Philothalpus precious Klemann-Junior, Barroso, Pereira & Asenjo, 2024
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Philothalpus precious Klemann-Junior, Barroso, Pereira & Asenjo |
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sp. nov. |
Philothalpus precious Klemann-Junior, Barroso, Pereira & Asenjo , sp. nov.
( Figs. 1A–D View FIGURE 1 , 2A–C View FIGURE 2 )
Type material (16♂♂, 13♀♀). Holotype: BRAZIL: ♂, labeled: “ Brasil :AM [ Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe - I. voo frango [flight interception trap baited with rotten chicken] | 28.iv[April]-01.v[May].2022 T2/A1 [trap code] | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]”, “HOLOTYPE [red label] | Philothalpus | precious sp. nov. | Desig. Klemann-Junior et al. 2024” ( INPA) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (15♂♂, 13♀♀), labeled: “ Brasil : AM [ Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Itapiranga - I.v. p+b+f [flight interception trap baited with rotten fish, fermented banana and dog feces] | 14-22.xi[November].2015, T1/A2 [trap code] | 2°42'15,87''S / 58°31'54,11''W | R.S.Moura | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♀ UEA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe | 18-25.x[October]. 2018 V [dry season]09/10[abbreviated logging year]T1A2 [trap code] | 2°45'14,79''S / 58°29'54, 52''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ UEA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Itapiranga | Faz. [farm] Caribe | 18-25.x[October]. 2018 V [dry season]09/10[abbreviated logging year]T2A4 [trap code] | 2°44'31,4 1''S/58°30'48,04''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (2♂♂ INPA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Saracá | 18-25.x[October]. 2018 V [dry season]05/06[abbreviated logging year]T5A3 [trap code] | 2°45'27,17''S / 58°29'12,55''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ CEMT, 1♀ UEA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Itapiranga | Faz. [farm] Itapiranga | 03-10.v[May]. 2019 I [rainy season]14/15[abbreviated logging year]T3A1 [trap code] | 2°39'47,36''S / 58°28'21,01''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ MZUSP, 1♀ MZUSP); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Itapiranga | Faz. [farm] Itapiranga | 03-10.v[May]. 2019 I [rainy season]14/15[abbreviated logging year]T3A2 [trap code] | 2°39'47,36''S / 58°28'21,01''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ MPEG); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Saracá | 05- 12.v[May]. 2019 I [rainy season]04/05[abbreviated logging year]T2A3 [trap code] | 2°50'21,72''S / 58°35'37,25''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (2♂♂ CEMT); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Saracá | 05-12.v[May]. 2019 I [rainy season]05/06[abbreviated logging year]T5A4 [trap code] | 2°45'27,17''S /58° 2 9'12,55''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♀ MPEG); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Itapiranga | 03-10.v[May]. 2019 I [rainy season](C2)[not logged site]T3A1 [trap code] | 2°33'54,75''S / 58°28'22,52''W | L. F. B. Pereira | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♀ UEA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | 05-12.v[May].2020 A19 [trap code] | 2°35'27,57''S / 58°45'33,67''W | L.Klemann-Junior; R.S.Moura | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ UEA); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe - I. voo frango [flight interception trap baited with rotten chicken] | 28.iv[April]-01.v[May].2022 T2/A1 [trap code] | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♀ INPA, 1♀ CEMT); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe - I. voo frango [flight interception trap baited with rotten chicken] | 28.iv[April]-01.v[May].2022 T3/A3 [trap code] | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (2♂♂ MZUSP); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe – Prato rosa [pink pan trap] | 28.iv[April]-01.v[May].2022 T3/A3 [trap code] | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♂ CEMT); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | 29.v[May][June].2022 A5 [trap code] | 2°35'27,57''S / 58°45'33,67''W | L.Klemann-Junior; R.S.Moura | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (1♀ CEMT); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe - I. voo frango [flight interception trap baited with rotten chicken] |[June].2023 T2/A4 [trap code] | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (2♂♂ MPEG, 2♀♀ INPA, 2♀♀ MZUSP); GoogleMaps “Brasil: AM [Amazonas state], Silves | Faz. [farm] Caribe - I. voo frango [flight interception trap baited with rotten chicken] |[June].2023 | 2°32'50,48''S / 58°48'23,16''W | L.Klemann-Junior | CESIT - UEA [left sideline]” (2♀♀ MPEG). All paratypes with label “PARATYPE [yellow label] | Philothalpus | precious sp. nov. | Desig. Klemann-Junior et al. 2024” GoogleMaps .
Diagnosis. Among Philothalpus species that have the integument of the head and pronotum appearing dull due to dense microsculpture formed by uniformly distributed micropunctures, P. precious sp. nov. is similar to P. mauroprasinus in major coloration pattern and is similar to P. mauroprasinus and P. bilobus in that the paramere is divided into two elongate lobes. However, P. precious sp. nov. can be differentiated from P. mauroprasinus by the head and pronotum dark reddish brown with greenish golden overtones (head and pronotum black with greenish overtones in P. mauroprasinus ); by the metallic greenish golden overtones of the elytra (black with metallic green overtones in P. mauroprasinus ); by the posterior 1/3 of tergites IV–V and posterior 1/4 of tergite VI reddish brown (dark reddish brown in P. mauroprasinus ); and by the distinctive shape of the parameral lobes. Each lobe of the paramere of P. precious differs from those of P. mauroprasinus by the absence of a tooth, by the rounded apex and by the arrangement of the peg setae ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Furthermore, the parameral lobes are wider throughout their lengths (narrower in P. bilobus and P. mauroprasinus ); apices broader and not curved inward (narrower and curved inward in P. bilobus and P. mauroprasinus ); median lobe wider throughout their length (narrower in P. bilobus and P. mauroprasinus ); less acute apically in ventral view that in P. bilobus .
