Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) beshbarmak Triapitsyn

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2013, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Palaearctic region, with notes on extralimital distributions, Zootaxa 3644 (1), pp. 1-178 : 58-60

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3644.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) beshbarmak Triapitsyn

sp. nov.

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) beshbarmak Triapitsyn View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 81–87 View FIGURES 81 – 84 View FIGURES 85 – 87 )

Type material. Holotype female [UCRC] on slide: KYRGYZSTAN. DZHALAL-ABAD , Teke-Uyuk Ravine , 41°29’12’’N 74°35’50’’E, 1850 m, 30.vi.1999, C.H. Dietrich, sweeping [ UCRC ENT 294203 ]. GoogleMaps Paratypes: KYRGYZSTAN. Same data as holotype [1 3 on slide, UCRC]. ISSYK-KUL, S Shore of Lake Issyk-kul, 10 km E of Kadzhi-Saj , 42°10’33’’N, 77°18’55’’E, 1675 m, C.H. Dietrich: 2–6.vii.1999, MT [1 Ƥ on card, UCRC]; GoogleMaps 5.vii.1999, vacuum [3 Ƥ on slides, INHS, UCRC, ZIN, and 4 Ƥ on points, CNCI (1), INHS (1), UCRC (2)].

Description. FEMALE. Body length 925–990 µm (dry-mounted paratypes). Head and mesosoma mostly dark brown, with a few yellow spots on mesosoma; gaster yellow (anterior half or so) and brown (posterior half or so); antenna brown, legs mostly brown to dark brown but with some yellow and light brown.

Antenna ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 81 – 84 ) with radicle 0.35–0.38× total length of scape, rest of scape 3.1–3.5× as long as wide, with faint cross-ridges; pedicel longer than F1; F1 about as long as F2 and notably shorter than following funicle segments; F5 and F6 subequal in length, longer than F3 or F4 and slightly longer than F7 or F8; mps on F5 (usually 2, occasionally 1), F6 (2), F7 (2), and F8 (2); clava with 8 mps, 3.1–3.4× as long as wide, a little longer than combined length of F7 and F8.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 81 – 84 ). Propodeum with submedian lines wide apart. Fore wing ( Fig. 83 View FIGURES 81 – 84 ) 2.7–2.9× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.21–0.29× maximum wing width; disc with a faint brownish tinge throughout, bare behind submarginal vein and setose elsewhere although relatively more sparsely behind marginal vein. Hind wing ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 81 – 84 ) 17–20× as long as wide; disc rather densely setose apically, almost hyaline; longest marginal seta 2.1– 2.9× maximum wing width.

Metasoma ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 81 – 84 ). Gaster longer than mesosoma. Petiole 1.8–1.9× as wide as long. Ovipositor occupying 0.8–0.9× length of gaster, at most barely exserted beyond its apex; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 1.7–1.8:1.

Measurements (µm) of the holotype. Mesosoma 406; petiole 30; gaster 566; ovipositor 517. Antenna: radicle 73; rest of scape 136; pedicel 61; F1 30; F2 30; F3 42; F4 54; F5 67; F6 67; F7 65; F8 60; clava 164. Fore wing 1027:378; longest marginal seta 79. Hind wing 812:47; longest marginal seta 100.

MALE. Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Gaster entirely brown. Antenna ( Fig. 85 View FIGURES 85 – 87 ) with scape minus radicle 1.85× as long as wide, with inner surface more notably sculptured. Fore wing ( Fig. 86 View FIGURES 85 – 87 ) 2.9× as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 87 View FIGURES 85 – 87 .

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus beshbarmak is somewhat similar to the European species G. vidanoi (Viggiani & Jesu) but its female differs from that of the latter in having only 8 (rather than 10 as in G. vidanoi ) mps on the clava, and also by the fore wing at most 2.7× as long as wide (fore wing is about 3.3× as long as wide in G. vidanoi ). Also see the diagnosis of G. berezovskiyi .

Etymology. The species name (a noun in apposition) is that of a popular dish in Kyrgyzstan.

Hosts. Unknown.


USA, Illinois, Champaign, Illinois Natural History Survey


Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


University of California, Riverside


Illinois Natural History Survey


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Canadian National Collection Insects













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