Aquilonastra doranae, O, 2006

O, P. Mark, 2006, A systematic revision of the asterinid genus Aquilonastra O Loughlin, 2004 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2), pp. 257-287 : 274

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scientific name

Aquilonastra doranae

sp. nov.

Aquilonastra doranae View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1, 3a, 8e

Material examined. Holotype (in alcohol). Japan, Okinawa, Yonashiro Marine Road causeway to Henza I., 26°20'N, 127°56'E, intertidal seagrass, 25 Jul 2004, G. Paulay, UF 3913 . GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Fissiparous Aquilonastra species; rays 6, subequal, short, broad basally, narrowly rounded distally; R = 5 mm, r = 3.5 mm; 3 inconspicuous interradial madreporites; gonopores not evident.

Abactinal plates strongly imbricate, notched for papula; upper ray plates with 1 papula, 2 irregular longitudinal series; plates on sides of rays with 1 papula, 1 longitudinal series, beginnings of second longitudinal series (0–3 plates); spinelets conical or digitiform, distally spinous, up to about 10 spinelets across raised proximal edge of proximal abactinal plates, plate surfaces bare distally; superomarginal plates each with up to about 6 spinelets, inferomarginal plates each with up to about 12 longer splay-pointed spinelets.

Spines per actinal plate up to: oral 5, suboral 3, furrow 4, subambulacral 3, actinal interradial 5 (predominantly 3); interradial spines conical, long, thin, finely tapered.

Colour (live). Mottled red, green, grey, white abactinally; proximal disc area crimson red; proximal rays and interradii dark grey-green to yellow-green; distal abactinal surface mottled pale green, mauve grey, white (photo by G. Paulay).

Distribution. Japan, Okinawa, Henza I., seagrass shallows.

Etymology. Named for Ruth Doran, with gratitude for her assistance in providing asterinid distribution maps.

Remarks. Although only one specimen is available, the fissiparous habit, geographical isolation, green colouration, short rays, thin digitiform or conical spinelets with long spines distally, and up to five actinal interradial spines per plate together support the erection of a new species.

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