Pseudocryptotropa Yamaguti, 1958

Tkach, Vasyl V., Chermak, Taylor P., Patitucci, Kaylyn K., Greiman, Stephen E., Binh, Tran Thi & Olson, Peter D., 2023, Jumping continents and major host lineages: phylogeny and diversity of the enigmatic Cryptotropidae (Platyhelminthes: Digenea), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199 (2), pp. 533-552 : 546-547

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad037

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scientific name

Pseudocryptotropa Yamaguti, 1958


Pseudocryptotropa Yamaguti, 1958 View in CoL

Diagnosis: Body <1 mm long, oval to pyriform.Tegument almost entirely covered with small spines, which diminish somewhat in size towards posterior end of body. Oral sucker subterminal. Prepharynx absent. Pharynx well developed. Oesophagus length varies from very short to about three to four times longer than pharynx length. Caeca short, terminating at level of anterior margin or middle of ventral sucker. Ventral sucker equatorial.

Two testes, opposite, symmetrical, entire, slightly lobed or strongly lobed, in posterior half of body. Copulatory pouch claviform, transverse, in forebody, with its distal end curved towards dorsal surface. Copulatory pouch contains tubular seminal vesicle, pars prostatica and ejaculatory duct.

Ovary entire or slightly lobed, usually irregular in shape, dextral orposterodextraltoventralsucker,partlyoverlappingventralsucker. Seminal receptacle immediately post-ovarian. Uterus mostly in hindbody, post-caecal, anterior to testes and intertesticular; uterine coils can reach body margins anterior to testes. Genital pore dorsal, extracaecal or caecal, between level of anterior margin of ventral sucker to level of intestinal bifurcation. Eggs not very numerous; at least some species have several filaments on each pole of the egg. Polar filaments consist of several fibres aưached/glued together. Vitellarium extends in lateral fields from the level of the pharynx to near posterior extremity. Excretory vesicle Y-shaped.

In intestines of birds and mammals; Asia.

Type species: Pseudocryptotropa macrotestis View in CoL (Belopol’skaya, 1954).

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