Caledoneurus lariviereae, Heiss, 2011

Heiss, E., 2011, First record of Aneurinae from New Caledonia (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 43 (2), pp. 1331-1338 : 1333-1334

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5326395

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scientific name

Caledoneurus lariviereae

sp. nov.

Caledoneurus lariviereae nov.sp. ( Figs1 View Figs 1-11 -5,7, photo 3)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotype male labelled: New Caledonia, S-Prov. / Farini – Petite Cascade / 270-340m, 3km N Farino / 20 XI 2009 lg. Schuh (18) // Holotype male / Caledoneurus nov.gen. / lariviereae nov.spec. / des. E.Heiss 2011; Paratypes: 1 male (dissected) 1 female collected with holotype are designated accordingly .

D e s c r i p t i o n: Macropterous male, body legs and antennae finely granulate,

membrane wrinkled; colouration dark brown with lighter base of hemelytra and tarsi.

H e a d: Slightly wider than long (22/21); genae shorter than clypeus this as long as antennal segment I with round apex; antenniferous lobes short, diverging anteriorly with acute apices; antennae 1.29 as long as width of head, segment I short and globular, II of equal length but more slender, III cylindrical and longer than I and II, IV longest fusiform; length of antennal segments I/II/III/IV = 5.5/5.5/6.5/11; eyes oblong inserted in head; postocuclar lobes angulate behind eyes then curved and constricted posteriorly toward collar; vertex flat with 2 sublateral round depressions, transversely striate posteriorly; rostrum arising from an open atrium shorter than head, rostral groove flat wide and open.

P r o n o t u m 2.46 as wide as long (37/15); lateral margins subparallel at humeri sinuately converging anteriorly to round anterolateral angles which are produced over anterior margin; posterior margin straight; disk with flat ovate callosities on anterior half followed posteriorly by a transverse depression, posterior lobe finely granulate.

S c u t e l l u m: Semicircular about 1.5 as wide as long (23/15); basal carina present, sublateral carinae long and curved obliterating toward apex, disk with transverse rows of granules.

H e m e l y t r a: Corium short with two elevated veins; lateral margins subparallel and carinate; clavus reduced to a small triangle; distal bar of clavus of hind wing as long as corium ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1-11 ); membrane irregularly wrinkled reaching 2/3 of mtg VI.

A b d o m e n:LateralmarginsofdeltgII-VII granulate and evenly rounded, pe-angles not produced; deltg II and III separated by a suture, a sinuate suture separates fused mtg I+II from deltg II, the posterior lateral apodemal impression of deltg II is placed on mtg I+II; surface of deltg II-VII granulate, a thin carina along the inner margin follows the suture confining the tergal plate, longitudinal rows of larger granules delimit the lateral margin; disk of tergal plate with distinct lateral rugose strip and sublateral rugulose areas which are separated and bordered by smooth shiny areas (fig. 1).

V e n t e r: Ventral laterotergites III-VI with distinct ventral hem which is obliterating on vltg VI, spiracles II, IV-VII lateral and visible from above, III ventral, VIII terminal on ptg VIII (fig. 2).

L e g s: Femora short and incrassate, tibiae tapering toward base, claws with curved pseudopulvilli.

G e n i t a l i c s t r u c t u r e s: Pygophore pear-shaped, surface granulate; paratergites VIII clavate and not projecting over lateral margin of deltg VII; parameres crescent shaped with a dorsal concave surface bearing longer basal and shorter apical setae; median projecting lobe of dorsal opening triangular (fig. 7).

F e m a l e: Generally as male but slightly larger; posterior margin of tergite VIII sinuate, ptg VIII small and rounded (fig. 3).

M e a s u r e m e n t s: Holotype male: length 3.22mm; width of abdomen 58; paratype male: length 3.30mm; width of abdomen 60, paratype: length 3.65mm; width / length of head 23/22; w/l pronotum 39/17; w/l scutellum 26/18; width of abdomen 70.

E t y m o l o g y: This species is dedicated to Marie-Claude Larivière ( New Zealand Arthopod Collection, Auckland) recognizing her strong interest in Aradidae of New Zealand and Pacific Region and her continuous support of my investigations of this fauna.























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