Penniverpa parvula (Kröber), Krober

Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A., 2008, A revision of the New World genus Penniverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae), Zootaxa 1720, pp. 1-45 : 39-40

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.181100


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scientific name

Penniverpa parvula (Kröber)


Penniverpa parvula (Kröber) View in CoL

( Figs. 68–72)

parvula Kröber View in CoL (1911: 499 male key, 520 male desc. 1913:33 listing; 1928:7 dist., 10 male key) ( Psilocephala View in CoL ); Irwin and Webb (1992:87 checklist, comb. change) ( Brachylinga View in CoL ). Type locality Brazil, Bahia. Holotype male in USNM.

Diagnosis. The male of Penniverpa parvula is similar to P. festina , P. insular , and P. multisetosa and is separated from theses species by the ommatidia being smaller ventrally and laterally, the wing veins pale yellowish brown, the LGP of the gonostylus ( Fig. 69) being large, flange-like, and flattened dorsoventrally, the LGP lacking a VMP, the distiphallus in dorsal view ( Fig. 70) broad, enlarged basally, tapered posteriorly and lacking dorsal spinous projections and in ventral view ( Fig. 71) having the AAP short and lacking spinous projections.

Redescription of MALE. Variation (n=2).

Body length 6.3–6.7, 6.5 mm.

Head. Length 0.70 mm. Ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons pubescence white, dense; setae absent. Antenna dark brown, pubescence light gray on scape; antenna/head length 0.70–0.73, 0.71; scape length 0.11–0.12, 0.12 mm, width 0.08–0.10, 0.09 mm, length/width 1.1–1.5, 1.3, scape/pedicel length 1.4– 2.0, 1.7, scape/flagellum width 0.80–0.83, 0.82, setae black, short, sparse, macrosetae black; pedicel length 0.06–0.08, 0.07 mm, length/width 0.70–0.80, 0.73; flagellum length 0.30–0.33, 0.32 mm, width 0.10–0.12, 0.11 mm, length/width 2.5–3.3, 2.9, flagellum/scape length 2.7–2.8, 2.7. Maxillary palpus dark brown; length 0.34 mm, length/width 5.7 times longer than wide; setae dark brown. Genal setae white. Occipital setae whitish yellow, sparse dorsomedially; macrosetae dark brown, extending as single row ventrally from lateral end of postocular macrosetae.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 1 sa. Mesonotum dark brown, pubescence whitish yellow; vittae indistinguishable; setae whitish yellow appressed (no distinguishable erect setae). Pleuron pubescence gray; setae white on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane hyaline; veins pale yellowish brown; length 4.8–5.0, 4.9 mm, width 1.7 mm, length/width 2.8–2.9, 2.9; pterostigma indistinguishable. Halter brown. Legs. Coxal setae white; hind coxa with anterior papillate knob. Femora pale reddish brown, pubescence light gray; ventral setae white on fore– and midfemora, white dorsally; av 0:0:1–3, pv 0:0:2. Tibiae yellowish brown, slightly paler than femora. Tarsi yellowish brown.

Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, pubescence white, dense; dorsal setae white, elongate, appressed, denser across posterior margin. Terminalia (MEI 076032). Dark brown. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 68), setae dark brown, continuous across posterior margin. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 68), setae dark brown, macrosetae dark brown; ventral lobe ( Fig. 69), PVL absent. Gonostylus ( Fig. 69), LGP present as large flange, flattened dorsoventrally, glabrous, VMP absent. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 70), anterior margin slightly emarginate; ventral apodeme ( Fig. 71), extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus dorsal view ( Fig. 70) broad, rounded basally, tapered posteriorly, lacking dorsal spinous projections; ventral view ( Fig. 71), AAP short, pointed, spinous projections absent; lateral view ( Fig. 72) tapered posteriorly in broad curved.

FEMALE. Unknown.


Habitats and phenology. Adults have been hand-netted in February.

Distribution. Penniverpa parvula is known from the state of Bahia in Brazil and in the city of Natal (this name is found in several states in Brazil).

Specimens examined. Type specimen. The holotype male of Psilocephala parvula Kröber is labeled "Bahia [ Brazil], Coll. Winthem" and is in the NHW. Other specimens. BRAZIL. Natal, 5–24.II.1943, Snyder F.M., 1ɗ MEI 0 76032 (AMNH).















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