Lepidocnemeplatia, 1938

Löbl, I. & Merkl, O., 2003, On The Type Species Of Several Tenebrionid Genera And Subgenera (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (3), pp. 243-253 : 245

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587038

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scientific name




KASZAB (1938: 80) described Lepidocnemeplatia as a subgenus of Cnemeplatia , for C. sericea HORN, 1870 and C. laticollis CHAMPION, 1884 from California and Panama respectively. Later, KASZAB (1942) raised this subgenus to generic rank, and described a new species, L. szekessyi from Burma. VIANA (1963), KASZAB (1966) and MEDVEDEV (1991) described in Lepidocnemeplatia additional Asian and South American species. None of these authors fixed the name Lepidocnemeplatia by type species designation. The original description given by KASZAB (1938: 80) characterizes the group. We designate here Cnemeplatia sericea HORN, 1870 as the type species of Lepidocnemeplatia .

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