Elasmosomites Brues, 1933

Belokobylskij, Sergey A., Dubovikoff, Dmitry A., Manukyan, Andranik R. & Zharkov, Dmitry M., 2021, Braconid parasitoids of ants (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae, Neoneurini) from Baltic amber with a discussion of records of fossil larvae parasitizing ant workers, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 84, pp. 29-43 : 29

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Elasmosomites Brues, 1933


Genus Elasmosomites Brues, 1933 View in CoL

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3

Elasmosomites Brues 1933: 97; Belokobylskij 2014: 378; Yu et al. 2016.

Type species.

Elasmosomites primordialis Brues, 1933, by monotypy.

Elasmosomites is a monotypic fossil genus of the euphorine tribe Neoneurini . The genus and type species were described by Brues (1933) on the basis of two female specimens from Baltic amber.


Head dorsally transversely striate; mesoscutum densely punctate, mesopleuron mainly smooth. Fine occipital carina present at least laterally. Anterior angle of ocellar triangle obtuse. Maxillary palpus relatively long and slender, with 6 segments; labial palpus short, perhaps with 3 segments; labrum rather large. Female antenna with 14 segments (male one with 16 segments), segments of flagellum relatively long; scape distinctly longer than pedicel, pedicel not widened apically; third antennal segment longer than scape and fourth segment. Transverse scuto-scutellar suture on mesoscutum absent; scutellar sulcus (prescutellar depression) relatively narrow, slightly curved and sparsely crenulate. Notauli and precoxal sulcus absent. Prepectal carina present laterally, absent ventrally. Radial (marginal) cell of fore wing strongly shortened, widely open apically, without additional transverse vein. Metacarp (1-R1) shorter than length of pterostigma. Three abscissae of radial vein (r, 3-SR and SR1) present; third abscissa (SR1) sclerotised (tubular) only in basal half and spectral in apical half. Second radiomedial (submarginal) cell small and pentagonal. Recurrent vein (m-cu) postfurcal to first radiomedial vein (2-SR). Discoidal (discal) cell with long petiole (1-SR). Mediocubital vein (M+CU1) almost straight, tubular but unsclerotised and not pigmented. Nervulus (cu-a) slightly inclivous. Brachial vein (CU1b) absent; brachial (subdiscal) cell open distally. Hind wing with 3 hamuli; with distinct plical lobe, anteriorly separated by a deep and narrow gap. Fore coxa enlarged, but distinctly shorter than hind coxa. Outer and inner spurs of female hind tibia slightly longer than hind basitarsus and acute apically. Fore tibia and its spur unmodified. Trochantelli of all legs distinctly differentiated from femora. Hind tarsus shorter than hind tibia. Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present but small. Female hypopygium not far retracted, apically truncate, without medial depression or long setae (hardly visible); male one medio-posteriorly with very deep and narrow split. Ovipositor sheath narrow and distinctly protruding behind tip of metasoma.












Elasmosomites Brues, 1933

Belokobylskij, Sergey A., Dubovikoff, Dmitry A., Manukyan, Andranik R. & Zharkov, Dmitry M. 2021


Brues 1933