Rubroboletus Kuan Zhao et Zhu L.Yang, 2014

Zhao, Kuan, Wu, Gang & Yang, Zhu L., 2014, A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies, Phytotaxa 188 (2), pp. 61-77 : 67-68

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.188.2.1


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scientific name

Rubroboletus Kuan Zhao et Zhu L.Yang

gen. nov.

Rubroboletus Kuan Zhao et Zhu L.Yang View in CoL View at ENA , gen. nov.

Mycobank: MB 809235

Etymology: “ Rubro-” refers to the red color of the pileus, the surface of the hymenophore and the reticulum (or spots) on the stipe. Generic Type: Rubroboletus sinicus (W.F. Chiu) Kuan Zhao et Zhu L. Yang

Basidioma stipitate-pileate with tubular hymenophore. Pileus hemispherical, convex or applanate, grayish, pinkish to red; context white, yellowish to lemon-yellow, bluing quickly when exposed. Hymenophore surface orange red to blood red, sometimes orange-yellow when mature, rapidly bluing when bruised; tubes yellow to olivaceous green, turning blue promptly when injured, then back to the original color slowly. Stipe central, covered with pinkish, red to brownish red reticula or spots. Pileipellis an interwoven trichoderm composed of more or less vertically arranged, sometimes gelatinized filamentous hyphae. Hymenophoral trama boletoid. Basidiospores smooth, subfusiform to ovoid-ellipsoid, slightly thick-walled. Pleuro - and cheilocystidia lageniform, thin-walled. Clamp connections absent. Amyloid reaction not observed.


Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Bocage

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