Spirotaenia filiformis G.J.P.Ramos, C.E.M.Bicudo & C.W.N.Moura (2017: 268)

Ramos, Geraldo José Peixoto, Souza, Bruna Fadul De, Ribeiro, Sylvia Maria Moreira Susini & Moura, Carlos Wallace Do Nascimento, 2023, New insights into the diversity and distribution of the genus Spirotaenia (Mesotaeniaceae, Streptophyta) in the Neotropics, including the description of S. tetrahelica sp. nov., Phytotaxa 613 (1), pp. 29-38 : 34

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Spirotaenia filiformis G.J.P.Ramos, C.E.M.Bicudo & C.W.N.Moura (2017: 268)


Spirotaenia filiformis G.J.P.Ramos, C.E.M.Bicudo & C.W.N.Moura (2017: 268) ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 11–18 )

Cells 17–31 times longer than broad, long-cylindrical, narrowed toward the poles, poles rounded. Cells straight or slightly curved. Chloroplast a parietal ribbon making 3.5–8.5 turns, pyrenoids in series, one per turn. Cell dimensions: length 26–94 μm, breadth 1.5–3 μm.

Geographic distribution: South America: Brazil ( Ramos et al. 2017).

Ecology: plankton; bromeliad phytotelmata

Note: This species was described a few years ago based on material collected in bromeliad tanks (phytotelm) in Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. To date, this remains the only known record, suggesting a possible endemic status within Brazil. Its thinnest and elongated cylindrical cells are remarkable, making this species easily to be identified within the genus.

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