Mesoceration longipennis, Perkins, 2008

Perkins, Philip D., 2008, Facial affect recognition in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, Zootaxa 1864, pp. 1-124 : 51-52

publication ID 10.17615/mqt8-8z21

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-07-24 19:40:45, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 14:22:14)

scientific name

Mesoceration longipennis

sp. nov.

Mesoceration longipennis View in CoL new species

( Figs. 70 View FIGURE 70 , 73 View FIGURES 71–74 , 103 View FIGURES 103–104 )

Type Material. Holotype (male): South Africa: Western Cape Province, W. Wiedouw farm, shore washing, 31° 43' S, 18° 43' E, 19 August 1983, Endrödy­Younga (#1946). Deposited in the TMSA GoogleMaps . Paratypes (17): Western Cape Province, Same data as holotype (1 TMSA); Wiedouw farm, river stones, 31° 43' S, 18° 43' E, 19 August 1983, Endrödy­Younga (#1945) (16 TMSA) GoogleMaps .

Differential Diagnosis. M. longipennis individuals are recognized among other members of the rubidum group by the large size (ca. 1.98 mm) and the comparatively elongate elytra (elytra about 2.9 times as long as the pronotum) ( Fig. 70 View FIGURE 70 ). The lack of an elytral carina further distinguishes it from M. fusciceps and M. transvaalense . Individuals of M. longipennis are similar to those of M. rubidum in the lack of an elytral carina (although some individuals of M. rubidum have a very weak carina), and in the swollen form of the 5th and 6th ventrites of males ( Fig. 124 View FIGURES 122–125 ); a relationship of the two species is also indicated by resemblances of the aedeagi ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 71–74 ).

Description. Size (length/width, mm) holotype: body (length to elytral apices) 1.98/0.71; head 0.33/ 0.45; pronotum 0.42/0.53; elytra 1.23/0.71. Dorsum brown to dark brown, sometimes with reddish tint, head darker, lateral areas of pronotum lighter, maxillary palpi and legs testaceous, venter dark brown.

Head with labrum and laterally on clypeus and frons microreticulate, dull. Disc of clypeus and frons shining, finely sparsely punctate, punctures much smaller than 1xef, separated by about 3–5xpd; anteocellar sulci deep. Ocelli distinct. Mentum and submentum microreticulate, dull.

Pronotum cordate, widest near or at midlength; anterior angles rounded, posterior rectangular; sides finely margined, weakly crenulate; anterior margin shallowly arcuate over median 3/4, without hyaline border; dis­ cal reliefs shining, moderately finely, sparsely punctate, interstices ca. 2–4xpd; anteriorly and posteriorly very strongly and distinctly, almost rugosely, punctate; with 10 distinct foveae as follows: two median, an anterior elongate and round posterior, shallowly confluent; a small round anterior and longer, oblique, oval posterior admedian; and a large anterior and large deep posterior adlateral on each side; foveae microreticulate and punctate, dull; each puncture with a fine short seta.

Elytra comparatively long, parallel­sided, or nearly so, apices truncate; sutural apices rectangular; sides smooth, very weakly, if at all, explanate, posterior declivity gradual. Serial punctures small, smaller than largest pronotal punctures, closely spaced, interstices 1xpd or less, progressively slightly finer apically, series 1 weakly striate­impressed; seven series between suture and very weakly raised 8th interval, 6th interval discrete to base; anterior rim of socket of each punctural seta with minute granule. Intervals, except 8th, flat or nearly so, very finely unilinearly punctulate, some punctures with minute granule at anterior margin, width on disc about 2–3xpd; 8th interval very weakly raised, not carinate. All punctures bearing a short fine seta.

Thoracic ventrites and abdominal ventrites 1–4 densely clothed with short setae, except glabrous proventral midlongitudinal area, mesoventral plaques, and very narrow transverse area, glabrous strongly shining, basomedially on metaventrite. Metaventrite with moderately deep median impression. Abdominal ventrites as follow: 1st with sublateral basal carina on each side; 5th almost twice as long as 4th, similarly clothed in basal part, glabrous and shining apical band occupying about 1/3 of ventrite length in midline and tapering to about 1/4 at sides; 6th glabrous and effacedly microreticulate, with transverse band of piliferous punctures.

Legs of male with two spiniform setae on apical protarsomere. Femora and tibiae effacedly microreticulate.

Females slightly smaller than males, with elytra slightly less elongate and elytral apices less distinctly transversely truncate.

Wings fully developed on holotype and all dissected males.

Aedeagus length ca. 0.56 mm; main­piece arcuate in ventral view, narrowest near basal 1/4, sublobate on right side, basal ring large, setae rather long, clustered near distal end of main­piece; distal piece moderately long, straight or nearly so, slightly widened at gonopore; parameres longer than main­piece ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 71–74 ).

Etymology. Named in reference to elongate elytra.

Distribution. Currently known only from the type locality in the western Western Cape Province ( Fig. 103 View FIGURES 103–104 ).

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FIGURE 70. Mesoceration longipennis, dorsal and lateral habitus of holotype.

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FIGURES 71–74. Mesoceration, aedeagi of holotypes. —71. M. bispinum. —72. M. curvosum. —73. M. longipennis. —74. M. natalensis.

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FIGURES 103–104. Geographical distributions of Mesoceration species.

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FIGURES 122–125. Geographical distributions of Prosthetops and Pterosthetops species.


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