Description. Holotype male, BL: 10.50.
Coloration. Head ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ) dark reddish brown with greenish golden overtones, anterior border of clypeus and around antennal insertions reddish brown. Pronotum ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ) dark reddish brown with greenish golden overtones. Antennal segments 1–2 reddish brown, segment 3 dark reddish brown with the basal 1/3 lighter, segments 4–11 dark reddish brown to black. Legs reddish brown. Scutellum black; elytra ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ) black with metallic greenish golden overtones. Abdomen ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ) dark reddish brown, almost black, except posterior border of segment III, posterior 1/3 of segments IV–V, posterior 1/4 of segment VI, posterior 2/5 of segment VII, anterior border of segment VII, and anterior 2/3 of segment VIII, reddish brown. Prosternum, meso- and metaventrite dark reddish brown.
Head ( Figs 1A,B View FIGURE 1 ) wider (HW: 1.78) than long (HL: 1.29), with rounded hind angles. Head with long black macrosetae along borders. Epicranium with sparse umbilicate punctures each carrying dark brown microsetae, umbilicate punctures absent in middle. Distance between punctures varies, up to 2.7 times diameter of puncture. Integument of epicranium appearing dull due to dense microsculpture formed by uniformly distributed micropunctures; micropunctures are absent on anterior border of clypeus, around antennal insertions, and posterior border of head. Eyes prominent, length (OL: 0.94) about 7/10 the length of head, distance between eyes (IO: 0.95) about 2.3 times the width of eyes (OW: 0.41). Gula very narrow posteriorly (least width: length ratio = 0.03), gular sulci widely separated anteromedially and contiguous posteriorly. Neck glossy; dorsal surface punctate; integument between punctures with sparse micropunctures; punctures and micropunctures absent in lateral surface. Antennal segment 1 gradually club-like thickened, segment 2 shorter than segment 3, segments 4–5 longer than wide, segments 6–7 quadrate, segments 8–10 slightly transverse; segments 4–11 densely covered by microtrichae.
Pronotum ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ) longer than wide (PL: 1.81; PW: 1.65), wider anteriorly; antero-lateral angles obtusely rounded curved; with dark brown microsetae and few black macrosetae along borders. Medium size umbilicate punctures uniformly distributed, except punctures absent along midline; puncture density in the pronotum about 3 punctures / 0.3 mm and with a distance of about 2–5 punctures from each other. Integument of pronotum appearing dull due to dense microsculpture formed by uniformly distributed micropunctures; micropunctures absent in an anterior-posterior line medially. Scutellum with dense dark brown microsetae and punctures covering surface, except punctures and microsetae absent along lateral margins of scutellum. Elytra ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ) wider than pronotum (EL: 2.16; EW: 2.22); denser punctation than on pronotum (about 4 puncture diameters / 0.3 mm); covered with glossy dark brown microsetae and few long black macrosetae along lateral borders of elytra.
Legs almost completely covered with glossy yellow or brown microsetae; segments of protarsus 1–4 strongly bilobate and ventrally with yellowish setae.
Abdomen: Tergites and sternites III–VII with uniform punctation pattern, moderately covered with punctures and glossy golden or brown setae. Golden microsetae predominate on tergite III and sternites III–IV, brown macrosetae on tergites IV–VII and sternites V–VII, black macrosetae arranged in row at the apical borders of all tergites and sternites except tergite VII. Posterior angles of tergites and sternites III–VI with one long black macrosetae. Abdominal tergites III–V with accessory ridges and anterior transverse basal carina. Posterior margin of tergite VIII with a slight emargination. Posterior margin of sternite VII emarginate. Basal transverse carina on sternites III–VI projected posteriorly at middle, projected anteriorly on sternite VII, and emarginate anteriorly on lateral third of sternites III–VII. Male sternite VII with median subbasal depression completely covered with a tuft of long setae (porose structure). Male sternite VIII and tergite X slightly emarginate, sternite IX emarginate.
Aedeagus as in Figures 2A–E View FIGURE 2 ; paramere separated to near base into two lobes, lobes together slight longer and wider than medial lobe, in parameral view each lobe broadened medially in middle third and converging distally to a rounded apex, apices not curved inward ( Figs 2A,C,E View FIGURE 2 ); paramere slightly curved in lateral view ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Peg setae grouped near the apex of each lobe of paramere ( Figs 2A,C,E View FIGURE 2 ). Median lobe as in Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 , in lateral view slightly curved upwards from middle to apex ( Figs 2B,D View FIGURE 2 ); positioned between of two lobes of paramere ( Figs 2A,C,E View FIGURE 2 ); in antiparameral view, converging to a pointed apex ( Figs 2A,C,E View FIGURE 2 ).
Female similar to male, except: the first four protarsomeres less expanded; the posterior margin of tergite VIII with a shallower emargination; and sternite VII without depression bearing tuft of long setae.
Habitat. Captured with flight interception traps installed on the ground and baited with fresh human and pig feces (1:9 ratio) (see Moura et al. 2021 for details), rotten chicken, or rotten fish. The collection sites belong to the company Precious Woods – Mil Madeiras Preciosas and are destined for selective logging. The vegetation in the area is Evergreen Tropical Forest “Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas” ( Veloso et al. 1991).
Distribution. Known from municipalities of Silves and Itapiranga in Amazonas State, Brazil.
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the name of the company, Precious Woods – Mil Madeiras Preciosas, owner of the lands where all known specimens were collected; it is a noun in apposition.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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