Agmina wardi, Espeland & Sjöberg & Johanson, 2020

Espeland, Marianne, Sjoeberg, Tin & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2020, Description of 47 new species of the New Caledonian endemic caddisfly genus Agmina Ward & Schefter (Trichoptera, Ecnomidae), ZooKeys 956, pp. 49-162 : 49

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scientific name

Agmina wardi

sp. nov.

Agmina wardi sp. nov. Figs 212-216 View Figures 212–216


The long and dorsally curving inferior appendages of A. wardi sp. nov. makes it resembling A. recurvata sp. nov., A. cerritula sp. nov. and A. monstrosa sp. nov. It is distinguished from the two latter by having paired processes of inferior appendages instead of a simple process; and from A. recurvata sp. nov. by the posteriorly narrowing sternal processes that end in a thick, straight apical megaseta that is orientated posteroventrally.


Wardi, named for John B. Ward, for his contribution to understanding the diversity of New Caledonian Agmina diversity.

Material examined.

Holotype: New Caledonia - Province Sud • ♂; Rivière des Lacs, 1.1 km NW Lac en Huit, 4.9 km NW summit of Pic du Grand Kaori; 22°15.195'S, 166°52.178'E; 10.xii.2003; light trap; loc#078; leg. KA Johanson; MNHN.

Paratypes: New Caledonia - Province Sud • 1 ♂; Creek Pernod, 7 m downstream bridge at Route du Carénage on Lac Yaté-Prony road; 22°10.862'S, 166°50.565'E; 162 m; 10.xii.2003; light trap; loc#076; leg. KA Johanson; NHRS; • 1 ♂; Rivière des Lacs, above waterfall at Chutes de Madeleine; 22°13.930'S, 166°51.633'E; 243 m; 23.xi.2003; light trap; loc#042; leg. KA Johanson; NHRS.


Fore wing length 3.8-4.0 mm (N = 3). Total length of genitalia: 0.6 mm.


Genitalia: In lateral view, segment IX almost constituting of sternal process only; anterior apex located immediately below mid-height of genitalia; in ventral view anteriorly with widely U-shaped incision. Sternal processes, lateral view, with large, half circular with almost straight dorsal margin, without spines; in ventral view, slender and curving mesally from mid-length. Tergum X almost rectangular with posterodorsal rounded corner and anterodorsal pointed corner, in lateral view higher than long; in dorsal view, mesally situated closely but separate, each forming trapezoid lobes with straight inner margin. Parameres starting from lower anterior part of tergum X, narrow, bifurcating into dorsal and ventral branches basally in superior appendage; in dorsal view, forming pair of narrowing rays, each with small megasetae in short row located midway on mesal margin. Superior appendages, in lateral view, large, half circular with almost straight dorsal margin, without spines; in dorsal view uniformly wide along their length, parallelogram-shaped; apex strongly inwardly pointed. Inferior appendages, in lateral view, with broad basal part covered by setae separated from L-shaped mid-part that is smooth basally and with setae distally; apparently with a distal joint as long as height of tergum X; in ventral view with widely triangular basal part and truncate posterior corner; central part orientated laterally before looping mesally at mid-length; apex almost rounded. Phallus, in lateral view slightly shorter than length of segment IX, straight; in ventral view vase-shaped, with wide basis and narrow posterior half.

Additional information.

This species was referred to as "sp. 39" in Espeland and Johanson (2010a).













