Trichocolletes leucogenys, Batley, 2012

Batley, Michael, 2012, Revision of the Australian Bee Genus Trichocolletes Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Paracolletini), Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 64 (1), pp. 1-50 : 25-26

publication ID 10.3853/j.0067-1975.64.2012.1589

publication LSID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichocolletes leucogenys

sp. nov.

Trichocolletes leucogenys n.sp.

Figs 64 View Figs 56–67 , 101 View Figs 92–103

Type. Holotype ♂, Dryandra State Forest c. 27 km NW Narrogin, Western Australia, 3 Oct. 1982, C. A. Howard & T. F. Houston, on flowers of Gastrolobium , in WAM 13580.

Specimens examined. The holotype and the following. Western Australia: ♂, 5♀, same data as holotype, WAM (13579, 81–85); 2♂, 2♀, Bolgart, 8 Aug. 1949 & 12 Jan. 1950, ANIC; ♀, Broomehill, WAM (13777); ♀, Busselton, 25 Jun. 1943, O. Dawson, ANIC; 12♂, 7♀, Cottesloe, WAM (13681–93,13718,21,28–29,14011–12); ♀, 37 km E Cramphorne (31.7847°S 118.9533°E), 20 Oct.2009, M.Batley, AM (K.344730); ♀, Darlington-Helena Valley, 21 Jul. 1987, M. Lyons, on flowers of Muris sp. & Daviesia, WAM (13623); ♀, Deepdene, 4 Sep. 1963, L. M. O’Halloran, WAM (13799); 2♀, Dryandra State Forest 27 km NW Narrogin, 12 Oct. 1991, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Gastrolobium parviflorum, WAM (13586–87); 2♂, Dryandra, Sep. 1977 , WAM (13790–91); ♂, 16 km NE Dumbleyung (33.2200°S 117.8486°E), 9 Oct. 2009, M. Batley, AM (K.344734); 8♀, 166 km W Esperance, 16 Oct. 1974, C. A. & T. F. Houston, SAM (32-024612–19); ♂, ♀, 12 mls N Geraldton, 12 Jul. 1973, N. McFarland, WAA (45289–91); 2♂, Gooseberry Hill, 20Aug.1993, T.F. Houston, patrolling flowers of Daviesia, WAM (13593–94); ♂, Helena Valley, 4 Aug. 1987, R. Peakall, on flowers of Isopogon, WAM (13857); ♀, Kalbarri, 29 Aug. 1970, K. T. Richards, WAA (80845); ♀, Kanowna, 21Aug. 1974,A.M.& M. J. Douglas, on Mesembrion, WAM (13892); ♂, 2♀, 17 km N Kellerberrin, 12 Sep. 1986, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Gastrolobium, WAM (13588–90); ♀, Lake Biddy, WAM (13714); 5♀, 7.5 km WSW Lake Cronin, 19–26 Sep. 1978, T. F. Houston, Daviesia aphylla & Gastrolobium, WAM (13618–22); ♀, 15 km S Lake King (33.2217°S 119.7147°E), 8 Oct. 2009, M. Batley, ex Daviesia benthamii, AM (K.344731); 11♀, 5.5–6.5 km SW McDermid Rock, 27 Sep.–3 Oct. 1978, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Daviesia costata & D. aphylla, WAM (13604–07,09,10,13–17); 5♂, ♀, Merredin, 30 Aug. 1951, C. Jenkins, WAA (80826,27,30,32,33); ♀, Moora, 21 Aug. 1940, G.F.H.J, WAA (80822); 3♂, 3♀, Mt Jackson, 5–11 Sep.1979, T.F.Houston et al., on flowers of Jacksonia compressa, WAM (13591–92,13894–96,14013); ♂, Mullewa, September,L. J. Newman, WAA (80823); ♀, c. 2 km SW Mundaring Weir, 1 Aug. 1999, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Daviesia decurrens, WAM (27181); ♀, 14 km NW Narrogin (32.8761°S 117.0425°E), 9 Oct.2009, M. Batley, AM (K.344733); ♀, 10 km S Nerren Nerren HS, 19Aug.1980, C.A.Howard & T.F.Houston, on flowers of Chorizema ericifolium, WAM (13969); ♀, 6 km W Newdegate (33.1011°S 118.9639°E), 8 Oct. 2009, M. Batley, AM (K.344732); 6♂, 11 mi N of New Norcia, 18 Aug. 1971, T. F. Houston, SAM (32-024620–25); ♀, Norseman area of Lake Cowan, 6 Sep. 1990, R. P. McMillan, WAM (13970); ♀, North Tarin Rock Reserve (32.98°S 118.23°E), 16–18 Oct. 1985, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Gastrolobium sp., WAM (13899); ♂, Sixty Foot Falls near Gosnells, 5 Sep. 1998, E. McCrum, WAM (19117); ♀, Southern Cross, September, L. J. Newman, WAA (80825); ♂, 2♀, Swanbourne, WAM (13708–10); ♂, Tallering Stn, Aug. 1976, R. P. McMillan, WAM (13789); 2♀, Tutanning Reserve 18–25 km E Pingelly, 30 Oct.–3 Nov. 1980, T. F. Houston, on flowers of Daviesia brevifolia, WAM (13897–98); 5♂, 13♀, Wamenusking, WAM (13694–99,13701–07,13762,65–68); ♂, Ynin Stn NE of Mullewa, 7 Aug. 1954, A. Snell, ANIC.


