Alterosa falcata, Blahnik Table Of Contents, 2005

Blahnik Table Of Contents, Roger J., 2005, Alterosa, a new caddisfly genus from Brazil (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae), Zootaxa 991 (1), pp. 1-60 : 22-24

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scientific name

Alterosa falcata

sp. nov.

Alterosa falcata , new species

Fig. 10A–D View FIGURE 10

This species is most similar to Alterosa jordaensis , resembling that species in the elongate, curved intermediate appendages and enlarged phallic spines. It differs in that the intermediate appendages in A. falcata are more nearly sickle­like. The differences are relatively minor and it is possible that the two will eventually be found to be not specifically distinct. The mesal, crest­like development of tergum X in A. falcata is variably developed in different populations and sometimes absent, or nearly so.

Adult. Color overall, dark brown; legs, palps, and antennae slightly paler, wings irregularly mottled with small light brown spots. Male forewing 5.9–6.8 mm.; female 6.2–6.4 mm.

Male genitalia. Tergum VIII with posteromesal margin moderately emarginate, emargination V­shaped and extending no more than halfway to anterior margin. Sternum IX with anterolateral margin broadly rounded; posteroventral margin greatly produced, extending in broad arc or nearly linearly from dorsum; tergum IX greatly reduced, membranous or fused to base of tergum X. Tergum X tapered from base; dorsally with small preapical projection (variably developed), and sometimes with crest­like projection at slightly past midlength (absent in some populations); apex sensillate, rounded as viewed dorsally, rounded and slightly enlarged in lateral view, shape somewhat variable; tergum midlaterally with patch of adpressed seta­like spines. Intermediate appendage heavily sclerotized, elongate, extending past preanal appendages, sickle­shaped, arched, apex curved downward; apex acute. Preanal appendage narrow, constricted basally, moderately elongate, not greatly modified, with scant setae and numerous minute seta­like spines; apex abruptly narrowed, forming subacuminate projection, without apical seta. Inferior appendages elongate, linear, flattened on mesal surface; 1st article, in lateral view, about 2x as long as wide, tapering apically; 2nd article subequal in length to 1st article, relatively narrow, especially at midlength, only slightly narrower basally than apex of 1st article; apex rounded, with prominent pad of short, stiff apicomesal setae. Phallobase tubular, relatively short and wide, slightly curved; endotheca longer than phallobase when extended, with large sclerotized, nail­like spines (8–13 in specimens available) in about 3 tracts (distinguishable in specimens with endotheca expanded): basal tract of 4 or more spines, usually slightly shorter than others, apical tract(s) arranged as more or less paired spines, extended into 2 (or 3) regions, with middle region most variable in number of spines (2–6).

Holotype male: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Ibitipoca, sitio of Anestis Papadopoulos , cachoeira, 21°43.441'S, 43°54.537'W, el 1125 m, 4–5.v.1988, Holzenthal & Paprocki, ( UMSP000033071 View Materials ) ( MZUSP). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: — 1 male, 1 female, same locality data as holotype ( UMSP) ; Rio de Janeiro: — 1 male, 1 female, Rio Macacú (2nd order), on RJ 116, km 62, 22°23.201'S, 42°33.945'W, el 840 m, 17.iii.1996, Holzenthal, Rochetti, Oliveira, ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; — 1 male, 1 female, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Rio Campo Belo , 22°27.003'S, 44°36.818'W, el 1300 m, 7.iii.2002, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, Prather, ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; — 1 male, Km 54, 26 km E of Nova Friburgo, 410m, 19.iv.1977, C. M. & O. S. Flint, Jr., ( NMNH) ; São Paulo: — 2 males, Parque Nacional do Serra do Bocaina , Cachoeira dos Posses, 22°46.437'S, 44°36.250'W, el 1250 m, 3.iii.2002, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Paprocki, Prather, ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; — 3 males, 2 females, Lajeado, Serra do Bocaina, Cachoeira do Lajeado , 22°43.208'S, 44°37.782'W, el 1590 m, 4.iii.2002, Paprocki & Muniz, ( UMSP) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. This species is named falcata for shape of the intermediate appendages, which are somewhat falcate or sickle­shaped.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


University of Minnesota Insect Collection


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