Astylopsis Casey

Schiefer, Terence L., 2000, A New Species Of Astylopsis Casey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Acanthocinini) From The Southeastern United States, The Coleopterists Bulletin 54 (4), pp. 533-539 : 537-538

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065x(2000)054[0533:ansoac];2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Astylopsis Casey


Key to the Species of Astylopsis Casey View in CoL

1 Side of pronotum below lateral tubercle without punctures -------------------- 2

19 Side of pronotum below lateral tubercle densely punctate ---------------------- 3

2(1) Disk of pronotum with three longitudinal vittae; lateral vittae interrupted, median vitta occasionally reduced and confined to median callus. Elytra with oblique, dark fascia usually of nearly uniform width or narrowing toward suture, usually extending onto epipleura, occasionally interrupted between costae and above epipleura. Size nearly always smaller (length 5.3–9.2 mm, mean 7.5 mm; n 5 60) ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- A. fascipennis Schiefer View in CoL , new species

29 Disk of pronotum without vittae or rarely with a single, median longitudinal vitta. Elytra with oblique, dark fascia less distinct, usually widest near suture, not extending onto epipleura, frequently reduced to a spot near suture. Size nearly always larger (length 9.0– 12.9 mm, mean 11.0 mm; n 5 32) ------------------------------------------------------------------ A. perplexa (Haldeman) View in CoL

3(1) Elytra without black vittae on epipleura --------------------------------------------------------- 4

39 Elytra with black vittae on epipleura extending from humeri almost to apex --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. arcuata (LeConte) View in CoL

4(3) Sides of pronotum, if white, not contrasting strongly with middle of disk. Elytra without fascia behind middle, or if present, grayer and less distinct. Abdomen with pubescence nearly uniform ---------------------------------------- 5

49 Sides of pronotum densely white pubescent, strongly contrasting with middle of disk. Elytra with distinct white fascia behind middle. Abdomen with pubescence less dense medially --------------------------------- A. macula (Say) View in CoL

5(4) Elytra with black tufted tubercles especially on basal gibbosites, apices emarginate­truncate --------------------------------------------------------------- A. sexguttata (Say) View in CoL

59 Elytra with dark spots but no tufted tubercles, apices nearly rounded -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. collaris (Haldeman) View in CoL











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