Acetropis stysi, Remane & Günther, 2008

Remane, Reinhard & Günther, Hannes, 2008, Acetropis stysi, a new species from Spain (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (2), pp. 389-394 : 389-391

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5341366

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scientific name

Acetropis stysi

sp. nov.

Acetropis stysi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1-4 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, Central SPAIN: ÁVILA: Northern side of Sierra de Gredos, south of Hoyos del Espino, 1700 m a.s.l., 26.vii.1972 (coll. R. Remane, FB Biologie, Universität Marburg) . PARATYPES: 1 J 4 ♀♀, the same locality as holotype ; 2 JJ 4 ♀♀, Central SPAIN: ÁVILA: Northern side of Sierra de Gredos, near Venta del Obispo, 1000 m a.s.l., 23.vii.1983 (coll. R. Remane and coll. Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz) .

Description. Rather large (like A. longirostris ) and pale coloured Acetropis species , sexually dimorphic ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Body length:J 8.2-8.3 mm; ♀ (macropterous) 8.0- 8.3 mm; ♀ (submacropterous) 7.8 mm. Further measurements see in Table 1.

Colouration. Body yellowish, with longitudinal stripes, pale brown in female, pale yellowish-grey in male. Head yellow with median brown longitudinal line, dark behind eyes. Antennae dark, first segment brown to dark brown in male, yellow in female; segments two to four dark brown to black. Rostrum yellow, fourth segment dark. Pronotum with brown lateral lines. Hemelytron pale yellowish with longitudinal pale brown stripes, membrane shiny, veins white. Ventral aspect yellowish, with brown lateral line. Legs yellowish, first tarsal segment brown, second and third black.

Vestiture. Head, pronotum and wing without setae. Antenna with short, appressed setae, third and fourth segment with short, semierect spines, shorter than diameter of segment. Femur and tibia with short, appressed setae, tibia also with short pale spines on medial side.

Structure. Head with flat pit on vertex beside each eye. Vertex with short furrow, more or less distinct in single specimens. Frons with prominent triangular process anteriorly ( Fig. 2b View Fig ). Rostrum reaching to end of mesocoxa.

Pronotum nearly twice as broad as long; width 0.9-1.0 mm (anterior margin) and 1.9- 2.1 mm (posterior margin). Anterior margin with distinct collar in males, less distinct in some submacropterous females. Lateral margins semierect, narrowing to base bulge and flat depression posterior to collar, posterior to depression with thin, continuous carina.

Male genitalia. Aperture of pygophore without erect tubercles ( Fig. 3b View Fig ). Parameres as in Fig. 4c View Fig . Vesica with three spiculae ( Fig. 4b View Fig ).

Differential diagnosis. Acetropis stysi sp. nov. is placed, based on external structures and male genitalia, in the subgenus Acetropis s. str. and is most similar in size, shape, proportions, and colouration to the East European species, A. longirostris ( Fig.1 View Fig ). In some characters it resembles also A. carinata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) , the latter species being distinctly smaller.

Acetropis stysi sp. nov. has a yellowish ground colour, whereas A. longirostris is more intensively coloured and males of A. carinata are generally darker (some individuals are nearly black). Acetropis stysi sp. nov. differs from A. longirostris by the shape of its frons, which in A. stysi sp. nov. is extended to a triangular, slightly raised process. By this feature it is more similar to A. carinata than to A. longirostris , in the latter species the frons is directed ventrally, in some males the apex of the frons is even rounded instead of angular. The labium of A. stysi sp. nov. is shorter than that of A. longirostris , it reaches to the end of the middle coxa only (as in A. carinata ), whereas in A. longirostris the labium distinctly surpasses the hind coxa, reaching at least the second abominal sternite or even the fourth in some specimens. The lateral pronotal carina of A. stysi sp. nov. is more distinct and continuous than that of A. longirostris , but less elevated than that of A. carinata .

The aperture of the pygophore is smooth and without erect tubercles in A. stysi sp. nov. – unlike that in A. longirostris which bears two distinct tubercles dorsal to the paramere insertions ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). Both parameres of A. stysi sp. nov. are similar to those of A. longirostris , those of A. carinata are smaller ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Significant differences exist in the structure of the vesical spiculae of the three species (see Fig. 4 View Fig ): The aedeagus of A. stysi sp. nov. and A. longirostris each have three spiculae but of different shape, in A. stysi sp. nov. they are straight to S-shaped, but in A. longirostris the spiculae are distinctly curved (median spiculum twisted and sharply bent apically). Three spiculae (but of different shape) are also known in A. sinuata Wagner, 1951 ( JOSIFOV 1993), while A. carinata possesses only two spiculae ( ŠTYS 1973).

Etymology. On the occasion of his seventyfifth birthday, we dedicate the new species to our friend and colleague Pavel Štys who contributed important facts to the knowledge of Acetropis .

Bionomics. Acetropis stysi sp. nov. was caught on tufts of a tall Poaceae (cf. Festuca sp. ), growing in open rocky mountain slopes at altitudes reaching from 1000 to 1600 m a.s.l.

Distribution. Acetropis stysi sp. nov. is known only from two localities on the northern side of the Sierra de Gredos Mountains in Central Spain (province of Ávila). Further collecting may perhaps indicate that A. stysi sp. nov. is an endemic species of the Iberian peninsula or specifically of the sierras of Central Spain only.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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