Calima dearmasi, Delgado-Santa & Villarreal, 2025

Delgado-Santa, Leonardo & Villarreal, Osvaldo, 2025, On the male genitalia of Calima Moreno-González & Villarreal, with description of a new Colombian species (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae), Zootaxa 5563 (1), pp. 73-83 : 74-81

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5563.1.8

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Calima dearmasi

sp. nov.

Calima dearmasi sp. nov.

Figs 1–6 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6

Type material— ♂ holotype, COLOMBIA: Caldas: Manizales , (5°03′22″N 75°29′34″O); 2,153 m a.s.l.; 04 Feb. 2024; (L. Delgado-Santa leg.); secondary forest inside the campus of University of Caldas, under leaflitter ( CIUQ-25563 ). GoogleMaps Paratypes: 2 ♂♂, same data ( CIUQ-25564 , CIUQ-25565 ). GoogleMaps Other material examined: 1 ♀, same data as the holotype ( CIUQ-25566 ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis— Calima dearmasi sp. nov. shares the shape of the male flagellum with Calima bremensis and Calima embera , being sub-rhomboidal, with almost the same length as the width of the bulb. Calima dearmasi sp. nov. can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the lateral margins of the male flagellum, which are less curved than in Calima embera and are not straight as in Calima bremensis . It differs from all other species of the genus because the Vm 1 is located above the anterior edge of the bulb of the male flagellum ( Fig. 4E, F View FIGURE 4 ). In the other species, this seta is inserted posterior to the anterior edge of the bulb of the male flagellum. Females of the new species can be distinguished from their congeners by the shape of the spermathecae, with both lobes coming into contact medially ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ).

Description— Based on the holotype ♂ (CIUQ-25563) and paratype ♀ (CIUQ-25566). Female same as male except where otherwise noted. Measurements in Table I View TABLE I .

Coloration (in ethanol 70%) ( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ). General pattern moderate brown (58). Chelicerae deep orange yellow (69). Pedipalps, legs and flagellum light olive gray (112), femora I, patellae and tibiae IV light olive brown (94). All body setation deep yellowish brown (75). Propeltidium and mesopeltidium moderate olive (107). Ocular spots pale greenish yellow (104). Tergites grayish greenish yellow (105).

Prosoma ( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ). Propeltidium with two setae in the anterior process (one behind the other) followed by three pairs of dorsal setae; eyespots sub-circular and clearly visible. Metapeltidium entire. Anterior sternum with 10 setae, plus two sternophysial setae, and posterior sternum with five setae.

Chelicerae ( Fig. 2A–D View FIGURE 2 ). Movable finger sharp and curved distally. Serrula composed of 18 hyaline teeth, slightly increasing in size towards distal region; guard tooth and lamella present ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). Fixed finger ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) with five similar sized teeth between two large outer ones, the most proximal one with a small process. Setation ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ): G1 (setae group 1) with three spatulate setae with basal surface covered with spicules ( Fig. 2A, D View FIGURE 2 ); G2 composed of three feathered setae, all subequal in length and longer than movable finger length; G3 with four setae subequal in length, each one consisting of dorsal feathered and ventral serrated surfaces; G4 consisting of three setae, smooth, short and thick, with thin apex; G5A with seven setae subequal in length, feathered apically and longer than the movable finger length; G5B with eight setae, feathered apically and longer than G5A setae length; G6 with one smooth seta longer than half of movable finger length; G7 with three setae feathered from the middle to its apex, decreasing in size from proximal to distal. Setal group formula (G1:G2:G3:G4:G5A:G5B:G6:G7): 3-3- 4-3-7-8-1-3.

