Aquilonastra anomala (H.L. Clark, 1921 )

O, P. Mark, 2006, A systematic revision of the asterinid genus Aquilonastra O Loughlin, 2004 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2), pp. 257-287 : 260-261

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Aquilonastra anomala (H.L. Clark, 1921 )


Aquilonastra anomala (H.L. Clark, 1921) View in CoL

Figures 1, 2a, 7a

Asterina anomala H.L. Clark, 1921: 95–96 View in CoL , pl. 7 fig. 8, pl. 23 fig. 5, pl. 26 figs 2, 3.—H.L. Clark, 1938: 143–144.—H.L. Clark, 1946: 133–134.—A.M. Clark and Rowe, 1971: 68, fig. 17g, tbl. 1.— Marsh, 1974: 92.— Marsh, 1977: 270–271, fig. 7, tbl. 2.— Oguro, 1983: 222– 224, figs 5, 6, 12, 13.—A.M. Clark, 1993: 207.— Rowe and Gates, 1995: 33–34.— Waters et al., 2004: 874, 876, 877, tbl. 1, figs 1, 2.

Aquilonastra anomala View in CoL .—OʼLoughlin and Waters, 2004: 11, 13– 15, fig. 1.

Material examined. N Australia, Torres Strait, Darnley I., 30 Apr 1977, WAM Z6849 About WAM (2) ; Kimberley , 17 Jul 1988, Z6843 (1) ; Papua New Guinea, Bismark Archipelago , 1–34 m, 29 Jun 2003, UF 2283 (1) ; 15–22 m, 26 Jun 2003, UF 2217 (1) ; West New Britain, 3–37 m, 17 Jun 2003, UF 2270 (1) ; Christmas I., 13 Feb 1987, Z6851 (1); Lord Howe I., AM J6169 (21) ; 15 Feb 1979, J16574 (2); H.L. Clark, Apr 1932, NMV F95593 About NMV (6) ; 20 May 2003, F97690 (6); 15 Mar 2002, F96699 (1); Solomon Is. 4–6 m, 20 Jun 2004, F94607 (1); 3–5 m, 26 Jun 2004, F94616 (3); Caroline Is. Z6845 (2); Palau, 26 Jul 1999, UF 1740 (3) ; Samoa, F96698 (2).

Diagnosis. Fissiparous Aquilonastra species; up to 8 rays, predominantly 7, broad basally, rounded distally; up to R = 12.5 mm (H.L. Clark, 1938); pedicellariae with differentiated conical valves larger than spinelets sometimes present in proximal interradial angle; up to 4 inconspicuous madreporites seen; abactinal gonopores present.

At R = 8 mm, r = 4 mm, lacking carinal series of plates, upper rays with 2 irregularly arranged longitudinal series of singly papulate plates; plates domed, angled over papulae more than notched; single papula per plate, rarely 2; some secondary plates intergrade with primary plates; spinelets long, thin conical pointed to prominently splay-pointed sacciform, up to about 20 spinelets over projecting surface of each proximal abactinal plate, predominantly in transverse double band, rare clustering of spinelets; distal interradial plates with up to about 6 sacciform splay-pointed spinelets; superomarginal and inferomarginal plates subequal; superomarginal plates each with up to about 8 spinelets, inferomarginal plates each with up to about 16 slightly larger spinelets, marginal spinelets long, splay-pointed sacciform.

Spines per actinal plate up to: oral 7, suboral 5, furrow 6, subambulacral 5, actinal interradial 7 (variable, predominantly 3–4); interradial spines glassy, thin, conical, pointed, spinous, in transverse series or tufts on plates.

Colour (live). “Green, prettily variegated with white and rusky, with traces of red and yellow along the margins” (H.L. Clark, 1921); “green is common as a tinge, if not as a ground colour, and orange and brown are very generally evident; white blotches or markings may occur” (H.L. Clark, 1946); brown with reddish tinge apically, green tinge radially, white interradially, some orange marginally (photo by G. Paulay).

Distribution. N and NE Australia; Papua New Guinea; Lord Howe I.; Solomon Is.; Caroline Is., Palau; Marshall Is.; Fiji; Tonga; Samoa; Cook Is.; 0–37 m ( Marsh, 1974; A.M. Clark, 1993; this work).

Remarks. A distinguishing character for the fissiparous A. anomala is the relatively long, frequently splay-pointed, abactinal spinelets. Green is commonly present in the mottled live colours.


Western Australian Museum


Australian Museum


Museum Victoria














Aquilonastra anomala (H.L. Clark, 1921 )

O, P. Mark 2006

Asterina anomala H.L. Clark, 1921: 95–96

Waters, J. M. & Roy, M. S. 2004: 874
Rowe, F. W. E. & Gates, J. 1995: 33
Clark, A. M. 1993: 207
Oguro, C. 1983: 222
Marsh, L. M. 1977: 270
Marsh, L. M. 1974: 92
Clark, A. M. & Rowe, F. W. E. 1971: 68
Clark, H. L. 1946: 133
Clark, H. L. 1938: 143
Clark, H. L. 1921: 96
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