Pereskiophaga Anderson, 2015

Anderson, Robert S., 2015, Pereskiophaga Brasiliensis Anderson, A New Genus And Species Of Cryptorhynchinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Associated With Primitive Cacti Of The Genus Pereskia Miller (Cactaceae) In Brazil, The Coleopterists Bulletin 4, pp. 670-673 : 670-672

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-69.4.670

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scientific name

Pereskiophaga Anderson

gen. nov.

Pereskiophaga Anderson , new genus

Type Species. Pereskiophaga brasiliensis Anderson , new species, here designated.

Derivation of Name. From the generic name of the host plant cactus, Pereskia View in CoL , and ‘phagein’ (Gr., to eat) in reference to the host plant association. Gender is feminine.

Description. Length 3.8–5.0 mm, clothed sparsely with scales, cuticle in large part bare, with distinct isodiametric to microstriate microsculpture over entire body. Rostrum about as long as pronotum, received in deep sternal groove in prosternum and mesoventrite. Eyes large, coarsely facetted, separated by about 2/3 width of rostrum at base; each about 1/2 covered by well-developed pronotal postocular lobe when rostrum in repose. Antenna with funicle of 7 articles, articles 1 and 2 slightly elongate, otherwise moniliform; club annulate, densely, finely pubescent. Scrobe deep, dorsal margin directed to top half of eye. Pronotum wider than long, punctures widely spaced, moderately deep; basal margin distinctly produced posteriorly in front of scutellar shield, projection covered with dense, white to dirty white appressed scales; apical margin slightly raised, laterally with postocular lobes moderately developed; disc constricted subapically, with clumps of erect scales. Flanks of pronotum with distinct, narrow, glabrous marginal band abutting mesepisternum and mesepimeron, separated from remainder of flanks by line of deep, coalescent punctures. Metanepisternal suture and metanepisternum well-developed; lateral portion of meso- and metaventrites glabrous. Scutellar shield present, moderately large. Elytra with 10 striae, 10 th stria continuous beyond level of metacoxa as very fine series of punc- tures, striae otherwise indicated by deep, widely spaced punctures; declivity gradual, not abrupt; humeri distinct, quadrate. Hind wings well-developed. Abdominal ventrite 1 laterally as long as ventrite 2, ventrite 2 about as long as 3, ventrite 3 slightly longer than 4; sutures straight, deep; each ventrite with moderately dense, appressed to suberect, broad scales, each set in distinct deep puncture. Legs with femur densely covered with suberect broad scales, scales paler towards apex; femur not swollen or distinctly convex dorsally, about twice maximum width of tibia; each with single, short, blunt ventral tooth slightly beyond midlength. Tarsal claws free, small.

Diagnosis. Among known cactus-associated Cryptorhynchinae , Pereskiophaga can easily be separated from Gerstaeckeria Champion by the presence of a metanepisternal suture, presence of humeri (and flight wings), and toothed femora. From Eriocereophaga O’ Brien, it may be separated by the toothed femora and the distinctive cephalic sculpturing. Despite these differences, Pereskiophaga and Eriocereophaga share a welldefined, broad, glabrous, impunctate band along the posterior margin of the pronotal flanks, scales on the pronotum similarly clumped, and similar surface microsculpture. Therefore, they may be closely related.

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