Opius incoligma Fischer

Wharton, Robert, Ward, Lauren & Miko, Istvan, 2012, New neotropical species of Opiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) reared from fruit-infesting and leaf-mining Tephritidae (Diptera) with comments on the Diachasmimorpha mexicana species group and the genera Lorenzopius and Tubiformopius, ZooKeys 243, pp. 27-82 : 65-67

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scientific name

Opius incoligma Fischer


Opius incoligma Fischer Figs 74-7781

Opius (Nosopaeopius) incoligma Fischer, 1979: 274-276. Holotype female AEIC (examined).

Opius (Nosopaeopius) incoligma : Yu et al. 2005, 2012 (electronic catalogs).

Type locality.

Colombia, Magdalena, 41 km south of Sta. Marta, 7000 ft.

Type material.

Holotype. Female (AEIC), first label, first line: 41Km S.St. Marta second line: Magd., Colombia third line: V.6.1973 7000 ft. fourth line: Howden&Campbell second label [red]: Holotype third label, first line: [female symbol] Opius second line: incoligma third line: Holotype fourth line: det Fischer sp. n.


Holotype female. Labrum completely concealed by mandibles; clypeus nearly as tall as wide, flat, not protruding, ventral margin convex. Mandible without basal lobe, distinctly narrowing apically to narrow, bifid tooth. Malar space distinct, malar sulcus deep, distinct. Antenna with 33 flagellomeres. Pronotum dorsally without pronope or distinct pit, mostly unsculptured, crenulate posterior margin broadly interrupted medially. Disc of mesoscutum nearly bare, with a few setae along traces of notauli; midpit small, distinct, narrowly elongate; notauli weak, present as very short, weakly sculptured grooves directed posterior-medially from and along edge of anterior declivity, not extending posteriorly onto disc of mesoscutum; distinct supra-marginal carina extending laterally from base of notaulus to tegula. Scuto-scutellar sulcus narrow (about 6-7 × wider than long but difficult to measure), crenulate throughout. Precoxal sulcus distinct, moderately deep, long, completely unsculptured, somewhat vertically oriented as in Lorenzopius . Propodeum granular rugose, with very short median carina anteriorly, densely setose throughout. Fore wing stigma parallel-sided to weakly expanded apically; r1 longer than stigma width; second submarginal cell long, weakly narrowing distally; m-cu weakly postfurcal; 2CUb arising distinctly above middle of first subdiscal cell, 2CUa nearly absent. Hind coxa smooth; hind femur slender, weakly bilobed. T1 weakly strigose, irregularly sculptured with smooth patches; dorsal carina short but distinct; lateral carina very well developed, extending from junction with dorsal carina to apex, passing ventrad spiracle; dorsope shallow, indistinct, laterope shallow, weakly indicated by a long, narrow groove; T1 spiracle situated slightly posteriad midlength of T1; T1 narrow, parallel-sided, 2.6 × longer than apical width; no visible membrane between S1 and T1, though lateral margin between the two clearly visible; S1 0.35 × length of T1.


The venation (Fig. 75) and features of the first metasomal segment (Figs 77, 81) suggest a relationship to Eurytenes ( Stigmatopoea ), but this species di ffers most remarkably by the completely concealed labrum (Fig. 74). Also, unlike the other species of Eurytenes , Lorenzopius , and Tubiformopius treated here, the individual flagellomeres are long throughout in Opius incoligma but notably decreasing in length in the other species.











