Nerudiella curi, Porto & Derkarabetian & Giribet & Pérez-González, 2024

Porto, Willians, Derkarabetian, Shahan, Giribet, Gonzalo & Pérez-González, Abel, 2024, Systematic revision of the South American “ Nuncia ” (Opiliones, Laniatores, Triaenonychidae), ZooKeys 1207, pp. 1-149 : 1-149

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1207.120068

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Nerudiella curi

sp. nov.

Nerudiella curi sp. nov.

Figs 98 View Figure 98 , 99 View Figure 99 , 100 View Figure 100 , 101 View Figure 101 , 102 View Figure 102 , 103 View Figure 103

Material examined.

Holotype. ♂ Chile. Curicó: Cerro Hueca-Hueca , J. Barriga coll., 10. 12. 2005 ( MNHNCL) . Paratypes. Chile. Curicó: Cerro Hueca-Hueca , J. Barriga coll., 10. 12. 2005, 3 ♂ 5 ♀ ( MACN) .


The specific epithet is a variation of the spelling of “ kuri ” or “ kurü, ” which is a word in the Mapuche language used to define the color black, which is present in spots on the dorsal surface of individuals of the group. Noun in apposition.


This species can be readily distinguished from other species in the genus by several characteristics. Firstly, it exhibits a wider genital operculum compared to other species. Additionally, the male genitalia display a distinct morphology, featuring a capsula externa consisting of three lamellae. Furthermore, the ventral plate of the male genitalia is characterized by a row of aligned macrosetae.


Chile: Maule Region, Curicó Province (Fig. 4 F View Figure 4 ).

Description of male holotype.

Measurements: Total length 2.59, carapace length 0.91, dorsal scutum length 2.03, carapace max. width 1.30, max. mesotergum width 1.77. Appendage measurements. Pedipalps. Trochanter length 0.22, femora length 0.69, patella length 0.37, tibia length 0.52, tarsus length 0.49. Leg I: trochanter (tr) 0.24, femora (fe) 0.89, patella (pa) 0.43, tibia (ti) 0.70, metatarsus (mt) 0.73, tarsus (ta) 0.70. II: tr 0.29, fe 1.11, pa 0.50, ti 0.96, mt 1.05, ta 1.20. III: tr 0.27, fe 0.75, pa 0.36, ti 0.66, mt 0.78, ta 0.63. IV: tr 0.32, fe 1.19, pa 0.63, ti 0.98, mt 1.26, ta 0.77.

Dorsum (Fig. 98 View Figure 98 , 99 View Figure 99 ). Eta (η) hourglass-shaped dorsal scutum. Ocularium low on the body. Dorsal scutum microgranulate, without clear delimitation of distinct areas. In the anterior region, specifically areas I and II, there are two small setiferous tubercles. In the area III, there is a row of four small setiferous tubercles, while area IV is adorned with a row of eight small setiferous tubercles. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum with a row of eight small setiferous tubercles. Free tergites with a row of small setiferous tubercles.

Chelicerae (Fig. 100 A, B View Figure 100 ). Segment I with a small tubercle on the dorso-distal surface. Segment II with a small frontal tubercle and scattered setae.

Pedipalps (Fig. 100 C, D View Figure 100 ). Trochanter with two small dorsal tubercles and one ventral. Femora with a row of three tubercles with subdistal setae on dorsal view, one long and one small spines with subdistal setae on ventral view, six low setiferous tubercles in mesal view, and one in ectal view. Patella with a small mesal and ectal setiferous tubercle. Tibia with a mesal row of five small ectal setiferous tubercles, three ventral ectal spines, and two ventral mesal spines with subdistal setae. Tarsus with three mesal and ectal spines with subdistal setae.

Legs (Fig. 101 View Figure 101 ). Coxa I with two rows of setiferous tubercles and two distal setiferous tubercles with subdistal setae, coxa II with two rows of setiferous tubercles, III and IV only with microgranulation, three bridges between coxa legs II and III, six between coxa legs III and IV, four between leg IV and opisthosoma. Spiracles not obstructed by bridges. Smooth surface that occupies 1 / 3 of leg II, ¾ of III and 1 / 3 of IV. Genital operculum larger than other species of the genus. Smooth area of leg II with a setiferous tubercle on each side. Sternum arrow-shaped. Legs I – IV covered in setae, tarsal area, and calcaneus densely setose. Calcaneus smaller than astragalus, ≥ 3 × smaller (legs I – III) and 4 × (leg IV). Tarsal count: 4–6 – 4 – 4.

Penis (Figs 102 View Figure 102 , 103 View Figure 103 ). Pars distalis with a ventral plate bearing a cleft dividing the plate into two lamellae. Each lamella has a row of three pointed macrosetae on the ventral surface and one macroseta on the dorsal surface. Capsula externa covering the dorsal and lateral surface, divided into three folds, one pair covering the dorsolateral surface and the last one covering the dorsal surface, there is a dorsolateral plate attached to the pars basalis. Capsula interna divided into three parts, two lateral processes and a central process in which it bears an apical stylus. The ventral plate bears a cleft that divides the plate into two halves, each with three ventral and one dorsal macrosetae. Ventral macrosetae arranged in a row.

Female. Similar to males, with shorter pedipalpal femora.

Female measurements. Total length 2.40, carapace length 0.85, dorsal scutum length 1.89, carapace max. width 1.23, mesotergum max. width 1.67. Appendage measurements: Pedipalps. Trochanter length 0.22, femora length 0.69, patella length 0.37, tibia length 0.52, tarsus length 0.49. Leg I: trochanter (tr) 0.14, femora (fe) 0.24, patella (pa) 0.89, tibia (ti) 0.43, metatarsus (mt) 0.70, tarsus (ta) 0.73. II: tr 0.70, fe 0.29, pa 1.11, ti 0.50, mt 0.96, ta 1.05. III: tr 1.20, fe 0.27, pa 0.75, ti 0.36, mt 0.66, ta 0.78. IV: tr 0.63, fe 0.32, pa 1.19, ti 0.63, mt 0.98, ta 1.26, tr 0.77.


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia