Impatiens silviana Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona, 2002

Fischer, Eberhard & Rahelivololona, Marie Elisette, 2002, New taxa of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Madagascar. I, Adansonia (3) 24 (2), pp. 271-294 : 279-286

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scientific name

Impatiens silviana Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona

sp. nov.

Impatiens silviana Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona View in CoL ,

sp. nov.

Ab Impatiens decaryana differt petalis lateralibus superioribus latis et obtusis.

TYPUS. — Schatz, Dransfield & Du Puy 2783, Impatiens begonioides Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivolo- Madagascar, Toamasina, Masoala Peninsula, c. 3 km lona, sp. nov. NE of Antalavia, along Antalavia River , 15°47’S ,

50°02’E, 200-380 m, 13-16 Nov. 1989 (holo-, TAN; Ab omnibus speciebus madagascariensibus subg. iso-, MO, P, not seen) .

Trimorphopetali differt foliis peltatis.

Herb with succulent stem growing on rock or TYPUS. — Turk & Randrianasolo 584, Madagascar,

Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana National Park, parcelle 3, S epiphyte. Stems up to 50 cm tall. Leaves dark of National Road 25 at 7 km W of Ranomafana, green above, light green below tinged light purple, Vatoharanana trail system, 21°17’S, 47°26’E, 18 Nov. petiole 17-60 mm long, lamina ovate-lanceolate, 1993 (holo-, MO; iso-, P, TAN). distinctly acuminate, 130-180 × 50-67 mm, mar- GoogleMaps

gin broadly dentate with small fimbriae. Flowers Procumbent to ascending herb up to 15-30 cm with sepals green, lateral petals olive translucent tall, spreading by runners in leaf litter. Leaves green with purple striations and dorsal petal clear peltate, dark green above, pale green below, peti- translucent with purple fenestration. Pedicels up ole 19-30 mm long, lamina 35-47 × 20-25 mm, to 20 mm long. Lateral sepals 2, 6 × 2.5 mm. acuminate, margin slightly dentate with minute Lower sepal 15 × 6 mm, with relief forming bars. fimbriae. Flowers pale yellow-green with tubercu- Dorsal petal hood-like, 17 × 6 mm. Lateral united lous dark purple-brown spots on lateral petals, petals 24 mm long, upper petal 7 × 3 mm, lower ovary and staminal tube pale green, anthers pale petal 17 × 10 mm. Anthers 4-5 mm long. Ovary yellow. Pedicels 20-25 mm long. Lateral sepals 2, 3.5-4 mm long. Fruit unknown. — Fig. 6. View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

3-5 × 0.5-1 mm. Lower sepal 11-13 × 5-7 mm,

with darker relief caused by veins. Dorsal petal HABITAT.— Rainforest, growing on rock or helmet-like, crest with short spur at apex and epiphyte at 380 m.

sinus-like protuberance below middle. Lateral DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, only known united petals 15-19 mm long, upper petal 5-7 × from the type collection.

1.5 mm, lower petal 12 × 10 mm, with darker Impatiens silviana belongs to the Impatiens nerves and tubercles. Anthers 5 mm long. Ovary decaryana -group, which represent large plants 5-6 mm long. Fruit unknown. — Fig. 5 View Fig . with rather large flowers. It differs from

I. decaryana H. Perrier in the lateral united petals, PARATYPE. — Rahelivololona , RMN 10, Madagascar, which are narrow with reduced to lacking upper Parc National de Ranomafana, piste W20-W15, SW petal in I. decaryana and broad, obtuse and du camp Vatoharanana, 17 May 2000 (TAN).

curved upper petal in I. silviana . Typical HABITAT.— Moist montane forest character- I. decaryana is restricted to Central Madagascar ized by trees of Weinmannia sp. , Monimiaceae (Ikongo, Prov. Fianarantsoa), while I. silviana is ( Tambourissa , Decarydendron , Ephippiandra ), endemic to Masoala Peninsula.

Lauraceae (primarily Ocotea and Cryptocarya );

understorey with abundant Psychotria spp. and

Oncostemum spp., 1100 -1250 m. Impatiens andohahelae Eb. Fisch. & Rahe- DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, only known livololona, sp. nov.

from the type locality.

Impatiens begonioides differs from all Mada- Ab omnibus speciebus ex grege Impatiens decaryanae gascan Impatiens in the peltate leaves, ressembling petalo dorsali cum apice calcarato et basi laminae foliothose of a Begonia . rum cordato differt.

TYPUS. — Dransfield, Cooke, Cheek, Du Puy & Rafamtantsoa JD 6781, Madagascar, Tolanaro, Réserve Naturelle Andohahela, Parcelle 1, Col Tanatana, Andranomitely, submontane rainforest, vet valley bottom, among boulders, 700 m, 8 Dec. 1989 (holo-, TAN; iso-, MO, P, not seen) .

Erect succulent herb to 30 cm tall, pale green throughout. Stems glabrous. Leaves with petiole 20-70 mm long, lamina ovate-lanceolate, distinctly acuminate, broadly cordate at base, 80- 145 × 28-50 mm, margin broadly crenate with fimbriae in sinus between two crenations. Flowers translucent pale green, lateral petals olive green with chocolate drawn lines, scented of Sambucus . Pedicels up to 19 mm long. Lateral sepals 2, 6 × 0.8-1 mm. Lower sepal 17 × 5- 6 mm, green with dark brown relief formed by veins. Dorsal petal hood-like, 22 × 6 mm, with 3- 4 mm long spur at apex. Lateral united petals 20 mm long, upper petal 5-6 × 1-1.5 mm, lower petal 15 × 8-10 mm. Anthers 5-6 mm long. Ovary 4-5 mm long. Fruit unknown. — Fig. 7. View Fig

HABITAT.— Submontane rainforest, growing on rock at 700 m.

DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, only known from the type collection.

Impatiens andohahelae is also a member of the Impatiens decaryana -group, but differs in the long, spur-like projection of the dorsal petal and the lamina, which is cordate at base. It is the only taxon of this group occurring in South-Eastern Madagascar. All the other species are only known from Northern and Central Madagascar.

Impatiens malcomberi Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona , sp. nov.

Ab omnibus speciebus ex grege Impatiens parvigaleatae differt forma petalorum lateralium, margine foliorum dentato et habitu epiphytico.

TYPUS. — Malcomber, Andrianantoanina & Rebety 2356, Madagascar, SW of Antsiranana, near Joffreville, Parc National Montagne d’Ambre, near Sommet d’Ambre, 12°35’S, 49°09’E, 1400-1475 m, 9-13 Apr. 1993 (holo-, TAN; iso-, MO, P, not seen) GoogleMaps .

Epiphytic herb. Stems fleshy, red, 25-30 cm tall. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, petiole 15-22 mm long, lamina 65-100 × 28-35 mm, margin dentate. Flowers bright yellow with darker purplish veins. Bracts filiform, 2 × 0.1 mm. Pedicels 10-18 mm. Lateral sepals 2, lanceolate, acuminate, 5 × 1-1.2 mm. Lower sepal acuminate, 6-8 × 2.5-3 mm. Dorsal petal hood-like, 6-9 × 2-3 mm. Lateral united petals 10 mm long, upper petal 1 × 0.8 mm, lower petal 7 × 5 mm. Anthers 3 mm long. Ovary 3 mm long. Fruit unknown. — Fig. 8. View Fig

HABITAT.— Epiphyte in montane rainforest, 1400-1475 m.

DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, known from only the type collection.

Impatiens malcomberi belongs to the Impatiens parvigaleata -group, comprising I. parvigaleata H.Perrier , I. pellucidinervia H. Perrier , I. rubrolineata H. Perrier , I. luteo-viridis H. Perrier and I. asperipetala H. Perrier. It differs in the shape of the lateral united petals, the dentate leaf margin (crenate with broad sinus in the remaining taxa) and the epiphytic habit, which is not known from any member of I. parvigaleata -group. Impatiens malcomberi is the only taxon of this group occurring in the Montagne d’Ambre. The centre of diversity of I. parvigaleata -group is found in the Tsaratanana Massif, where 3 species occur: Impatiens parvigaleata , I. asperipetala and I. pellucidinervia . Impatiens rubrolineata is known from the Onivé-bassin and I. luteo-viridis from Bemarivo.

Impatiens ranomafanae Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona , sp. nov.

Differt ab Impatienti fontinalii et I. dorstenioidei caule et foliis dense pilosis et petalis lateralibus angustioribus cum petalo superiore breve.

TYPUS. — Malcomber, Rakoto, Randriamanantena & Rafamantanantsoa 1586, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana, Parcelle I, south of Ambohimiera, valley of Sakavolo River , 21°04’S, 47°29’E, 880-1100 m, 15-17 Sep. 1992 (holo-, P; iso-, MO, not seen) GoogleMaps .

Erect herb. Stems up to 9-12 cm tall, densely pilose. Leaves dark green, densely pilose, ovate

Fischer E. & Rahelivololona M.E.

lanceolate, petiole 7-15 mm long, lamina 35- 45 × 13-21 mm, margin dentate. Flowers dark olive green with maroon markings. Pedicels 11 mm long. Lateral sepals 2, linear-lanceolate, 2.2 × 0.2 mm. Lower sepal ovate, acuminate, 6-7 × 3 mm. Dorsal petal hood-like, 6 × 3 mm. Lateral united petals 7 mm long, upper petal 0.7 × 0.2 mm, lower petal 3 × 2 mm. Anthers 2.8 mm long. Ovary 3 mm long. Fruit unknown.— Fig. 9. View Fig

HABITAT.— Riverside herb growing on mossy Impatiens translucida Eb. Fisch. & Raheboulders , 880-1100 m. livololona, sp. nov. DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, only known from the type collection. Ab Impatiens fontinali et I. dorstenioide foliis subtus Impatiens ranomafanae belongs to the rubro-reticulatis, petalo dorsali cum apice obtuso, petalo

laterali superiore latiore et breviore et sepalo inferiore Impatiens fontinalis -group and differs from ovati-orbiculari differt. I. fontinalis H. Perrier and I. dorstenioides (Baker) Warburg in the densely pilose stems TYPUS. — Phillipson 2152, Fianarantsoa, Mada- and leaves, and the narrow lateral petals with gascar, Forest E of Ranomafana between Fianarantsoa s h o r t a n d n a r r o w u p p e r p e t a l. Impatiens and Ifandiana, 21°15’S, 47°24’E, 1200 m, 29 July dorstenioides is only known from the type 1987 (holo-, TAN; iso-, MO, P, not seen). specimen (Baron 4476, Central Madagascar, holo-, K; iso-, P) and the species has never Erect herb with creeping rhizome. Stems sucbeen recollected. It might probably be extinct. culent, up to 13 cm tall, covered with small white Impatiens fontinalis is endemic to Masoala scales. Leaves dark green on upper surface, cov- Peninsula. ered with small white scales, pale green with

darker reticulate veination on lower surface, peti- eral sepals green, lower petal saccate, somewhat ole 7-14 mm long, lamina ovate-lanceolate, 50- fleshy, magenta, lateral petals white with purple 55 × 18-19 mm, margin dentate-crenate with at base, upper petal clear translucent with purple small fimbriae. Flowers bright green sepals markings (fenestrate). Pedicels 12-13 mm long. translucent green shading to dark red. Corolla Lateral sepals 2, 1.5 × 0.5 mm. Lower sepal dark red with translucent bilobed lower lip. deeply navicular, 8 × 5.5 mm, pilose outside. Ovary bright green with yellow stigma. Pedicels Dorsal petal hood-like, pilose, 8-9 × 2 mm. 7-15 mm long, covered with small white scales. Lateral united petals 10-11 mm long, upper petal Lateral sepals 2, 1-1.2 × 0.5 mm. Lower sepal 4- 4 × 1.5 mm, lower petal 6 × 2.5-3 mm. Anthers 4.5 × 2-2.3 mm, with darker relief. Dorsal petal 2-3 mm long. Ovary 2-3 mm long. Fruit 5-7 mm hood-like, 4-5 × 2 mm. Lateral united petals long, pilose.— Fig. 11. 7 View Fig mm long, upper petal 1.5 × 1 mm, lower petal 5 × 3 mm. Anthers 3 mm long. Ovary 2.5-3 mm HABITAT.— Herb growing on rock in river long. Fruit unknown. — Fig. 10 View Fig . bed, 200- 380 m.

Distribution.— Madagascar, only known HABITAT.— Montane rainforest, growing on from the type collection. wet rocks, 1200 m. Impatiens albopurpurea belongs to the Impa- DISTRIBUTION.— Madagascar, only known tiens perfecunda -group. It differs from I. perfefrom the type collection. cunda H. Perrier in the densely pilose petiole and Impatiens translucida belongs to the Impatiens lamina, the narrow-linear dorsal petal and the linfontinalis -group and differs from I. fontinalis ear-lanceolate upper lateral petal. Impatiens perfe- H.Perrier and I. dorstenioides (Baker) Warburg in cunda occurs close to the Masoala Peninsula in the leaves, which are finely reddish-reticulate the Bay of Antongil. below, the dorsal petal with obtuse apex, the broader and shorter upper lateral petal and the ovate-orbicular lower sepal. Beside Impatiens Impatiens navicula Eb. Fisch. & Raheranomafanae Eb. Fisch. & Rahelivololona (see livololona, sp. nov. above) it is the second species of this group from the Ranomafana-National Park near Fiana- Ab omnibus speciebus madagascariensibus differt

rantsoa. petalis lateralibus navicularibus margine recurvato.


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