Eyes hairy; metasomal bands narrow, silver; ocellar-ocular area frequently with weak coppery colour. Male gena with dense white pubescence. Female clypeus sagittally flattened; lateral epistomal suture curved; clypeus coplanar with supraclypeal area.


Male (holotype).— Head width 4.20 mm, body length 12.5 mm. Relative dimensions: HW 50, HL 39, UID 30 , UFW 31 , LID 30 , DMA 28 , HVO 4 , WOC 14 , MOD 3 About MOD , OOD 9 , IAD 7 , ASD 3 , AOD 9 , ML 19 , BMW 5 , MSL 2.0, SL 12, SW 3, FL c. 47.— Eyes hairy; face broad, inner orbits subparallel; length malar space c. 0.3× basal mandibular width; middle flagellomeres c. 1.6× as long as wide. Legs slender; fore basitarsus short and gently bowed; hind tarsus c. 1.2× as long

as hind tibia; hind basitarsus 4.6× as long as wide; posterior carina of basitibial area reaches apex. Genital capsule similar to that for T. orientalis n.sp. (Fig. 37); S7 with rectangular lateral lobes, large basal teeth and posterior projections ( Fig. 64 View Figs 56–67 ).— Labrum, mandible medially, scape, tarsi and tibiae orange-brown; scape often with dark suffusions, occasionally entirely dark brown; tibiae with variable amounts of dark brown; flagellum brown ventrally. T 1–5 with narrow silver bands, narrowly tinted brown across anterior margin; T 7 reddish.— Clypeus densely punctate basally, apical 20% polished, impunctate. Scutum shining with moderately strong pit-reticulation and close punctures.— Face with dense, finely-branched, long, orange hair; gena densely covered with white plumose hair. Scutum openly covered with long, erect, plumose, pale orange hair; fore basitarsus with plume of long, minutely branched hair on proximal half; anterior margin of hind tibia with row of openly spaced, long, white hair.

Female ( AM K.344732).— Head width 4.40 mm, body length 12.9 mm. Relative dimensions: HW 50, HL 39, UID 29, UFW 31, LID 32, DMA 30, HVO 4, WOC 13, MOD 3, OOD 8, IAD 9, ASD 3, AOD 9, ML 21, BMW 7, MSL 2.0, SL 15, SW 3, FL c. 32.— Eyes hairy; face broad, inner orbits divergent ventrally; malar space c. 0.3× basal mandibular width; clypeus convex, flattened sagittaly; basal suture concave; width supraclypeal area more than twice length subantennal suture; base of clypeus and supraclypeal area approximately coplanar; epistomal suture between base of clypeus and base of mandible distinctly concave; distance from anterior tentorial pit to base mandible 3× distance between pit and base of clypeus; labrum uniformly convex, length 0.6× width; middle flagellomeres c. 1.2× as long as wide; hind tibial spur with c. 9 strong teeth; tarsal claws simple; pygidial plate entire, flat or with slight medial elevation.— Labrum, mandible medially, tarsi, hind tibia, extremities of fore and mid tibiae, distal ends of femora orange-brown; remainder of legs and flagellum ventrally, dark brown. T 1–4 with narrow silver bands, weakly stained brown across anterior margin.— Clypeus weakly reticulate basally, punctures large and dense medially, sparse laterally, fine and dense in apicolateral corners. Scutal sculpture as for male.— Face with long, plumose, white or pale orangebrown hair, sparse on clypeus and supraclypeal area, dense in paraocular areas and on frons. Scutum closely covered with moderately short, plumose, dark-tipped, dull orange hair; prepygidial fimbria dark brown; scopal hair orange-brown laterally, darker medially.

Remarks. Similar to several other species. May be distinguished from from T. albigenae n.sp. by the strongly protuberant clypeus and longer malar space; from T. grandis n.sp. by smaller size and longer malar space; from T. capillosus n.sp. by dense genal hair (male) and broader supraclypeal area (female); and from T. dundasensis n.sp. (female) by curvature of the epistomal suture and coplanarity of clypeus and supraclypeal area.

This species is referred to as F249/M223, F272/M239, F270 and F252 (part) in Houston (2000).

Etymology. The specific name is a transliteration of the Greek adjective meaning with white cheeks, referring to the dense genal hair of the male.

Distribution. Southwestern Australia (AW, COO, ESP, GS, JF, MAL, SWA, WAR, YAL) ( Fig. 101 View Figs 92–103 ).


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