Phylloicus froehlichi Burgos-Miranda & Calor, 2023

Calor, Adolfo Ricardo, Pereira, Rafael, Queiroz, Larissa Laiane, Vilarino, Albane, Junior, Carlos Coracy Dultra de Azevedo, Queiroz, Amanda, Burgos-Miranda, Manoel Joaquim, Cavalcante-Silva, Amanda, Oliveira-Silva, Marcos Vinícius, Lucca, Giann, Quinteiro, Fabio Batagini, Dias, Everton Santos, Gomes, Victor de Andrade, França, Diogo, Costa, Anne Moreira, Desidério, Gleison Robson, Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço & Bispo, Pitágoras da Conceição, 2023, LEAq - Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática “ Prof. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich ” and the task of facing the biodiversity knowledge deficits on Caddisflies (Trichoptera), Bahia, Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230065) 67, pp. 2-33 : 4-9

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Felipe (2024-08-02 22:40:27, last updated 2024-08-03 12:06:39)

scientific name

Phylloicus froehlichi Burgos-Miranda & Calor

sp. nov.

Phylloicus froehlichi Burgos-Miranda & Calor , sp. nov.

( Figs. 2A, B View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 A-E)

Diagnosis. Phylloicus froehlichi sp. nov. is diagnosed by the singular shape of sternum IX with anteroventral margin projected anterad, in lateral view; the anterior margin with two concavities separated by mesal projection, in ventral view; the tergum IX with anterolateral margins projected anterad, and the posterior margin trapezoidal, in dorsal view; the tergum X subrectangular, with basal region larger than apex, and apex acuminated, in lateral view; and the phallobase J-shaped, 2x longer than tergum X, with narrowed base, in lateral view.

This new species resembles P. paprockii Prather, 2003 in the shape of tergum IX, with paired mesolateral ridges extending from the anterior notch, in dorsal view; the general shape of sternum IX and inferior appendages, in ventral view; and the shape of tergum X, notched apically. However, P. froehlichi sp. nov. differs from P. paprockii in the following characteristics: tergum IX with basolateral margin projected anterad (not projected in P. paprockii ), in dorsal view; anterior margin with one and two concavities, in lateral and ventral view, respectively (absent in P. paprockii ); tergum X without rounded setose basolateral paired projections (present in P. paprockii ); with apex rounded (truncated in P. paprockii ), in dorsal view; rounded (acute in P. paprockii ), in lateral view.

Description. Length of each forewing length 10.0– 10.2 mm (males, n=3). Head: Brown (in alcohol). Antennae long, about 2x length of forewings. Maxillary palps pale yellow, densely covered by dark brown setae, 5-segmented, segment III longer than others, segment IV at least 2x shorter than others. Labial palps pale yellow, densely covered by pale yellow setae, 3-segmented, segments of similar length. Thorax:Pterothorax light brown,with dark anterior margin.Legs yellow; metatibiae and metatarsi covered by dark brown setae. Forewings dark brown; with two transverse bands; proximal band white, near posterior wing margin, at least 1/2 width of wing, distal band white, not reaching wing margin, 1/2 width of wing or less, oval; five longitudinal bands appearing from first bifurcations of veins,reaching up to about 1/3 of wing, white; with venation typical for genus: forks I–V present; discoidal cell less than half as long as thyridial cell; median cell closed; R1 fused with R2 subapically ( Fig. 2A View Figure 2 ). Hind wing with basal brush; forks II, III and V present ( Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ). Tibial spur formula 2,4,3. Abdomen: Coremata and modifications of abdominal terga absent. Sternum VII and VIII without modifications. Tergum IX, in dorsal view, with anterolateral margins projected anterad, paired mesolateral ridges extending from anterior notch, posterior margin trapezoidal ( Fig.3B View Figure 3 ); lateral ridge present; dorsal pleural setae approximately 8, ventral pleural setae approximately 2; sternum IX, in lateral view, with anteroventral margin projected anterad ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ); in ventral view, two concavities on anterior margin, without ridges ( Fig.3C View Figure 3 ). Preanal appendages with approximately same length of tergum X, digitate, diametrically uniform throughout its length, bearing long setae, but not filamentous or longer than appendage ( Figs. 3A, 3B View Figure 3 ). Tergum X without basal lobes; basodorsal process absent; basolateral processes absent; with dorsal surface covered by many setae on mesal and lateral regions; apex, in dorsal view, notched, notch deep and round, depth about 1/3 tergum X length ( Fig.3B View Figure 3 ); in lateral view, subrectangular shape (oblong), base slightly larger than apex, rounded apex ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ). Inferior appendages slim, first article covered by long setae; second article much smaller than first, with serrated mesal margin ( Figs.3A, 3C View Figure 3 ). Phallobase about 2x as long as tergum X, with narrowed base, in lateral view, J-shaped, curved down; phallic endotheca, in ventral view, with cordiform apicoventral lobe; dorsal lobe long, with globous proximal region and bifurcate apex; phallotremal sclerites average size, longest dimension shorter than phallobase diameter ( Fig. 3D, E View Figure 3 ).

Holotype male. BRAZIL: Bahia: Varzedo, Serra da Jibóia , Fazenda Sr. Getúlio, 12°57’45.5”S, 39°26’55”W, 24.x.2012, V Gomes, A Vilarino & R Campos cols. ( MZUSP). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. same data as holotype, except xi.2015, E Dias & R GoogleMaps Campos cols., 1 male ( UFBA) ; same data, except Elísio Medrado , Serra da Jibóia, Córrego do Caranguejo, 12°52’14.9”S, 39°28’32.4”W, el. 554 m, 03.xi.2016, AR Calor, I Macedo & MLS GoogleMaps Carvalho cols., 1 male (alcohol, UFBA) ; same data, except Wenceslau Guimarães , Riacho do Patioba, 13°34’50”S 39°42’17”W, el. 432 m, 09.x.2010, AR Calor col., 1 male (alcohol, UFBA) GoogleMaps .

Distribution ( Figs. 20A, B View Figure 20 ). Brazil (BA, Atlantic Forest domain).

Remarks. The record of this new species increases to seven the number of Phylloicus species recorded in Bahia state ( Table 1).

Etymology. The specific name “froehlichi ” is in honor of Prof. Dr. Claudio Gilberto Froehlich in recognition of his great contribution to the knowledge of the systematics and ecology of Neotropical aquatic insects.

Ecnomidae Ulmer

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Figure 2 Phylloicus froehlichi new species, wings.A, forewing; B, hind wing.

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Figure 3 Phylloicus froehlichi new species,malegenitalia.A,lateral;B,dorsal;C,segment IX and inferior appendage,ventral;D,phallic apparatus(apex),ventral;E,phallic apparatus,lateral. Abbreviation:app.,appendage.

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Figure 20 Distribution of the caddisfly species. A, new species, and records across the phytogeographic domains of Brazil; B, complete caddisfly record data in Bahia State; C, heatmap indicating the concentration of efforts.


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