaps . UFRGS 10923 View Materials (2), rio Macaco Branco on locality Santo Antônio, Itapiranga, 27°05’25”S 53°44’13”W, 13 Dec 2007 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos is diagnosed from all congeners by the bright yellow color pattern of the unpaired fins (vs. mostly red in other species), covered with white dots aligned between rays; distal border of dorsal fin and dorsal and ventral contours of caudal fin red with thin light stripes. The adipose hump in mature males is prominent, extending dorsally above the tip of the longest dorsal-fin spines (vs. less developed).

Description. Morphometric data summarized in Table 5. Body elongate, laterally compressed. Dorsal profile of head convex between mouth and interorbital area in young, slightly convex in adults; slightly convex from interorbital region to dorsal-fin origin. Predorsal body profile modified in adult males which may have very large adipose hump between nostrils and dorsal-fin origin. Adipose hump sometimes surrounding origin of dorsal fin in large males ( Fig. 11 View Fig ). Dorsal-fin base convex. Caudal peduncle longer than deep, with dorsal and ventral profile slightly concave.

Snout slightly blunt and rounded dorsally in young; slightly rounded dorsally and slightly rounded to nearly straight ventrally in adults; narrow and anteriorly rounded in dorsal aspect. Eye small, close to dorsal profile of head in juveniles and progressively farther in larger specimens (about one half eye diameter in specimens larger than 70 mm SL); eye slightly posterior or near middle of head length. Interorbital area convex, more strongly so in larger specimens; interorbital width smaller than one eye diameter in young (up to 50 mm SL) and progressively larger than one eye diameter in larger specimens. Posterior tip of maxilla not reaching vertical line across anterior margin of eye. Upper jaw equal or slightly longer than lower jaw.

Body scales large and ctenoid, smaller around pectoral fins; scales cycloid in preventral area. Caudal fin with single series of small ctenoid and elongated scales between contiguous rays reaching proximal third of fin in both upper and lower lobes. Soft portion of dorsal fin of males without scales between contiguous rays. Cheek scales cycloid in 4 or 5 rows; cheek naked anteroventrally. Opercle mostly scaled, especially dorsally. Subopercular scales ctenoid in one or two irregular rows. Upper lateral line 14(1), 17*(6), 18(5), 19(1); lower lateral line 8(1), 9*(4), 10(4), 11(4), with 1 to 3 small perforated scales continuing onto caudal-fin base. Scales between upper lateral line and dorsal fin 4*(9), 5(12). Scales between upper lateral line and anal fin 8*(6), 9(7). E1 scales 25(1), 26*(8), 27(4).

Dorsal-fin spines 13*(2), 14(11); dorsal-fin soft rays 9(5), 10(5), 11*(3). First dorsal-fin spine inserted slightly anterior to vertical line across posterior bony margin of opercle. Soft dorsal fin in young rounded, slightly pointed in adult females, reaching to or almost reaching caudal-fin base. Soft dorsal fin in mature males pointed, with 3rd or 4th ray longest, reaching proximal third to distal half of caudal fin. Anal-fin with 3 spines (one specimen with 4) and 7(1), 11(8), 9*(1) soft rays. Anal-fin origin under last dorsal-fin spine or first soft ray; soft portion nearly rounded in young and females and clearly pointed in males. Pectoral fin with rounded tip in young and slightly pointed in adults; 3rd ray longest, reaching to or slightly passing vertical crossing anal-fin origin. Pelvic fin pointed, more conspicuously so in adult males; 2nd soft ray longest reaching area of anal opening in females and passing anal-fin origin in mature males. Caudal-fin margin concave.

Jaw teeth small, conical, with slightly recurved tips. Upper jaw with outer regular row of 14-25 teeth in each premaxilla (number increasing with specimen size) distinct from irregular tooth band of slightly smaller teeth. Lower jaw with narrow tooth band arranged in 3-4 irregular rows; all teeth with approximately same size. Outer hemiseries with 18-22 teeth. Lower limb of first gill arch with 6-9 gill rakers; upper limb lobed with 5-7 gill rakers on its margin. Number of gill rakers increasing with age.

Lower pharyngeal tooth plate slightly wider than long; length of bone 92% of width; teeth covering occlusion surface; 19-20 teeth in posterior row, 17 on median row. Lateral marginal teeth smaller on caudal half of plate; posteromedial teeth much larger, cylindrical with medial, blunt cusps of molariform aspect ( Fig. 6e View Fig ).

Vertebrae 13+ 15 in three cleared and stained specimens.

Color in alcohol. Mature males ( Figs. 11a View Fig , 12a View Fig ): ground color of body light brown laterodorsally and light brown lateroventrally. Nine to 14 dark double vertical bars hardly discernible along midlateral surface of body, distributed between pectoral-fin base and vertical through last anal fin ray origin, not seen in caudal peduncle. Number of vertical bars increase from small to large specimens. Midlateral spot present but without defined borders, on scales 8-10 or 9-11 of upper lateral line and of two scale rows below upper lateral line. Dark band in front of dorsal-fin origin, extending ventrally and slightly posteriorly. Head light brown, with difuse dark markings ventral and posterior to eye and in upper portion of opercle. Snout and adipose hump dusky. Dark band covering cheek absent. Isthmus and branchiostegal membrane light brown. Pectoral fin hyaline. Pelvic fin dark brown. Dorsal fin faint brown with small, narrow white stripes on spiny portion and circular white spots on soft portion. Anal and caudal fins faint brown covered with circular white dots. Color in alcohol of preserved females ( Fig. 12b View Fig ) and juveniles not clearly distinct from that described for males. Most differences related to isthmus and branchiostegal membrane light brown, instead of dark brown as observed in males, and presence of conspicuous vertical dark band covering cheek, below eye.

Color in life. Vertical bars not visible in freshly collected mature males ( Fig. 11b View Fig ). Ground color of dorsal region of body in males bluish green with longitudinal series of bright spots along scale rows. Middorsal region including adipose hump dark blue. Head largely greenish blue with few red markings on cleithrum. Light blue spots below and posterior to eye, opercle and on body surface above pectoral fin. Lateroventral color bluish white with parts of vertical bars barely discernible. Dorsal fin red with white stripes in spinous portion, and along dorsal border; soft portion yellow covered with round white spots. Caudal fin yellow covered with white spots; dorsal and ventral borders red with white stripes. Most of anal fin yellow covered with white spots; distal region with white stripes. Pectoral fin hyaline; pelvic fin dark.

Distribution. Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos is found in the upper portion of the rio Uruguay drainage and its main tributaries ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

Etymology. From the Greek lipos, meaning fat, and from the Greek kara, meaning head, in allusion to the extremely large adipose hump of adult males ( Fig. 11 View Fig ). A noun in apposition.

Conservation status. Gymnogeophagus lipokarenos is frequent and abundant in the upper rio Uruguay. Despite its Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is approximately 7,600 square kilometers, no specific threats were detected, and the species can be categorized as Least Concern (LC) according to IUCN criteria ( IUCN, 2014).

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