Jiangsuacarus dolichocladae (Song, Xue & Hong, 2008)

XUE, XIAO-FENG, WANG, ZHEN, SONG, ZI-WEI & HONG, XIAO-YUE, 2009, Eriophyoid mites on Fagaceae with descriptions of seven new genera and eleven new species (Acari: Eriophyoidea), Zootaxa 2253 (1), pp. 1-95 : 38

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Jiangsuacarus dolichocladae (Song, Xue & Hong, 2008)

comb. nov.

Jiangsuacarus dolichocladae (Song, Xue & Hong, 2008) comb. nov.

Jutarus dolichocladae Song , et al., 2008b: 51.

Host plant. Bambusa dolichoclada (Poaceae) .

Relation to host. Vagrant on leaf surfaces; no damage to the host was observed.

Distribution. China (Fujian).

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