Pedipalps ( Figs 3A, B View FIGURE 3 , 4C View FIGURE 4 ). Not sexually dimorphic, without armature, and 1.85x longer than propeltidium. Trochanter: 1.92x longer than high, apical process triangular and slightly projected, with mesal spur; with one ventral row of large setae, with an intermediate row of small setae over the ectal face; mesal face with a row of three setae over the ventral surface, and two setae over the dorsal edge. Femur: ventral surface concave, like the dorsal surface, 2.1x longer than high, dorsal edge about 6 times longer than ventral surface; ventral edge on external surface with setae Fv 1 and Fv 2 near each other; internal surface with Fmv composed by two setae and only one Fmd distally located. Patella: cylindrical, slightly thicker in the distal portion, Pe 3 and Pe 5 in the distal half, 2.4x longer than high, distal edge 1.5x longer than basal edge of segment, ventral region with setae Pe composed by four setae; Pme with two setae; Pm group with four setae. Tibia: Cylindrical, 2.9x longer than high, base as high as patella; length similar to patella, ventral region with Ter group composed by four setae on the distal half, not feathered distally and not spiniform, with a pair of small Tm setae. Tarsus: 2.6x longer than high, approximately half the length of tibia; tarsal claw sharp and curved, length subequal to the length of tarsus; tarsal spurs asymmetrical.

Opisthosoma setae. Tergite I with two pairs of microsetae; tergite II with three pairs of microsetae; tergites II–VIII each with one pair of large Dm setae; tergite IX with Dl1 and Dl2. Sternites I+II with scattered microsetae; sternites III-IV each with one transverse row of approximately 15 and 11 setae, respectively; sternites V–VIII with six anterior setae ( AS) and Vm 2, Vl 1 and Vl 2; sternite IX without AS; sternite X with Vm 1, Vm 2, Vl 1 and Vl 2; sternite XI ventrally not verified; sternite XII without posteriodorsal process, with Dm, Dl 1 and Dl 2, ventrally not verified. Respiratory spiracles are large and oval, slightly sclerotized and darker than sternites.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Gonosternite (opisthosomal sternite I+II) large, occupying approximately half of the opisthosomal length, entirely covered with microsetae, posterior half with a pair of oblique dark stripes, (Pterapophysis: Pt). Opisthosomal sternite III with a pair of areas covered with small diverticuli ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Internal male genitalia framed in a furcula (Fu), which has a pair of flattened longitudinal lateral bars (LBFu), these bars bifurcate posteriorly and form the ventral (VAFu) and the dorsal arms (DAFu). Pt with the distal half broader and 1.47 times longer than the median septum (MS), however, subequal in appearance ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). The folds of the gonopod (FGp) are positioned anterior to the Bridge (Br) ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ).

Spermathecae ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). A pair of C-shaped lobes, with separate bases and their apices directed towards the middle region; with long stalks, longer than the length of the bulb, and with large, rounded terminal bulbs. Bulbs in contact medially, with a pronounced dorsal eminence, and covered with numerous duct openings on their surface; sclerotized duct (Sd) present.

Flagellum ( Figs 3C–E View FIGURE 3 ; 4D–F View FIGURE 4 ). Male flagellum with the pedicel about 22% of the flagellum length. Bulb width and length approximately equal, globose with rhomboidal shape and a conical distal tip in dorsal and ventral view. With one pair of dorso-submedian swellings, located at the middle of the bulb length and reaching the sub-terminal part of the flagellum. Setation: Dl 2 placed medially, next to Vl 1. Dm 4 placed subterminally, anterior to Dl 3. Dm 1 placed next to the basal extreme of the flagellum bulb. Vm 5 placed halfway between Vl 1 and Vl 2. Vm 1 Slightly distally to Vl 1 in lateral view. Female flagellum comprising four flagellomeres and three annuli, 5.03x longer than wide. Flagellomere I without setation; flagellomere II with Dm 1 and Vm 1 present and at the same level, flagellomere III with Dm 1 proximal to Vm 3, flagellomere IV with Vl 1 proximal to Vm 5 and Dl 2, Dl 2 between level of Vl 1 and Vm 5, Dm 4 between Dl 1 and Dl 3.

Distribution— Known only from the type locality ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ).

Natural history— The specimen was collected in an Andean evergreen forest remnant, a secondary urban forest patch impacted by anthropogenic activities. Specimens were found by actively looking under leaf litter and under decaying logs during the day.

Etymology— dearmasi is a patronym in honor of the Cuban arachnologist Luis de Armas, in recognition of his work training numerous Latin American Arachnologists, as well as his contribution to the taxonomy of various taxa, including primarily the schizomids of the Caribbean.

Male genitalia comparison

The male genital structure of Schizomida consists of soft tissues, such as membranes, muscles, the lamina medialis and lobes, as well as rigid structures, primarily represented by the bridge (Br), a pair of pterapophyses (Pt), the median septum (MS), and the furcula (Fu) which is divided into three portions: lateral bar (Lb), dorsal arm (DA), and ventral arm (VA) ( Ruiz & Valente 2023). We studied the male genitalia of three species representing three genera: Calima dearmasi sp. nov. ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ), and two undescribed species of the genera Colombiazomus and Piaroa ( Fig. 5C, D View FIGURE 5 ). For the taxonomic purposes of this study, we focused our comparisons primarily on three rigid support structures —Br, Pt, and MS— and the fold of the gonopods (FGp), which exhibits a certain degree of chitinization.

The Pt are perhaps the most distinctive structures with potential taxonomic utility, particularly when comparing their shape and relative length with the MS. In Calima , the Pt are similar in shape and size to those in Surazomus , however, the distal half is broader ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). The Pt in Colombiazomus and Piaroa are broadly similar to those described for Calima , although the widening occurs closer to the base, and they exhibit a concave shape relative to the midline ( Fig. 5C, D View FIGURE 5 ).

In Calima dearmasi sp. nov., the Br + Pt complex is located closer to the posterior margin of the gonosternite, a condition observed in Colombiazomus and Piaroa ( Fig. 5B–D View FIGURE 5 ). In contrast, this complex is positioned more anteriorly in Surazomus (see Ruiz & Valente 2023: fig. 4A). The MS arises from the medial area of the Br, and varies in size and shape among the four genera compared here. In Piaroa , the MS is approximately the same size as the Pt, with the anterior tip extending much further anteriorly than the Pt. In Calima dearmasi sp. nov., the MS is similar in size to the Pt, while in Colombiazomus and Surazomus , the MS is noticeably shorter than the Pt ( Fig. 5B–D View FIGURE 5 ). The FGp also shows differences, particularly in shape and relative position. In Calima dearmasi sp. nov., the pair of FGp are positioned anterior to the Br ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ), whereas in all the other species studied here ( Fig. 5C, D View FIGURE 5 ), the FGp are located near the posterior border of the gonosternite.

TABLE I. Measurements (in mm) of Calima dearmasi sp. nov.

  Male holotype Male paratype Male paratype
Character CIUQ-25563 CIUQ-25564 CIUQ-25565
Prosoma: 1.58 1.49 1.52
Propeltidium: L/W 1.26/0.87 1.23/0.84 1.25/0.85
Abdomen: L 2.20 1.99 2.10
Flagellum: L/W/H 0.59/0.44/0.19 0.55/0.40/0.18 0.57/0.42/0.19
Trochanter 0.38 0.35 0.36
Femur 0.54 0.49 0.51
Patela 0.52 0.47 0.49
Tibia 0.53 0.48 0.51
Tarsus/claw 0.26/0.10 0.24/0.10 0.25/0.12
Leg I:
Trochanter 0.41 0.36 0.39
Femur 1.45 1.38 1.43
Patella 1.72 1.51 1.68
Tibia 1.27 1.24 1.26
Basitarsus 0.43 0.37 0.39
Telotarsus 0.63 0.58 0.61
Leg IV:
Trochanter 0.42 0.33 0.39
Femur 1.35 1.26 1.32
Patella 0.54 0.48 0.52
Tibia 0.91 0.85 0.88
Basitarsus 0.83 0.82 0.83
Telotarsus 0.54 0.53 0.54

TABLE I. Measurements (in mm) of Calima dearmasi sp. nov.















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